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Posts posted by farmland

  1. The simple answer is yes the 550 would work. The real question is which operation do you like? Do you like auto indexing or hand indexing. Everyone will have a different take based on their personal preference. Why I like the 650 is pretty simple. It is fast, I like auto indexing and after adding the case feeder after 20 years it makes everything so much faster. Thus if you don'[t like reloading the 650 will get you through the process a lot faster.

    12,000 bullets are a lot of bullets. But once they are gone they are gone. The 650 would still be around saving you time with something you really don't like to do. So think of it this way the 650 equals spending less time with something you do not like to do.

    I load 99% of everything I have on two 650's. 40 S&W, 45, 380, 9, 38, 357 and 223. I use a single stage for my 44mag, 25-06 and 45-70.

    (yes I became one of those lazy people and since I had the money i bought another just to have one set up for small and the other large primers, I feel real lazy because it doesn't take much time to change them over)

    I hope I gave you a few things to think about in making your choice.

  2. I don't think you need a real reason for a round counter. I do have one counter that I bought one way back when dillon was selling them. I don't remember costing much more than $25. Pretty simple it attaches to the crimp die and count each round that enters that die.

    Did I actually use it for a reason? No but I like it. Some times I just use it to count how many rounds I loaded during a session. I could do the same by counting primers used etc.

    But what the heck it was cheap at the time and some day I may need it for a better reason. In any event I think they are cool if nothing else.

  3. I just keep the main shaft well lubricated with motor oil. To be honest I use what ever I have at the time. The press never knew the difference. I tend to over oil but it runs smooth but drops oil like an old car. That is on me.

    I use any type of grease I have in the gun for those parts that needs it. I'm a little better and don't over do it.

    Cleaning well I could do a better job but as much as I reload I procrastinate. Don't know why but as long as it is lubed the press runs fine. Not saying you should do this but the 650 will run dirty.

    The two areas I do take time to clean after thousands of rounds are the shell plate and per feed. Still I feel you should do it more often but it has never been an issue. Though I sometimes worry that I let too much primer dust collect and that could become an issue if something goes wrong.

    One thing I have never done and it probably should be is clean the powder measures. Again they work great and never have problems with the weight they throw.

    For some reason my friends who are clean freaks and picky on the lube they use have far more problems than me.

    Mine is so dirty that is doesn't look blue so maybe it is time to give it that once over. But you know after 20 years I must be doing something right or just lucky.

  4. Ok I now have the second 650 set up along side of the other one with the roller handle. What a difference, I like the old style straight post with ball. It is a personal thing I known that but the feel and control to me is just outstanding with the original handle. I gave it a try and i guess it isn't for everyone. I do load for extended periods of time and never had any issues with the old style. One positive I do like the roller but not how it all works together will the connecting post or arm. Maybe I will put it on one of my single stage presses and see it it works better with it.

  5. I run my presses, well I hate to say a lot and dirty. Not that I mean to but I just load so much I never take the time to do a good cleaning after ever session. Strange that I never had the reloader fail, stop or do anything wrong. I know you really should clean the things. In any event I use a paint brush on the press and table then a broom and dust pan for the floor. Once a week I will do a complete job then use shop vac after the brush and broom.

    I wouldn't follow in my step foots as far as running the machine as dirty as I can do some times. Even I think I let too much primer dust build up on my Dillon 650 primer feed.

  6. For 23 years I used the stock handle on my 650. Life was good and I had no complaints. So last year I bought the roller handle. After using it for a year I do not like it. The few things that I don't like are what appears or feels like a flex at the ends of the strokes. It is like it is giving way to much leverage. It has totally thrown off my feel for the machine. Maybe that is just my 23 year habit with the old handle. In addition I can not get use to the wide roller as opposed to the ball in my hand.

    I did not order one for my new 650 but I will give the roller handle one more year on the old press before making a final decision.

  7. Not as old as some so I can say after 24 years of heavy use I have never worn out any die. However I somehow did get some dirt in a RCBS die that leave a nice mark on my 223 brass. It appears to be a build up of brass and not a ding. I have tried to clean it but got lazy and bought new dies. I know I could have sent the resizing die back but someday I really want to figure out how to fix it myself. but then again how do you know when hey are worn out? I suspect when the reloads will not chamber or fit or something bad happens, who know the answer.

  8. You can run the 650 a lot cheaper if money is an issue. I ran my 650 with no add ons for almost 20 years. The case tube helps when you don't have the case feeder. To be honest I never missed it even when I was doing runs of 1,000. For a long time I shared just one powder measure. I only invested in the tool head set up for the 6 different pistol calibers I was loading. I did finally get the case feeder, roller handle and more powder measures. I like the case feeder and the only regret was waiting so long to get it. The roller handle I old live without. The powder measures are just nice to have.

    Money aside I do like the 650 over the 550. To me it is auto vs hand indexing. I like the auto and never could get use to my buddies 550. But this is more of a personal like or dislike. I do have two powder checks and again I could do without them. So at this point having a 5th station is not all that important. I never had the alarm ever sound on the powder check and just out of normal procedures I look at the powder every time when I index. Again this is a personal thing.

    Fully setting up the 650 does cost more. The caliber kits is where the real cost hits. Though I have learned to mix and match parts to reduce this. For example.loading for the 223 takes some of the same parts as the 380.

    But let's be honest if we are looking for Dillon then more often than not it isn't going to break most people. My real costs are not in the equipment but components.

    Some say the 650 takes more tweaking than the 550.This may be true but after 20 years on the 650 I can say there isn't much that gives me problems. I have not had to set up a 550 for a caliber change. However changing the 650 is not time consuming or hard. Again after using one so long I probably could do if with my eyes closed. Changing the primer and primer punch takes the most time, about 5 mins.

    The more you use any press the faster you learn how to get through problems. The 650 has really been free big of issues. I had problems with the 223 and the case feeder. The solution was a newer part. At one time you used the same plastic bushing as the 380. 9nce I changed this problem was solved. Many times it is just learning to make a small adjustment. At first it will wrack your brain then when you figure if out the fix is simple.

    I just ordered my second 650. Why? Because I wanted it more than needed it. I will have one set up for small primers and one for large primers. Call me lazy because it really doesn't take that long to make the change. But what the heck shooting is my hobby. I figure it is like the golfer that has several drivers.

    I don't think you can make a bad choice with either the 650 or 550. In fact the Hornady LNL does well too. I bought one but just after so many years on the 650 it didn't work for me.

    So in conclusion the 650 is my reloaded of choice simple because I like it and it works for me. I would bet if I started with the 550 then that would be my reloaded of choice.

    Oh did I order another case feeder? Lol no I am going to try and share the one I have. Maybe I will get lazy and then get another one.

  9. My 650 is turning 21 years old today. It has preformed flawlessly over these many years. With the exception of some replacement parts because of wear I have not had a single problem. However I have noticed that the platform on top of the ram has been redesigned. Mine has the older thin style. Is there any advantage to have this updated? My press has really been run hard and never once have I had an issue with it.

  10. I have been using the 650 since 1994. I don't know how many thousands of round of rounds I have reloaded reloaded, but lets say it is a lot.

    To date I have never had a primer explosion. I think the number one sign of a problem is the feel. If you are trying to seat a primer and it takes more force then stop, something is wrong. My only experience has been trying to put a primer is a crimped primer pocket that I missed. You will know it, you will feel it. If you force it bad things can happen such as a badly smashed primer of even a detonation of the primer.

    Now from there I can't explain why the 650 will daisy chain back through the primer wheel into the primer column. It may be a build up of primer dust or simply the design on the system. I do think cleaning the primer system on a regular basis is a good habit.

    In any event the primer systems that failed were all contained into the protective steel tube that vents safely way from the user.

    Just make sure to wear safety glasses and hearing protection when you are reloading. And when the feel isn't right stop and take a look if the primer is seating correctly. Trust me after reloading a few hundred you develop the feel of seating a primer correctly.

  11. I had them both and use both for a few years. However I never could get that great feeling with the LNL and I sold it. Don't get me wrong both the Dillon and 650 are great but I just felt the 650 operated better for me.

    Now with anything mechanical you have to have a little skill and common sense because things do go wrong. I don't care what you buy it will need a adjustment or something wears out. Heck my car, lawn mower and every piece of farm equipment needs an adjustment from time to time.

    The 650 will serve you well. Some times things will go a little wrong. Most of the time just reading the instructions and making a little adjustment fixes every thing. Does the 650 have a ton of issues, well it depends, most everything I read on the internet could have been solved pretty quick if the user took some time to figure out the correct adjustment. Do primer explode in your face? Just like any primer loading device do something wrong and they will, like try to force a primer. Both machines will do this.

    As far as customer service Dillon is good but I have used Hornady and RCBS far more with the same great customer service.

    So in twenty years what problems have I had with my 650?

    1.) Broke the primer sky ramp twice. Somehow I don't know how I must of bumped it with something.

    2.) The case feed system broke, actual it is the triangle piece that you switch for pistol and rifle on the press. In honest I think I tighten the screw to tight.

    3.) Over tighten the primer warning system and cracked the case.

    4.) I had a binding problem and it was hard to rotate the shell plate, again my fault I let too much crud build up and had to clean and lubricate.

    5.) yes a primer explosion, try to set primer in a crimped case by really forcing it. No my primer tube did not exploding sending anything into the air.

    6.) I did have primers that would jump to the floor instead of the spent primer cup, fixed with a small piece of card board to shim the cup, never had any further issue. The newer style have a neat aftermarket fix.

    7.) had problems loading rifle brass into shell plate until I learned how to adjust the system. Drove me nuts on the 223 until I bothered to read the instructions and never had a problem.

    That is it in twenty years.

    I had a total of 24 issue with my LNL over a two year period. These ranged from primers not feeding, breaking that darn spring, shell plate misalignment, shells not ejecting, powder system not working right, just needs tweaked if you are having this problem. Others include the grease nipples just falling off, shell plate locks, primers not aligning, cases bouncing off the feed ramp. These were just a few.

    Now like I said a little common sense and both machines can be fixed and operate smoothly but for me I had enough of the LNL.

  12. My 650 is 20 years old, well used and not once did I have issues with the ski ramp. I seldom if ever have any primers that need to use it, except when some strange reason I have to empty my primer tube at the end of a session. Just a non factor with me but I glad you found a solution to your problem.

  13. The great thing about Dillon presses is that they have so many aftermarket additions if you want them.

    These are four that I can think of to find some options.




    Of course Ebay, there are a few people selling some cool aftermarket items, just search for them.

  14. Some times it is just an adjustment problem, provided your powder drop / measure is working correctly. Every once in awhile I'm plagued with the buzzer going off every few rounds. I check the powder and it is right on. Thus comes the pain in the neck to get the adjustment done. It always goes that I had it just out of adjustment or something was loose.

    Personally I think they are over priced so I only have one.

  15. There have been several changes since mine came out in 2004. However nothing earth shattering enough to separate them. The biggest change on the press is the Platform part number #16658. It has changed and is thicker plus a different set up for the spent primer catch.

    New vs old is all in the price. Get a great deal then of course buy the older one. The press looks to be in great condition. Expect to pay between 75% and 80% of new, anything lower just buy or let me know and I will.

    Powder measure - safety changes some like the older style and some like the newer. I love the older ones but got use to the new ones too. Not really a big issue. Age has nothing to do with these presses. In fact get a great deal on a well worn press and your way ahead after paying the small fee to Dillon to get it back to original condition. You really have to beat these things to cause excess wear.

  16. Ok I have never broken this part. I find when you are doing everything right nothing really breaks on the 650. If for very rare reason I find that a stroke becomes hard I stop and will find a user error. My fault such as the wrong case. But I have never jammed one or put so much pressure on the machine as to break something.

    I'm not saying something is not going to wear out because it will. But improving this part to make it stronger does what? Lets you still make user errors and power through with great force? Fixing the problem to me would be fixing the user errors in their reloading process.

    I once had the black triangle case feeder part split open. No I could have said it was a bad design because the use some type of coil wire for the screw. But in truth it was me over tightening the screw that made it split. Yeah you could make it out of metal but I bet people would find a way to then trip the threads.

    Though if making a replacement bullet proof indexing ring works for you then great. But I think you will find it would result in worse problems.

  17. I bought my Dillon 650 back in 1994. I did not get the case feeder thinking I would get it later down the road because I did not want to spend the extra money. I reloaded the next 20 years without one. In the 90's I shot a lot of IPSC. I really can't tell you how much I reloaded but figure practice two days a week then a competition every weekend. I just kept filling that tube and at times I never realized I was out of cases until I didn't have one to set a bullet on.

    For 20 years it worked and I never once missed not having the case feeder.

    Then I bought one last month. I wished I had bought it 20 years ago. No I have proved you can load tons of rounds each week and do not need the case feeder. However if I could go back in time I would have come up with the money at that time to buy one form the day I bought my 650.

    Over the years I had come up with other ideas such as extending the plastic tube and retrofitting a lee case collator. For me I just can't seeing them being a nice and great as the actual case feeder. I do know there is another company making case feeders for the 650 that are a little cheaper.

    I would get it now they were a heck of a lot cheaper 20 years ago.

  18. LOL if you have the money and just want another press do it. However to be honest changing the priming system is no problem at all. I'm looking at 10 mins to do a complete change over from large conversion to small that includes primer and caliber change. I just would not want new people to think that this is a hard thing or timely thing to do.

    With that said I would like to add another just because I'm lazy and having two would be cool. A little needless on the pocket book but all the same cool.

  19. I can not give you a comparison as I only have the 650. After 20 years of heavy use I have never had a problem. It has been 100% reliable for me. I find changing from large to small primers is pretty simple though it takes a little work. It takes me less than 5 mins to do the change/conversion.

    Some things you have to get use to is that you must make sure the primers are feeding so that you do not run brass through without primers. It take a few strokes to get the primers ready to get into the correct location when you first start to reload. Thus the brass will be a little ahead when you first start out.

    Keeping the primers full is not a problem with the early warning system.

    I like or at least I am use to getting the feel of setting the primers on the up stroke. You can tell very fast if you are trying to seat a primer into a crimped pocket.

    The ski ramp is no big problem, I mean at the most I may dump one or two primers into it while setting everything up. It is very easy to stop the feeding of primers when you need to.

    Unloading of primers can be a pain since you have to stroke them all out onto the ski ramp. But even this is a mild issue. I never had any fly or fall off of the ramp.

    For some reason though I have had to replace the ski ramp two times. I'm not sure how the plastic broke, for all that I know I could have caught something on the ramp.

    Primers that I have used include all types of Winchester and Rem 7 1/2 bench rest.

    I have never had any issue with the primer pick up tubes.

    I will noted I never force a primer, if it feels bad then I stop. 99% of the time this is because of a crimped primer pocket that slipped through my quality control. I can remember one or at least a couple primers for some reason wanted to feed sideways. Again however I think it was more of a primer pocket issue.

    I take time to clean the primers tube and entire priming system a few times a year. Because it is simple to take a part this is never a problem.

    So in my rating I give it a 9 out of 10.

  20. Here is what I got for three very small parts. I always get a confimr email like this.

    DillonHelp (DillonHelp@dillonprecision.com)
    Parts of this message have been blocked for your safety.
    No charge part(s) on the way!

    Thank you,

    Dillon Precision Products, Inc.




    Phones are open from 7 am MST till 6 pm MST (no daylight savings time in AZ!) & Saturday from 8 am to 3 pm MST.

    Orders/Expert Assistance: 800-223-4570 Local #: 480-948-8009 Catalog Order/Order status: 800-762-3845 Fax #: 480-998-2786 Showroom hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 6 pm MST & Saturday 8 am to 3 pm Visit us on the Web at http://www.dillonprecision.com/

    From: xxxxxxxx@msn.com [xxxxxxxx@msn.com]
    Sent: Monday, April 07, 2014 4:13 PM
    To: DillonHelp
    Subject: Web Form Contact From: xxxxxxxx@msn.com
    john xxxxxx

    Phone Number:
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    E-Mail Address:

    Best Time to Call:
    8:00 AM - 12:00 PM

    Preferred Contact Method:

    I need the following replacement parts for my 650 press.
    1.) #13629 -Failsafe Rod
    2.) #18086 Shoulder Washer
    3.) #13614 380 Station One Locator

    The rod has stripped threads, the washer broke and the station one locator top rails pulled off.

    Customer # 000401902
    John xxxxxxx

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