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Posts posted by firewalker

  1. Well after dissambling it and drying it, does still not shut off. I think i will call them and return it for repair. But the c-more is only a few months old. Is it that common for them to stop working after rain? Any way to waterproof the thing? Thanks for the replies

  2. Help, I drownded my c-more in the rain and now it refuses to turn off. It is the big knob click type. I blew out the battery space, under the diaode place, and around the knob with compressed air that i use on my keyboard. This helped a little but it still is on. I also tried WD-40 in same places to remove mosture.Even tried 5 mins with a hair dryer.

    Any help would be appriciated.


  3. I shot the nationals, while i did not place, that does not mean that i shot poorly. Of the last 3 nationals i have shot this one seemed to be the best.

    The courses of fire were challenging. Yes maybe they were simple concepts, But how many of those that showed can say that they won that "simple" stage? :huh: I found that in the course of shooting the match, my points were much better if i shot them at the skill level i was at. If i felt it was to easy and tried to "burn" down the stage i was usually comsumed in the fire.

    I spoke with no one that shot the match that felt like the nationals was a "farce" this year

    When i shoot a match i dont look at the stage and ask if its "tactical" I ask how they want it shot and try to shoot it as fast as possible with in those guide lines. Those that talk on here that it was not a nationals lvl match need to look in the mirror and ask themselves why they didnt shoot better? :o

    On a better note i met a lot of good shooters, and saw a lot of old friends ;) Even put a few faces with names on here now.

    Other than the good shooters i saw,and good match i shot in, and new people i met there was also the side match that i really liked B) How many liked the BUG Match?

    Everyone was heads up, same guns, same ammo.same course. All i will add at this point is more BUG BUG BUG :ph34r:

    Frederick Haring

  4. Keep in mind that the new rules were in force. If during the equiptment check when you first came on bay if, you had to adjust equiptment you score sheet was marked, The second time it was marked you earned a PE,

    There is also brain fade, timer goes off mind goes blank..;o)

    I worked a stage where the COF it was stated in walk thru what was a legal reload and where it must take place (behind hard cover) The hardest part was the reload cound not be initiated until completely behind hardcover, those that chose to sweep for mag before behind hardcover earned a PE.

    But looked at in the larger picture . in 18 stages....firing out of order, brain fade,creeping,cover,illegal reload, extra rounds in limited count.ect......1 PE average per shooter dosent sound that high. :ph34r:

    Ok i came back to edit. I worked the 2006 nationals. I dont think that any PEs were handed out....We went out of our way to avoid them.....THEY WERE EARNED.....we simply awarded them to you.

    Frederick Haring

  5. Last years nationals there was a prize ticket inside the shooters bag that you recieved. Exchange it at the IDPA prize table. It was totally random, and i suppose if you gave a friend your ticket they could pick up the prize for you. The table was open during lunch and most times i was there.


  6. After reading thru the topic titles i thought i would start a thread on positive parts of our sport.

    This will be my third nationals, i shot in 04 and 05. Both experiences were a blast. I met a lot of good shooters. I was a RO at both events and will be this year.

    The courses of fire were challenging as my shooting progresses, I am looking foward to working with everyone again this year and hope to meet more shooters, and mostly just have a good time. :P

    Good shooting if you are going

    Frederick Haring

  7. with IDPA Nat's less than a month away, their are probably some realy successfull IDPA shooters who are on this forum that will stay away from this topic just so they don't cuase no trouble here which in turn might follow them to Nat's. ask this question again after Nat's, especially if some shooter gets DQ'd after the fact, like last year.

    ok this sounds like trolling :wacko:

  8. I started by shooting IDPA, I had heard of USPSA but never felt like it was for entry level competition. In the last year i have started shooting USPSA, Yes they are diffferent but the same in so many ways.

    The shooters, what can i say? there are many nice shooters in both sports. I have found that if a shooter is an ass in one he usually is in both sports and in general :huh: .

    Find one or both and just have fun. I now shoot 3- gun and am having a blast :lol:

    We are all just sport shooters anyways, I never understood running down one mans sport for another. I may not enjoy your sport as much as the one im shooting now but that dosent mean i have a right make your shooting miserable....my .02

    Frederick Haring

  9. I reciently also had this problem with a new STI, It turned out to be the mag button, which was stock, was in contact with the holster causing the mag button to particially start the release, the spring pressure and rounds keeping the magizine in place. With in the first few shots the mag flies out. I cleared the holster in the area where it contacted the button and solved the problem.

    Try checking contact points on your holster with gun in it. Hope this helps

    Frederick Haring

  10. Very good match. Congrats to Bubber. Jay C. won Limited, I dont remember who won A, B class was Roger R.....

    And well the rest of us were spread out lower :wacko:

    But it was a good match and very challenging. Comming from an IDPA back ground i think i need to practice accuracy a bit.

    As mentioned the prize table was awsome, 4 guns with 20+ shooters.

    The bright spot is that is the most revolver shooters I have seen in one place competing, I hope it is done again next year.

    Frederick Haring

  11. Ok took ma 625 outa moth balls and oiled it, ready for tomorrow.. :P:P

    Saw Bubber was allready in town, so its time to shoot.

    Off to last min equiptment checks and ammo reloading :ph34r:

    Frederick Haring

  12. Ok im not sure why this thread is still alive :blink: It seems that some shooters have a hard time with what they precieve as bad SOs. If we were at fault then i hope we do better next time. We take the time to train and certify, then we work a match some times for match fee paid. Its personal rewards are tremendous, we try to be competators, then we attempt to insure everyone has a safe match, and that they follow the rules. From the last 2 nationals i worked i saw 0 PEs given, All were EARNED.

    Now that i understand that the SO dosent always give the shooter a fair shake, I will ask a straight foward question and give example with out names. :(

    I shot last year at a major match badlands, I was squadded with a very rude shooter, Every stage he got up in front so no other shooters could see the stage,,,he air gunned every stage in front of SOs. he was generally an obnoxious shooter. OK as my question, do i as a competator and SO...(not working this match) have to tollerate this behavior? I complained to the match director and nothing resulted. the end result for me is i will never squad with this shooter again, I will ask to be resquadded.

    For all the shooters that get unjustly accused i apoligise. But believe me there are some that do deserve the PE.

    Frederick Haring

  13. I was a SO at the nationals this year, I find it totally unexceptable for shooters to always except that "this was done to me because" It was not Bill Wilson, nor IDPA that did anything to anyone at the nationals. Has it crossed anyones mind that maybe he earned his DQ? :blink:

    As for rules being unfairly used, the circumstances around an act defines how it is ruled. Because a shooter is a Grandmaster or just a marksman shooter had no influence on there being a PE. I just hate when these forums turn into a slam IDPA because of the rules....IF u cant follow the rules, EXPECT that u will EARN a PE.

    and Yes I EARNED 1 proceedural :ph34r:

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