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Posts posted by Rikarin

  1. Hum Hum Hum!

    So, when you guys expect

    1) holster, good sights for competition

    2) Approved for production in USPSA

    will be? I frakkin lost my holster in Tucson and either have to buy new holster for .40 which I don't want to shoot anymore or buy XD9+accessaries or wait for MP.

    My local area S&W rep told me about 30-45 days, give or take...like you, I'm waiting for the 9mm but the .40 was a pretty good shooter. Nice Production or IDPA alternative to the Grocks or XD's.
  2. Rika, you might also want to check out the new sights that Dawson is offering for the XD. Rich recomended them to me when I asked about sights for a second XD I picked up. Of course now I'm going to sell it to balance out me buying a new to me limited gun....

    Will do! And... what are you selling??? I am in lookout for 9mm XD Tactical right now.....

  3. I now can shoot a P.F. 131-135 w/o any problems.

    Wow. How the heck you do that??? I did slide lock test (one round in the mags and shoot one mag after anther and see if it locks reliably) and there's noooo way it functions below 140-145. Maybe my load has too much variation. I am envious!! :D :D

    Mine is slide-ligtened (by Rich) and 18# spring. I was shooting with #17 and Robbie shot mine and said "go back to #18" Can't argue with god. It's because slide doesn't close all the way when gently unlocked by hand.

    Like, 140-145 is same PF as factory 9mm!! Why the heck I am shooting this PF for minor. Me waiting for Dave's comptetion sights for XD. Then I will buy 9mm for gods sake.


    UFC/Ulit Champ watching mate

    Gosh! Anyone in Phoenix area who has TV and watch UFC/UC3??? Can I come watch with you? I bring food/beer!

    I decided not to get cable. I am hurting. I dislocated 2 disks doing moving and sorta house-bound now. UFC next week is sooooo looking forwarded by me!

  5. Excatly... they don't follow USPSA rules. So, I guess I need Steel gun and USPSA gun.

    I need to buy 9mm anyways for both USPSA and etcetra. XD40 doesn't cycle well below 145PF (Robbie said 140 but mine doesn't slide lock below 145PF) and its HUUUUUUUUDGE disadvantage for me. So, I got go back to 9mm or something which slide is light enough.

    That sucks :( In USPSA, you'd be right, any gun that's Limited legal, but only loaded to 10 rounds, is L-10 legal.

    You know.... you guys are like, so like upbeat. I wish I can have blind faith in me aaal the time. But it always slips away and hard to hold on to. So, thanks, you too, EricW, for words of blind faith!!

    Riki...just whip'em in Limited Class! :D
  6. I just need to rant. I am bummed.

    After almost like half year shooting, I was told just this tuesday that double-stack production gun has to shoot in Limitted Class, not in Lim10. This sucks big time.

    Tuesday Steel has a lot of mandatory mag-change and all, surely this is way too much disadvantage..... Or well. Gotta get a Glock and high-cap mags, start loading pussycat load or just forget about Tuesday Steel..... My sprit/mind ain't in it shooting knowing my gun is not competitive. This shooting stuff is costing me too much. Argh. Can't keep up with it :(

  7. We had snow, yeah that's right, SNOW in Pacifica, California, not on the hills, but on the beaches earlier this evening!

    Now that's a sight around here ;-)

    What? beaches? In Pacifica? Whoa. End is near...

  8. Yeah, as soon as it made into New York Times article quote "even cuctus are wilting" it started to pour! I mean pour! I can't believe the rain picked smm weekend after 142 days or something.


    Did you guy shoot? Or it is called off? I was going to watch but sorry didn't!

    Well, at least you're HONEST about it! ;)

    PS Thanks for all those Frangibles Phil! At the rate we shoot steel (indoor range) I'll have frangibles until the year 2020

    Quick Update,

    It's 10:15 and it's snowing...heavily. I haven't gotten out of the car yet. Good thing I'm sitting here with my great big hansome smart talented buddy Seeklander.

    This sucks

  9. Thing about him is he looks like alcholic bus driver... and still wins! Amazing! And totally, Andrei is so scary. So spooky too. I don't want to say I am a fan but I am so convinced he is really really good. So good some fights are so boring!

    I have to agree with Sandoz. Fedor is an absolute animal, I highly doubt there is anyone out there that can beat him right now.
  10. Ok guys, I started to feel like big-sis in need to protect retard little brother! No Tito bashing!! ok?? ;):D

    Yeah, when Gracie started this whole MMA thing, BJJ was so new. So like, no one knew how to go against. But nowadays everybody trains with BJJ. And, No-gi BJJ has only limitted number of take-downs avialable. Royce needs to take Matt down BEFORE he get knocked down.. dunno...

    I mean, unlike other sprots, boxing, BJJ, and Muy Thai and those real contact combat sprots need unbelievable amount of determination. I sooooo respect guys who are doing them!! How uncomfortable when I got pinned even while practicing is.. you have to experience it to know. It really really hurts. I always needed to psyche-up to pump a lot of adrenaline, that itself was so tiring afterwards ;) Hope Royce can amp himself up for it, after looooooong absense. Really.

    And old-man Randy is exception. I think that comentator guy said once Randy was doing all alkali diet or something. I can not believe he just doesn't gas out. I bet Randy and Lance Armstrong are ETs.

    Something to look forward :D

  11. I heard the rumore but didn't believeit. Its crazy! Royce vs. Matt. Are you kidding me? It's the biggest fight of the recent history or what? (on 5/27). Staple Ccenter is the venue. Gosh. Hope like, Rocye didn't get his ass kicked... what you guys think?

    BUT BUT BUT!! what I can not miss is actually Forrest vs Tito on 4/15!!! Two of my favorite fighter.. :wub::wub: Oh no! what am I gonna do? My heart will be shattered either way. :( Tito is the cuter one but Forrest is nicer guy. So....... as far as Forrest didn't mess up Tito's cute face, I will go with Forrest. :wub:

    On same day, Andrei vs Tim too. Geesh. maybe I am gonna order DirecTV. Hey, anyone in Phoenix area want to host UFC watching party??? I can bring lots of sushi!! I promise!

  12. ima45dv8 - yes. she is small asian woman with oriental accent (hey, thats me!) so I feel pretty comfortable. Did undergraduate and gradute in China. and then doc too. Published a book and stuff.

    My first one was white woman and yeah, she did stick needles ok but I just didn't feel she's holistic.

    I am having hangover from acupuncture today. Sooo tired...

    XRe - your post on elobow kinda started to push me towards trying it.. thanks!

    and AikiDale - yeah... I am hoping. Really. I have list of dojo on my desk but when I can go back, I have no idea. It really bums me out. I really like BJJ.

  13. Karen!

    I totally remember you... we were like, chatting about UFC fighters at Area 2. You rock.

    I decided not to get TV. Lots of moeny and less productivity. So, went place called Buffalo Wild Wings. No cover charge for watching the fight. Kinda crazy idea since like, you know, its either amped up male custmers or youg cute girl waitress. Aaaaah, Randy's era is over. Sad :( He's been my hero and will be....

    I missed Rich Franklin's fight on this past Sat. For next fight, I will drag you to the BFF! We are gonna have fun, aren't we???

  14. I grew up with this needle stuff. I knew the theory and everything and maybe because I took it granted, I never tried.

    But Shoulder pain (inflamed tendons) were so bad, it was hurting from wrist to middle back and to shoulder and neck. Tore knee meniscus pain persistent and I can't even do stationery bikes, Finally a friend convinced me to try acupuncture.

    Holy macaroni!

    After tow visits, shoulder pain is almost gone except for the original inflamed tendon. Knee doesn't hurt even after half hour of stationery bike. I can't believe its just like that.

    It wasn't easy first though. I am extremely afraid of needles!! After I broke down crying on first visit, it came to me why I am afraid (childhood physical abuse) and needed to overcome the fear.It was really hard job but I found the way out.

    So like today, I had both shoulders stiff like rocks from arthritis caused by old motorcycle accidents. Needles for half hour and geesh, its soooooooo much easier!! It's almost like magic.

    I am convert now. Highly recommended.

  15. Wow, great thread, actually ;) Since I moved to AZ, basically everywhere get so dry. I think I can grate daikon-radish using my heels!! Seriously!

    And, I stopped using suregrip (that hand drying thing) :( It cracks the tip of the fingers and it hurts like hell! Nextcare has crack sealing stuff but next time I might use superglue for gods sake.

    Udder Blam is interesting. I know a guy who swear by Aveda too. I use lactic-acid products.

    But Merlin why the heck tire produts???? :o :o

  16. Couldn't find the original thread... so what the heck and I am goona start....

    Just frakking unbelievable. I saw the new mini-series last night. What a great production. Better than so many movies out there! Great casting - all believable, real people. Great char actors and performance - so much emotions I can feel, I was crying with them constantly, in real, just exhausted in 1 hour or so and needed to pause and regroup! Not only that, it was good war movie too and all I can say was WHOA! And the lines! Who wore the script? Every time the Admiral gives speeches, I had chills. Never happened before watching the movie!

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