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Posts posted by CPUFIXER

  1. Looks like the forward set sear trigger makes it feel like a 1911 trigger. What front sight you got on it.

    Dawson front/Warren rear? (Scott chime in if I'm wrong)And yes, that is the new forward set sear trigger.

  2. I don't know where my mentor Bruce Gray placed, but he cleaned the plates and was only 2 points down on the barricade. I think that's a record in production.

    if he cleaned plates, he's shot a 1868-113x which is an exceptional score for production. that would have won him last year.

    he hasn't competed since the 2000 world shoot.

  3. I wrote a long drawn out version of the events that led up to it but here's the short version.

    On stage 18, the 5th of 6th stages I shot the first day, I followed my sights looking at a target while moving down range and broke the 180. I knew it the second the RO called stop. I looked down at my feet in relation to the target and there was no doubt. As an RO myself, I would have called the same thing.

    I showed clear, and explained to my squad what had happened. I thanked the RO's for working the match and shook their hands (just like everyone does...or should).

    I did not whine, complain, throw a fit (or my mags) and just thought, "that's about par for the course for how the week had progrssed so far."

    I wish it turned out differently (I was actually shooting pretty well before that) but I wish my squad good luck. (Squad 14)

    Will I go next year?.....

    Of course! :cheers:

    edit...to all the people who IM'd me about the long version, let's say a trip to the ER the day before I had to shoot was not in my plans..(neck problem, couldn't move neck...looked like Frankenstein)

  4. As my 1st major match to RO is coming up soon, I have some questions that, albeit seem obvious to some, would help me in preparing for the match.

    1. Do you have the rules memorized (or at least the big ones, ch. 10 for example)?

    Scenario: Something happens during the COF (breaking the 180 let's say). You say "STOP!" to the shooter, "Unload, and show clear...If clear, hammer down and holster." After this, the shooter asks why you stopped him. Do you cite the Rule # right there on the spot? or do you say, "you broke the plane of the 180, hold on let me look up the actual rule#"?

    2. If a shooter during the COF has a squib, what are the immediate commands I should give? 5.7.7 just says that I'm supposed to take whatever steps I deem necessary to return the range to a safe condition. Does that include "Stop!", "Unload and show clear?" (clearly he couldn't do that). Do you have the other RO record the time at that moment or wait until the gun is cleared? 5.7.7 also says I'm supposed to inspect the gun, do I ask for the gun right then and there when the shooter stopped?

    I just don't want to seem unsure of myself after making a call.

    (maybe I'll just keep score this time :mellow: )

  5. Recently we had a stage where a competitor shot at a popper, hit it, it did not fall. The competitor took another shot, however this time he missed it. The popper in question does finally fall. After all is scored, the popper is inspected and found that the spring for the popper had fallen out prior to setting it before the start of the stage.

    Now, the popper did fall after he shot it, it was just VEEERRRY slow to fall. Does he get an automatic reshoot due to range malfunction?

  6. In our match yesterday, we had one shooter reshoot the classifier (same gun/division). I re-rentered the competitor and set him as a "RE-ENRY" and his name appears in yellow on the comp. list. I entered his re-shoot score for the classifier, so far, so good.

    When I go to run the activity reports for the match I review the "upload file" vs. what is actually on the printed activity report. I noticed that only the original classifier score is listed in the activity report webfile, not the better re-shoot score that is listed on the activity report printout. I thought it was always supposed to take the better of the two scores. (yes I even checked the box marked "include re-entries" eventho I shouldn't have to for the upload file)

    Am I missing something? (see attached pdf's)

    note: EZWS v. 4.04

    Match info is set for USPSA LEVEL 1.


    08-15-10 activity report.pdf

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