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Posts posted by luttrell625

  1. Just to clarify, I wasn't criticizing Middle Man's comment. I had hoped when I first saw that the 5" wasn't in the catalog that some printing or clerical tragedy had occurred, but no such luck. Once my search for the gun proved unfruitful I grumpily resigned myself to the fact that for the moment at least, they are kaput.

    He has a good point about the stock, as well. I think it will come back up to a respectable level, and I have been impressed with what they have done over the last 2 1/2 years with the company, but in the current market things are shaky at best, especially with an election coming. I don't know if this has anything to do with it, but the metal prices have got to be hurting the gun companies, as well.

  2. Middle Man,

    It's not "internet BS." We are a dealer for S&W, and the 5" is not shown in the 2008 catalog. Furthermore, we have two major distributors that are not only out of stock of the 5" 625, but no longer even list it. If you want one, get one now. They will probably bring it back at some point in the future due to great wailing and gnashing of teeth, but for the moment, it's out.

    Smith has been changing a lot of things, mostly for the good, under the people running the company now. Their stock has done well, and despite hiccups, will continue to do well as they come out with more new, good quality products. However, they are scaling back things like their support of shooting sports. I hope that doesn't last or go any further, but who knows.

    And as for FFL's comment about USPSA not wanting revo shooters because it limits them to six shots, that is a silly statement with out much basis. Only one of the three major run and gun sports in this country allows a revolver shooter to fire more than six rounds per cylinder. Not only that, but in that sport's rule book it specifies that courses must be set up to be six round neutral. This is in an effort to eliminate any disadvantage a six shooter might pose when compared to a 7 or 8 shot. The advantage is there, however, and to compete at a national level shooters are now forced to buy new, and more expensive, 8 shots. A six shot limit in USPSA actually opens the revolver division up to a broader range of legal guns that are all roughly on the same playing field. Revolvers have always been predominantly thought of as six shooters, and always will be. By allowing the 8 shots USPSA would be making obsolete the vast majority of revolvers out there, and forcing shooters into a situation where they must buy $900 guns to stay competitive, rather than enjoying their 6 shots which can cost significantly less. By keeping the division limited to 6 shots USPSA is in fact inviting more people than it would be otherwise. I know lots of people with six shot revolvers that don't have 8 shots. I don't know anyone with an 8 shot that does not also have a 6 shot of some kind.

  3. For the hands down best speed loader holders I have seen, and what several successful revolver veterans have recently switched to, check out the other speed loader thread in this forum. There is contact information for Jeff Weimholt (the guy making them) and also a photo taken and posted by Bubber.

  4. A guy here in Arkansas, named Jeff, is going into production on a speed loader holder that is by far the best one that Mike and I have seen on the market. I can give you contact information if you would like, and maybe even a picture. My husband, Mike, has switched to them, and this is after years of revolver shooting and trying different products on the market.

  5. Does anyone remember rule 6.5.3 -

    At a level 2 match or above, the competitor with the lowest class as of the first day of the match shall bring to the other higher classed competitors on his or her squad liquid refreshment. The bringing of liquid refreshment shall not be limited to the match and range but also at the hotel and or any bar that the higher classed competitors might be patronizing while the match is in progress or one week before or after said match has begun or is completed. If the higher classed competitors have scored hot chicks (see appendix A) then the lowest classed competitor must provide the liquid refreshment for the dates of the higher classed until they pass out then he or she is required to transport the aforementioned date back to the hotel room of the higher classed competitor then go sleep in the car. Liquid refreshment shall be but is not limited to: Beer, Light Beer, Dark Beer, Bottled Beer, Canned Beer, or Draft Beer. If Beer is not allowed or available (such as at the range), any other cold beverage will be deemed adequate only until Beer is allowed or available.

    Appendix A

    Any chick deemed to be a Hot Chick by the higher classed competitor is in fact a hot chick and no matter how much liquid refreshment has been consumed the lower class competitor shall not argue the point with the higher classed competitor. If the hot chick turns out to be in fact not a hot chick the next day, the lower classed competitor or any other higher classed competitor shall not make mention of the aforementioned chick or be disciplined under rule 10.6.1.

    And *that* would certainly be considered a *classifier* post if I ever saw one. I don't even think it would take four of them to award your initial class.

    So what say ye crew? Are one of you capable of making a lower class posting than this? Or shall we decide "No Contest" and award the crown of "competitor with lowest class as of the first day of the match" to none other than the cliffmeister himself?? :goof:

    Please don't confuse "lower" class with "No class."

    (I was actually enjoying Cliff's post about the beverages and was tempted to add "the way some of the Revo guys drink, you were going to run some poor newbie to death". . .the rapid slide occurred when he attempted to explain the Hot Chick concept -- a 'No class' performance if I ever saw one)

    Linda Chico (L-2035)

    Columbia SC

    Don't worry Cliff...I think you're funny. Of course, I've also seen most of the guys that you are referring to, which makes the "hot chick" scenario hilarious.

  6. Just to note. M. Luttrell should have a subscript "s" with his classificatation. i.e. sB. Because I have *never* come *close* to beating Mike and he's in "B" Class?? Methinks some sandscript is in order.

    For some reason Mike likes being in B class. He doesn't think he is ready to move last year, thinking he wouldn't be able to place in that division, and then he won A class. Go figure.

  7. Hope Mike got "YOU" something nice, and not for the house.

    Mike did great. He got me a pair of diamond stud earrings. Exactly what I wanted. Thanks for all the good wishes, and getting to gether in Tulsa sounds like a great idea.

  8. What about the Luttrell clan? Anyone hear form them??

    We're still here Cliff, but won't make it to TN. We are pretty tied up with our store and finishing our house right now. We will be at the Lim Prod Rev nationals, though. See you there?

  9. Mike and I wanted to make sure and thank EVERYBODY that came and shot with us on Saturday. It was easily the most fun and enjoyable match that we have hosted here, even though we all got beat by a crazy Australian. Mike sent out the results via e-mail this afternoon, but if anyone who should have gotten them didn't, just contact me through the forum and I will get them to you. Eventually I guess ICORE.org will have them up, but I don't know when.

    PS. DougC lies

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