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Posts posted by T3P_Guy

  1. 13 minutes ago, Dirty_J said:

    Rapid city? South Dakota? 😂 


    That’s gotta have even less airline options than Cameo. No way. 

    A Nationals even should ONLY been hosted within 90 mins of a MAJOR metropolitan airport. There should be no compromise on this. 

    We have a large regional airport that has 5 airlines located 25 minutes from the range, it's more than large enough to handle all the people flying in. 


    I'm unsure as to why you feel this is a deal breaker for a range, if it was a setup like what's in Grand Island, NE where it's about impossible to fly into I would get it

  2. On 9/15/2023 at 5:52 PM, broadside72 said:

    The proposed Rapid City range might be nice, if it ever gets built. Currently proposed for 18 action bays (30yd by 50yd being the smallest) and only 12 miles from Rapid City, so transportation is easy and there is some touristy stuff to do in the region. One issue would be the build plan lacks a large enough building for awards/dinner on-site.


    But it would need to get approved, funded and built for any actual consideration. 

    The Rapid City range project is a go, first phase of construction has been bid and awarded for all the dirt work and range surfaces for the entire project. The start date is open with a completion date of November of 2024.

    As far as a large enough building on site the planned building wouldn't be large enough for 500+ people but there is The Box event center 9 miles straight down the road that as 60,000 sq feet of available room.

  3. 3 hours ago, BritinUSA said:

    Hopefully there will be a lot of pine trees surrounding the range, it will help to alleviate the wind that can build up in that area. 



    That would be a nice thought anyways...It's far enough east of the hills to be on the plains though. The bays face north and it's in a bit of a ravine so I don't think it'll be too terrible.

  4. 40 minutes ago, Toolguy said:

    It seems like shots from the long range bay might be able to go over the berm into the Action bays? It might be better for the rifle shooters if the long range and 200-300 yard ranges were together. I'm trying to be helpful, not critical. 

    With the topography there is no chance of that happening. 

    The long range bays shoot into a hill and the action bays are over the crest of that hill and down in a bit of a ravine on the other side. 

    The land is anything but flat and they don’t want to preserve the natural lay of the land as much as they can, that’s why the action bays are not all in a solid line all the way down. It does look a bit goofy in the drawings but it makes sense if you look at it in person. 

  5. 4 hours ago, BritinUSA said:

    For a Nationals it would need to have around 20-24 bays, a World Shoot would need 32 (30 for the competition, one for function fire and one for chrono).


    It's possible to double up two small stages on one berm but it usually causes a backlog.


    Do you know if GF&P have reached out to Ellsworth AFB ?


    I'm wondering if they may be interested in occasional use of the facility for training their security teams, and if so a potential source of additional funding. FYI, they are helping to fund the new gym at Box Elder to replace their current facilities in the Pride Hangar which they need for the new B2-1.


    GFP has reached out to EAFB and they are choosing not to do anything at this time. I'm sure after construction has started or completed they'll be more inclined to pay for usage of the place. We do have a number of local law enforcement groups committed to the range though, thus the versitile training bay in the drawings.

    The drawings have changed a little bit but not a ton, when we get new ones back prior to the bid process I'll be happy to share with you guys.

  6. As part of the stake-holders committee it's a very exciting project to be a part of. 

    It's going to be a stage Game Fish & Parks range and they are VERY accommodating toward us and our needs on the competition side of things. One thing they want and expect out of us is to help bring in large matches and people to the area. Governor Noem is also behind the project as well which doesn't hurt either.


    They are really wanting it to be a top-notch facility and it's been a few years in the planning so far. Like Britton posted, the land has been purchased, the engineers have drawn up really nice plans, the impact study has been finalized and is good to go. We are currently working on a section line relocation with the county that will be going in for round 2 next month. After that is completed it will be going out for bid with a projected start date of January. 


    There's still a bit of fundraising needing to be done but a lot of that will begin falling into place when the range is at least operational in some way shape or form so fundraising will all be considered for "Range Improvement" instead of range construction. 


    Anyways, it's really coming together with a great group of guys heading up the project at GF&P and our local USPSA club are REALLY excited to begin holding our club matches there and eventually begin hosting larger events as well.


    If any of you guys have any suggestions or have any leads on fundraising that worked for you guys we are all ears, especially our small local club fundraising. We are going to be needing to fundraise for a building, trailer(s) and something to pull said trailer with. A long with all the extra stuff to move from holding 4-5 stage monthly matches on a range with 2 bays to all the props and things to hold proper 6 stage matches spread across 6 bays.


    --Bruce Schmidt

    President of Prairie Thunder Gun Club


  7. I know 15 is an easy round number but have you guys thought about 16 round production? I know a lot of major matches I shot this year seems to think that the go-to round count for a stage should be 32. This would add a little additional spice to stage planning on 32 round stages with the possibility of anywhere from 1-3 reloads depending on stage design and amount of risk you want to take...

  8. It was my first nationals as well and I have a pretty huge mixed bag of feelings on the whole thing. 



    I thought the stages were very vanilla uspsa courses which I don't think is a bad thing for a nationals as it seemed pretty representative of all the various skills needed to be successful in our sport. 


    I liked the mix of short medium and long courses in a zone, my only grieviences with this was the flow of zone A. I think they really needed 1 more short/medium course packaged in with the chronograph stage to even out the flow and help prevent a backup on stage 1. I'm sure the number of bays available was the main issue here. 


    The range and location were excellent! Reasonable drive to our hotel in Oxford with lots of restaurants right there. I would love to shoot more majors at CMP even though it's 1/2 way across the country from me. 


    ROs seemed to be in good spirits and were helpful and seemed to really try to do a good job for the most part. 


    Constant supply of cold water in between each bay was very great and they seemed to do a great job of keeping the coolers stocked and full of ice. Huge props to them on that! 


    Sorry for the guys that didn't get food, I thought it was really good as I was one of the first 50 or so thru the line. Too bad they didn't have more of it. 



    Things they should work on improving:

    Bathroom situation was embarrassingly bad. Whoever decided to save a few bucks by not having a minimum of 1 outhouse for 2 bays should be forced to use on the the nearly overflowing outhouses for a month. 


    Target presentation, I liked seeing them use 2x2s for target sticks, I wish more than 1 bay would of been equipped with door shims to shim them into the target stands though so they didn't blow around in the wind and it just makes pasting easier as well. 


    Poppers were old and a few of them were super jankey. I didn't experience any issues with stuff not falling when shot but that comes down to luck, they should of had newer equipment then that out there to determine a national championship. I ended up watching a top 10 shooter on my squad get knocked out of the top 10 by having to shoot a popper 3 times in the calibration zone to get it to eventually fall. 


    RO instruction prior to the match, we had a number of shooters on our squad with flashlights. You could tell the ro staff was given no formal training or instruction as to how to check if a flashlight worked. There was no proper range commands given any of the times I saw guys get checked, I swear I saw 1 ro put his hand in front of the light to see if it turned on. I don't blame the ro staff, this is an issue that the NROI should of addressed prior to the match and instructed everyone on. 


    I don't mind people smoking cigars and enjoy them myself but if you are an RO at a major match I don't think you should have the timer in one hand and a lit cigar in the other when you're running shooters but maybe that's just me. 


    A little instruction as to if beer was OK or not to have at the awards ceremony would of been nice, possibly something they needed to clarify in the match book so more people could of been in there earlier instead of enjoying a cold beverage in the parking lot. 


    Not having preprinted official match books was super annoying. I know our organization doesn't like commiting to things in hard print but it would of made referring to the schedule way easier.


    I don't think there is any valid reason at any major match to not have the written stage brief laminated and posted with each stage from the prematch through the entire match. It's annoying to me that the ROs seem to only have 1 copy of it and they keep it stored away and it disappears with them if they aren't on the bay. 


    Prize table seemed to be a CF. It blows me away that more matches don't handle it like they used to at the IRC when it was at the Hogue Range in CA. They had the prize packages all bundled up, numbered and the entire list printed off and given to all the competitors. They would just go through the list of finishes and you go up, grab the number of the package off the board and turn it in so they can hand you the prize pack. It was fast, efficient, you could see what was still left and what was taken as it went. The other thing is it highlights the sponsors and shows what everyone donated and who the big donators were. Not that I'm there for a prize table as we left when that mess started but it would of been neat to know what was all in that room. 



    Overall it thought it was a pretty good match but the whole thing kinda blurred together for me as all the stages were very very similar. Looking back it's tough for me to remember which zone each stage was in, I'm not sure if it had to do with the fact they named everything in Italian with no translations until a social media post on day 2 or if it was overload from it being my first nationals. I think they should of color coded each zones walls or something to differentiate them other than zone C being pretty much all classic targets and A and B being totally interchangeable. 


    Overall match experience I would give it a 7/10, would shoot again. 

  9. I got one of these to replace my RF100 as I couldn't stand the tin sounding rattle the thing makes ALL the time when it's running. 


    I've been pretty happy so far, it only came with the V2 plate though and it wouldn't feed ANY federal primers out of the box, after reading through this thread and tearing it apart I went with the shim mod, instead of using post-it notes I used pieces of blue painters tape to see if that would help any and it works like a champ now. I've loaded around 3500 primers in the last week with it and haven't had any issues. No upside down primers and no feed issues until it gets down under 50 or so primers. It feeds super fast if I keep around 200-300 primers in the bowl, if I get any more than that it is pretty slow feeding.

  10. Were you able to find a replacement slide that isn't a ton of money yet? 


    I have one if you're interested. I'm not sure on the details of it but it does need some fitting to slide all the way onto either of my S2 frames, it drags just a little bit in the middle part of the slide. 


    It's an odd slide in that it has a fixed front site that's actually milled in with the slide so I figured it would be great to just mill flush with the slide for a super smooth look running carry optics. 

  11. Just now, djb25 said:


    Yep, it's a 4.75" barrel. Same length as a limited pro, but it doesn't have the fancy polygonal rifling.


    Thanks sir, I've been meaning to call EAA about it since their website couldn't possibly be more vague in the description of what constitutes a "long slide" to them.


    Nice gun btw :cheers: 

  12. I would start with pulling the piston apart and making sure that it is clean and slides easily in the barrel ring, I found using a wire wheel is the easiest way to clean that, the inside of the barrel ring and the mag tube.

    Next, try removing the lifter from your trigger assembly and make sure that the two ears that attach it to the trigger group are straight and parallel to each other. The ears are quite easy to bend and to end up out of alignment which can cause some weird feed issues.

    The other thing to watch is the spring that is under the shell catch (the one behind the back of the catch that is between the catch and the receiver, it can get kicked off to a side which will cause it to feel kind of clicky when you push in the bolt release button when the gun is empty. If this happens you can reach in with a pick and get it straightened out.

  13. Lots of DQ'd shooters. Weather related?

    Not from what I saw. I witnessef 6 of them. 2 were from shooters abandoning their guns on a table instead of the dump buckets. One was from not fully abandoning their shotgun before grabbing their handgun from their holster.

    One was a safety not being engaged in an abandoned shotgun. One was a 180 violation, not a trap.

    One engaged a target after the marker stating where it had to be engaged from.

    They did spot check shooters shotgun load outs before they started a stage. I know there was one shooter that got dq'd before he even got to fire a shot because he was shooting tag ops and ended up counting out 10 rounds in his shotgun.

    There wasn't anything difficult and no real traps that I experienced. The stages were way better than the Kentucky match IMHO.


  14. Previous regionals had 2 stages with long range, one is usually around 200ish yards and the other ends up around the 350-400ish range. I'm sure that this one will be more of the same. They also will run one shotgun stage that will have some slugs which at the prior matches were either at the very beginning of the stage or the end. Nothing too difficult for shots and the stages aren't overly complicated. Vegas gave lots of options as to how to shoot the stages and what guns to use, Kentucky was much more straight forward without a lot of options as to how to shoot the stages.

    It should be another smooth match with a great prize table. We can't wait.

    --Bruce Schmidt

  15. Bullpup,

    One other thing to check that I was also having problems with was when I would push the bolt release all the way down it would sort of click. I found that the front spring got a little out of place as it isn't retained where it contacts the rear part of the shell stop and would cause some binding.

    My 930 is the one what was having the issues that Bob was talking about, when I got it the previous owner had the same problems that you guys are having with full power slugs. It eventually started having the same problem with birdshot also.

    When I got it I went through the whole thing and cleaned it, polished up any wear areas and took care of anything that seemed to cause any binding.

    I saw that the gas system return spring was causing marring and scratching the crap out of the bottom side of the mag tube so I rebent the end of that, cleaned it up and polised the gouges out of the mag tube.

    Then when pushing the pusher assembly against the receiver against the return spring I found that it would slightly bind up on the spring as the spring was a little too large in diameter so I retwisted the spring at that point so it would fit tighter around the mag tube. At this time I also put a taper on the inside of the pusher assembly where the spring enters it to help guide it and to avoid the binding.

    I then focus'd on the shell stop assembly and I put a bevel on the rear shell catch at the top so if the lifter was able to make it on top of the shell catch the bolt would be able to push it past and back to the down position. I also polished the front shell catch that retains the shells in the mag tube knocking off any sharp edges that contact the shell. I also put a round profile cut in the side of the catch which made loading seem easier and now the shell releases just a little bit sooner. Now instead of the shell catch looking like | it now looks more like ( .

    The lifter arms were very bent as Bob was saying, they were twisted and not parallel to each other. I have wear marks on the right side of my trigger housing where it was rubbing for a long time and when pushing it up by hand you could feel it dragging compared to his Rythym so we had to do some tweaking to get it back into shape. The metal is really quite soft and it is very easy to bend so be careful.

    The other thing to watch is to make sure that the piston is clean and properly assembled. I had some problems with the bolt not quite going into battery, when I pulled the bolt back I could see the two pins of the pusher sticking into the receiver and when I took the forearm off i could see that the piston was bound up where it enters into the loop under the barrel. I pulled it out and pulled the seal apart on the piston and it had chunks of debris in it stopping it from sliding freely in barrel. After a cleaning at the range it seems to be functioning properly now.

    Now the only problem my gun is having is once in awhile I get a shell that gets cocked to the side and the front of the shell is hitting the right face of the barrel. I'm not sure if it is just the lifter needing some light adjusting or it if is caused by the radius on the top of the rear shell stop. Otherwise the gun seems to be running fine and I haven't had the bolt lock back or it not feed a shell after grinding, reshaping and tweaking everything I did.


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