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Posts posted by jasonr123

  1. I am looking to take what you have started as far as interfacing the prochrono and Arduino and continue on with it.

    I want to Wireless communication using Bluetooth something I can just leave in the chrony but works with all the existing software and such.

    Bluetooth to usb computer to interface with their software download here http://www.competitionelectronics.com/product/prochrono-digital-usb/

    Bluetooth to phone similar to this http://www.competitionelectronics.com/product/bluetooth-adapter/

    But I would like a Bluetooth into Arduino to do

    remote LCD to emulate display

    Or to display better than display like 2.4”lcd with touchscreen.

    Physical remote buttons (like in your prochrony.ino)

    Or Lcd Touch screen buttons

    Sd logging into a cvs spreadsheet so strings are never lost.

    Log date and time.

    Log all shot data

    Log Temp humidity sensor using a dht11

    Log barometric pressure using a sensor.

    Maybe add an RFID reader to scan the gun I am using. Or something crazy to tie the gun and ammo to the shot.

    Log anything else I can think of that could ever remotely be of use. :P

  2. I very much appreciate the work that has been done to interface to the Prochrono digital. I have been very happy with it and a couple of my friends have the same one.

    I want to continue the work that has been done with the arduino interface, however I wanted to make sure I am using the latest sketch before I dive as to not waste time or repeat work that has been done by others.

    So first off is this the latest sketch?

    Arduino Compatible Wired Remote Control for ProChrono Digital version 0.01
    Designed and Programmed by Douglas Good, November 2013.
    - String Change Command
    - Delete String Command
    - Delete Shot Command
    - Review Shot Command
    - Redisplay Command
    - Checksum validation for data sent and received to/from ProChrono
    The circuit:
    * TX on pin 12 (middle "ring" section of 3.5mm plug) for data going out to ProChrono from Arduino
    * RX on pin 11 (tip of 3.5mm plug) for data coming INTO Arduino from ProChrono
    * ProChrono Ground to Arduino Ground (base of 3.5mm plug)
    * 10K ohm Resistor from ground to RX pin 11 *VERY IMPORTANT* data won't be received without this!
    * Review shot button connecting Pin 6 to ground
    * Delete Shot button connecting Pin 7 to ground
    * Delete String button connecting Pin 8 to ground
    * Next String (aka String Change) button connecting Pin 9 to ground
    * Redisplay button connecting Pin 10 to ground
    Not yet implemented:
    * Clear All Strings button (must press and hold for 4 seconds) on pin X
    * LCD readout to duplicate the chronograph display on the remote
    Pin 11 was chosen for RX as it should be compatible with the Mega and Leonardo as
    well as the UNO. Not all pins on the Mega and Leonardo can be used to receive serial data.
    // define SerialMonitor in order to send debug messages to the computer.
    // If using as a standalone remote, undefine this to save memory.
    #define SerialMonitor
    #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
    int reviewPin = 6; // Review Shot button, switched to ground
    int delshotPin = 7; // Delete shot button pin, switched to ground
    int delstringPin = 8; // Delete string button pin, switched to ground
    int nextstringPin = 9; // Next string button pin, switched to ground
    int redisplayPin = 10; // Redisplay button pin, switched to ground
    int rxpin = 11; // Incoming Data from ProChrono is recieved on this pin
    // NOTE: RX pin must be tied to ground with a 10K ohm resistor!
    int txpin = 12; // Data going out to ProChrono is transmitted on this pin
    int ledpin = 13; // Serial Indicator LED, completely optional
    int BadDataTimeout = 900; // Milliseconds after which data is assumed to be bad and Rx string is cleared
    long lastRxtime = 0; // Records the start of the last data recieve time as a timeout for bad data
    char aChar=0x00; // used to read incoming serial data
    String Incoming = ""; // used to collect incoming data from the serial port
    // ProChrono Command Packets
    // These command strings tell the ProChrono to perform specific functions. All 5 buttons on the front of the
    // unit are duplicated here. In order to be understood by the ProChrono, a 2 character (1 hex byte) checksum
    // must be appended to these commands using the AppendChecksum function.
    // Note that the ProChrono protocol documentation is a bit confusing in the way functions are named, so
    // I've named some of them differently here to better describe what they do.
    String ReviewString = ":00000004"; //Same as hitting the "Review" button on ProChrono
    String DeleteShot = ":00000006"; //Same as hitting "Delete Shot" button on ProChrono
    String DeleteString = ":00000007"; //Same as hitting "Delete String" button on ProChrono
    String NextString = ":00000005"; //Same as hitting "String Change" button on ProChrono
    String GoToFirstVelocity = ":00000008"; //Jumps to the most recent shot in the string
    String GoToFirstStatistic = ":00000009"; //Jumps to the "HI" statistic
    String RedisplayString = ":0000000E"; //Same as hitting the "Redisplay" button on ProChrono
    // The following are not yet implemented and/or used in this version of this code
    String GetVelocity = ":00000003"; // Not yet implemented
    String RequestVelocityData = ":0200000101"; // last byte is the string number to send data for
    SoftwareSerial ProChrono(rxpin, txpin); // RX, TX for ProChrono
    void setup()
    pinMode(ledpin,OUTPUT); // set up the built in LED indicator (on the Uno)
    digitalWrite(ledpin,LOW); // turn off the LED
    pinMode(rxpin, INPUT); // the pin that receives data coming into the Arduino (must use 10k pulldown resistor!)
    pinMode(txpin, OUTPUT); // the pin that sends data from the Arduino
    digitalWrite(txpin, LOW);
    pinMode(delshotPin, INPUT); // create a pin for the Delete Shot button
    digitalWrite(delshotPin, HIGH); // and set the pullup resistor on
    pinMode(delstringPin, INPUT); // create a pin for the Delete String button
    digitalWrite(delstringPin, HIGH); // and set the pullup resistor on
    pinMode(nextstringPin, INPUT); // create a pin for the Next String button
    digitalWrite(nextstringPin, HIGH); // and set the pullup resistor on
    pinMode(redisplayPin, INPUT); // create a pin for the Redisplay button
    digitalWrite(redisplayPin, HIGH); // and set the pullup resistor on
    pinMode(reviewPin, INPUT); // create a pin for the Review button
    digitalWrite(reviewPin, HIGH); // and set the pullup resistor on
    #ifdef SerialMonitor
    // Open serial communications with PC and wait for port to open:
    while (!Serial) {
    ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for Leonardo only
    Serial.println("Arduino ProChrono Remote connected");
    ProChrono.begin(1200); // set the data rate for the ProChrono Serial port at 1200 baud
    void loop()
    if (ProChrono.available()){
    lastRxtime = millis(); // reset our incoming data timeout counter
    aChar = ProChrono.read(); // grab the character
    Serial.write(aChar); // display it in the monitor
    Incoming += aChar; // add it to our receive string
    if ((Incoming.length() >= 8) && VerifyChecksum(Incoming)){
    #ifdef SerialMonitor
    Serial.println(Incoming+" is a valid packet");
    // This is where we would process the incoming data... to be coded in a future version.
    Incoming = ""; // clear our receive buffer string
    lastRxtime = 0; // zero out our timeout counter
    // This is a simplistic check for bad serial data. If a valid packet isn't received within
    // the timeout period, we assume it's bad data, throw it away and reset our variables.
    // This should be coded to be a smarter, more in-depth check.
    if (((millis() - lastRxtime) >= BadDataTimeout) && (lastRxtime > 0)){
    #ifdef SerialMonitor
    Serial.println(Incoming+" appears to be invalid data.");
    Incoming = "";
    lastRxtime = 0;
    // The functions below are called when buttons on the remote are pushed
    if (digitalRead(nextstringPin) == LOW){ // We have a button press
    delay(75); // wait for a fraction of a second so we don't repeat too fast
    if (digitalRead(nextstringPin) == LOW){ // if button is still down then
    SendPacket(NextString); // send the Next string command
    if (digitalRead(redisplayPin) == LOW){ // We have a button press
    delay(75); // wait for a fraction of a second so we don't repeat too fast
    if (digitalRead(redisplayPin) == LOW){ // if button is still down then
    SendPacket(RedisplayString); // send the Next string command
    if (digitalRead(delshotPin) == LOW){ // We have a button press
    delay(150); // wait for a bit so we don't repeat too fast
    if (digitalRead(delshotPin) == LOW){
    if (digitalRead(delstringPin) == LOW){ // We have a button press
    delay(1000); // wait for one second; we don't want to accidentally delete a string!
    if (digitalRead(delstringPin) == LOW){ // if button is still down then
    SendPacket(DeleteString); // send Delete Shot command
    if (digitalRead(reviewPin) == LOW){ // We have a button press
    delay(75); // wait for a fraction of a second
    if (digitalRead(reviewPin) == LOW){ // if button is still down then
    SendPacket(ReviewString); // send Delete Shot command
    } // end loop
    void SendPacket(String PacketData){
    #ifdef SerialMonitor
    Serial.println("Sending "+AppendChecksum(PacketData));
    delay(400); // pause a bit in case button is held down
    String AppendChecksum(String strCommand){
    // Appends the correct ProChrono checksum value to a given string
    return strCommand + GetChecksumStr(strCommand);
    String GetChecksumStr(String strCommand){
    // calculates the checksum of a string and returns it as a 2 digit hex string.
    String hexNumber = "";
    int nChecksum = 0;
    for(int x = 1; x < strCommand.length(); x++)
    nChecksum += (int)strCommand.charAt(x); // add the characters in the string
    nChecksum = (256 - (nChecksum % 256)); // Calculate the checksum
    hexNumber = String(nChecksum, HEX); // Convert to a hex string
    hexNumber.toUpperCase(); // ProChrono talks in all caps, so we must too
    return hexNumber;
    bool VerifyChecksum(String strCommand){
    // Returns TRUE if the given string contains a valid checksum, and FALSE if not
    String tempstr = strCommand.substring(0,strCommand.length()-2); // get all but the last 2 characters
    tempstr = GetChecksumStr(tempstr); // get the checksum of the string
    if (strCommand.endsWith(tempstr)) // test whether last 2 characters match the calculated checksum
    return true;
    return false;

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