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Posts posted by shoot

  1. Has anyone out there felt kinda dumb in 90-100 degree sun baked searing misery putting on your 5.11 tactical vest just to shoot.

    I was watching some of the shooters with Hawaiian shirts this past weekend. Some with what looked like two sizes too small shirts and huge side pockets on each side. Looked like attempts to stretch the ol rules a bit.

    At the end of a day at deaths doorstep while running through doors and grabbing up piles of tactical pre positioned mags then trying to stuff em in my 5.11 tac sweat drenched cover .... it dawned on me.

    Anyone out there make tactical hawian shirts that are breezy cool with huge side pockets?

    Is it legal to just make a shirt on your own with nice stiff draw friendly features? How far can you go making your own ? Is there a step by step procedure to push the cover garment for hot conditions. I look like an idiot anyway wearing a coat ... sure wouldn't feel dumber in a tourist garb....

    Surely somebody out there in heat stroke land has come up with a perfect breezy light weight cover that is IDPA legal. I don't want to reinvent the wheel here just find away for the next IDPA shoot to be as comfortable as possible.


  2. I'm going to go check out a few 1-4's and find something that I can get use to quickly.

    Your right about 3x being too much as one has to call the shot and move on.

    I think the only choice for me is a halo dot or a 1-4. May as well make the jump now.

    Thanks for the help. I've made up my mind to go 1-4 ... just have to find a good deal on something I won't want to replace too soon that I can grow into.

  3. I stuck an old but goodie leopold 3-9x40 on it last night and did some 100 yard box testing. Leo's are great.

    On stage design ... heck I just shoot and live in awe of fast rifles on a COF. I know you guys love it too but it's an art that has many techniques.

    It seems to me so far that rifles with Iron sights, dots, scopes have nuisances in technique that must almost mirror the match directors who just like iron in rifle or revolver in pistol it can be a cruel advantage that gets shooters rightfully upset. When in Rome do as ... Cesar ?

    Question: 3-9 scope on the close targets I think they are running it instinct. That was one of my primary questions.. if I should just practice 20yards in point shooting with the smoke and hope technique.

    Like I said seems one has to figure what he wants. I have a distinct advantage in that I have no delusions of my skill and will bang my head against a weakness until it becomes a strength. There isn't much out there on techniques and drills for ipsc rifle. Any suggestions on some good reading or DVD's ?

    I'm going to go talk to a mentor that will help me.

    I'm thinking about picking up a Leo VX-II 1-4 or one of the new Mark 4 1-4's .... I just don't want to want something else to compete later at different clubs. Iron sights rifle is out for me because of my eyes and skill level.

    My club has 600yard range and they shoot regular out to 300 so the game seems to be optics.

    1-4 sure sounds like a good middle ground but 3-9 seems to be what the matches are getting set up for if you know what I mean.

  4. I am setting up my AR for some rifle Ipsc fun out to about 200.

    Here is the question and just wondering who is running say a 3-9x 40mm Leopold verses say dot optics like a halo eotech etc.

    Do most run and gun on the close targets aiming down the barrel at center then get quick accurate shots off for the 200 or 300 targets.

    I have a bushmaster predator (20" bbl) flat top... should I stick my eotech dot or my 3-9x leopold

    Club likes 5" targets out at 200-300 ... they sure look small through a dot but I could get use to anything with practice.

  5. I'm the serious one of my bunch. Most would say it's my problem but it's always been my sop to let my shooting do the talking.

    We are just talking reciprocity with good friends after they start it.

    Maybe we should have asked when it is appropriate to tell a funny joke or have fun with a friend in the heat of a good competition. I didn't think that was called for as it goes under good sportsmanship.

    I wish I knew a couple good one's to break the ice and even make a range nazi grin.

    All in all it's me that is a stick in the mud as I never speak or say a word until someone breaks the ice and gets me to laugh.

    I wish that I could reciprocate on those occasions and just thought with all the range time in this forum somebody has heard a real tear jerker funny joke ... then again if it's gotta be spur of the moment ad lib that requires wit.

    So we are only talking under perfect circumstances ... I don't want them to shoot bad ... sheesh ... just smile

  6. Any local match I'm shooting with my friends, which is almost everyone, we're always joking around. Depending on the day it continues right up through "make ready". As long as everyone is having fun we don't care in the least.

    Same at our local matches, there is alot of mind game going on between a few of us. It all in fun and only done to those that can handle it. It usually a small back handed comment, like "hey, you're shooting great" or "you're winning the match". sometimes its a little more direct like having a someone say "no pressuse, don't screw up" right before you shoot shoot a classifier. But the thing is, if you asked which was the best way to shoot the stage, etc. everyone would give you good advice.

    I know that I'm too serious and this is a great sport to have fun with.

    I would never want them to stop but they do because I'll be off in a mental visualization thing and into some serious maku mozo.

    Heck if they didn't joke with me it wouldn't be fun and I'd find another sport because I already have a job... this is for fun and I need a good one now and then.

    Those are some good joking around comments that I get above ... What are some more favorites out there?

    Something to get a laugh .

  7. You are correct about not believing...pragmatist that I am...it was hard to believe then and hasn't gotten any easier in the interim.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Like a mantra in TM it is for the individual. If you share the word or words one risks loosing it's power. Perhaps hypnosis can be a way to find one's individual mantra to create focus and Maku Mozo.

    It just works but how do we create it in this sport? A mantra to create the focus? If so it is unique to the individual .... imho.

    We are the fortunate ones that know it even exists and I love hearing how fellow shooters turn it into an advantage.

  8. I'm one of those guys who is just too serious when shooting. It's obvious.... but I'm running through the COF in my mind of course etc ...

    Now that I'm starting to get better and pushing at my friends scores they are playing mind games getting me laughing.

    Now that doesn't bother me although friendly reminders, hexes and jokes especially bring to me need for reciprocity.

    Help me out here.

    In friendly club shoots of course what are some of your favorite jokes and mind games to break the ice and have a little fun just before they shoot.

    Zen jokes would be especially appreciated as they know I'm a Maku-Mozo shooter.

  9. Zen is enlightenment itself, in the moment as if to control oneself in time and space.

    Or Zen is a finger pointing at the Moon.

    Stick a target on the moon and slap hubble with a dot on your rocket rifle... do the math ... be not the moon but the x ... Call the shot then on to a tougher shot. <eyes look for T2>

    "To Shri Guru Dev I bow down."

  10. Zen is enlightenment itself, in the moment as if to control oneself in time and space.

    It is to become part of the moment and to grasp across even a chasm of distance to become the object. There can be no other thoughts because like the x it has none and you are the x.

    Then you have called your shot and left the linear moment your mind is trapped in. Also as if a drug it becomes something one strives for and seeks. This moment of zen

    To me calling the shot allows one to at least experience it more often with competitive run and gunning. I have used and become addicted to Zen in long distance shooting where one must find reproducible ways to bend impossible distances and time itself to become the x and merely concentrate through oneself.

    zen is an escape from linear ... kind of like how you may think my concept of zen and myself have left the boat... lol... it has made me a better shot but more or less it is to me the goal itself. To be in that moment.

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