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Posts posted by pacifistwitharifle

  1. Ok this question is pretty random especially considering that in the near future I hve no intention of purchasing an SVD (poor and well quite frankly a remington 721 in 30-06 usually serves my purposes) but I know nothing about 3 gun competitions and was curious if using a Dragunov SVD in 7.62 would A.) be legal in uspsa shooting, (I looked at the rules and there is nothing expressely forbidding them that I can see as long as you didn't use the bi-pod) and B.) would be smart in any class other than heavy metal. I'm in love with the gun, but have no real use for one. :D

  2. First I would like to say thanks to the people here who have been very hospitable and helpful in answering my questions and helping me feel welcome. Secondly I realized that compared to ya'll that I really don't know jack about firearms. My 50 rounds a year right before hunting season just doesn't compare. This realization couple with the facts that A. I can't keep firearms at school and B. I have to replace my books that were lost/stolen so I won't have money for a pistol when I turn 21. I've decided that I won't have the time/money to get involved in ispc anytime soon although I hope to in the future. And will keep reading and shooting when I'm home. Thanks again.

    Now on the the humor. I wrote this yesterday and though you all might get a kick out of it.

    The mall ninja. If any of you have watched late night shop at home network, been to a gunshop, or been to a bar you know the guy I mean. He's the guy who swaggers around being loud and obnoxious talking about his "super secret martial arts training" and most likely some bullshit about how he "killed 200 vietcong with just his toothbrush" (in reality the closest he was to combat was when he washed out of coast guard training and he took a swing at his CO. ) and hes going to f*#k you up if he catches you looking at his girl friend again. The obvious solution here is to walk away, laugh and be glad your not a loser like this person. But you all didn't read this far to have it end in a walk away and laugh deal so I'll give you my view of the mall ninja as he "trains".

    I enter my secret lair, where I keep my ninja equipment. Ok so it looks like a dimmly lit garage but its really a secret lair. I'm clothed in my gortex lined black nylon composite pants just like the SEALs use with traditional split toed boots I bought off line for $9.99. My top is a black turtle neck from walmart covered with a vest constructed of similar materials as my pants, but with enough pockets to double as a tackle box. I pull my ski-mask down over my head. I know I look bad ass as I tighten down my Nylon webbed belt, (because of course original ninjas had nylon) and start to select my weapons. Damn it's getting hot in here i'm sweating like a pig. but I know what I'm doing it must just be the adrenaline. I strap a set of shurkien to my inner thigh...and to my other inner thigh and to both wrists. You can never have enough shuriken, I've never actually stuck one of these in something of course but i'm getting closer to actually hitting what I throw at. to my outer thighs I strap a pair of octagonal Sai's as my close range weapon. I put caltrops in my vest pockets along with a variety of home made poisons, darts, and flash capsules like magicians use, I make sure my home made cyanide capsule is ready to be used. I must never be captured alive.. I strap sets of three throwing knives to my upper arms. Once again I've never actually hit anything with them but they look cool. I strap on my ninja sword made of 410j steel and fasten my blowgun to my chest. I adjust my mask as it continually moves around baffling my attempts to see straight. Slinging my folding grappling hook and rope over my shoulder and pulling my climbing claws onto my boots and hands, I head out into the calm moonlit night. I run into a tree almost as soon as I step outside but thats ok that was just a test of my toughness....really it was....dammit I scuffed my boots up, Oh well my targets will pay the price tonight. I will infiltrate their defenses and take down my target. I skulk throught the forest more than once almost putting my eye out on a low hanging branch. I decide that it would be more prudent for me to move through the trees. So I dig my claws into the side of the tree and start climbing. Damn its hot.....this is hard work.....but I'm in supreme physical condition I watch sports all the time I have to be in shape. So I finally make it the 12 feet up the tree to the first branch. Shit....Its really high up here...but I can see my target. I unsling my grappling hook and heave it towards the next tree It seems solid. My plan is to swing from this tree branch to that one 30 feet way right over the head of my enemy. Damn that cat looks smug. I'll get him for leaving dead birds in front of my secret lair. I launch myself into the night. Oh crap.......*WHAM* I lay on the ground looking up at the branch that clotheslined me, trying to figure out which hurts more, The root embedded in my back or the shuriken that managed to impale my thigh. The smell of rotten tuna wafts over my super sensitive ninja nose. I look up and there is my enemy smirking at me over my head his tail waving placidly back and forth. I groan and roll to my feet. I'm not done yet. After all I am elite. I yell and unleash my super secret ultimate assassination kick at the furry creature. Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow I think I pulled something Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow. A light goes on in the house. Oh no I've been detected. A very wise and powerful ninja must live here indeed. I load a special weighted cone head dart into my blow gun and fire at the light I hit the case of the light but it doesn't turn off. I decide that I've had enough I'll get out by stealth and live to fight another day. After all Its just a matter of time before my skills beat out his luck. But just for good measure I pull out a flash capsule to distract him. I throw it blinding myself and I stumble around trying to find my way home but of course I can navigate blind all my senses are super acute and the stumbling is just to imitate um....the north american drunken fox....yeah thats it. Before I can orient myself though my impecable ears detect the unmistakeable sound of a hammer being locked back ....... Oh .... Holy .... f*#king ..... Shit ....HE'S GOT A GUN. I make a tactical decision to retreat afterall buckshot really isn't one of the seasons top ninja fashion accessories. And the second tactical decision to haul ass back to my secret lair. I'm full of pride. It was a daring raid and though my target escaped and I will be passing out from blood loss soon if I don't get medical attention, I will call it a victory and substitute "south american dictator" for cat. And besides the scars always impress the ladies.

  3. Aw heck I'll take a stab at this

    The Art of Utopia. How to have the perfect society without killing anyone to get it.

    "I really hate Thomas More, if I ever see him as a zombie I'm going to take pleasure in shooting him" (an aquaintance by the name of kirstin)

  4. So I've been looking at 22's and have yet to find a ruger under 200. But Any thoughts on the quality of Duramatic, Colt, or Pheonix arms? Of those Colt was the only one I had actually heard of but I've been hearing some nasty things about there M16's in recent years and was wondering if anyone knew if the quality of there pistols was also suffering.

  5. Eh...One I agree the advertiser is getting more press by the commotion than anything. Two I think this may have been intentional. For any of you who remember the ford KAH commercials featuring the cat and the pigeon respectively, I think more companies are coming up with commercials that are "too controversial to be aired" and saving the money on airtime because they know the commercials will get seen online.

  6. I think every person reading this thread (not to mention those of us who posted!) would've been willing to tear the SOB to bloody shreds on the spot if we'd witnessed it. There wouldn't have been much left for the LEOs to drag away. :angry:

    (LEO: "Hey, bring a shovel and a bag!... there's not much left here!......) <_<

    I always wondered what a 12g hollow point slug would do to a person........

  7. Well if it makes you feel better i've done stupider. I was working with my old man doing framing to make trusses for a new roof on the garage i was working with a pnuematic nailgun with the press safety so you couldn't fire it with out having it on the wood. Well how this usually works is squeeze the trigger and smack the nose of the gun on the wood to fire a nail. Well my safety has been jamming all day and its near 7 o'clock in the evening and I only have to toenail this one truss in place yet. Keep in mind im a good 12 feet off the ground on a 6 in wide cinderblock wall and im leaning against an adjacent root top. I'm trying to unjam the safety and being eager to finish (read as stupid) haven't disconnected the air hose to do this safely. Well as I'm fiddling with this nailgun I accidently drop it then grab for it to keep it from dropping (the safety is still jammed) and catch it but my finger hits the trigger sending a 3 1/2 inch framing nail through my shoe (no i wasn't wearing steel toed) through my foot and pinning me to the 2x6 header on top of the cinderblock wall. Needless to say i dropped the gun again and by dumb luck fell the right direction to lean against the roof of the other garage near me. But it did mean a trip to the emergency room and a story i will likely never live down.

  8. I asked about the term "mike" and got a very helpful response in the this thread here:http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16855 has anyone one here ever thought of just doing an FAQ for people just starting competetive shooting? just an idea

  9. Thanks i will let you all know what i get. It will be a few months yet, i can't buy a hand gun around here until i turn 21 so i have to wait but it just gives me more time to read up on pistol technique and do my research so its alright.

  10. Just FYI... I 'think' I probably had more Mikes on my left static (the one with the no-shoot), than I had on my swinger (which looked fast to me)... :blink:

    um this is off topic but i've seen this term "mike" several times on the forum and not being a competitive shooter i have no idea what it means. Is it poking fun at some shooter on here or is it really something i should know and have just missed along the way.

  11. Heh. All right just for you smart-mouths, (smart-fingers maybe as fingers do the typing). I like to post in the stream of conciousness way of writing. Puncuation just makes me lose my train of thought. But anyway, Yes guns are good if they are handled safely and properly. There are those who give gun-owners a bad name in my generation. But there are those of use who realize that a gun is a tool not a toy in my generation too. Well maybe you competition shooters would disagree with me, but you would still agree that proper safety is key to having fun with your firearms. In Pa many people use long guns for hunting and thats where I started. Deer meat saves alot on the grocery bills for alot of families in my area. I'm just starting to getting into hand-guns and I was merely commenting that that 1.) its nice to find a forum with knowledgeable people who are enthusiastic about what they do, and 2.) that there are people in my generation who think the current state of the legal system and society, with people blaming everybody but themselves is abhorent.

  12. Well ya'll i'll be honest im still 20 and i don't remember much of that except playing outside with my friends but i do hope to raise my kids that way and i hope to do it somewhere away from people not sure if i'll be able to do that in this country in 10 years when i want to have kids but i'm still hoping with this call for an end to frivolous lawsuits that people will lighten up an start taking some responsibility for themselves. and for the record my friends and i would go plick cans with our rifles after school often too and no body got shot either we couldn't take em with us to school but in pa walking along a back road with a rifle at the age of 14 or 15 really isn't that uncommon of a site some of us still do have respect for our firearms its the few that don't that give everyone else a bad name

  13. ok second question i went looking at glocks and i have a friend who has a glock 19c he's willing to sell to me for $335 i know a compensated barrel can really help with muzzle jump do you think that would be acceptable or should i still really start with a .22 i've fired handguns before but nothing formal and i've never owned one.

  14. well im fairly well versed in rifles and shotguns but know almost nothing about hand guns i have about 300 to spend right now but might have a little more by the time i turn 21 in april i know i want something at at least a .25 but would prefer .30 or up any suggestions in that price range and calibur? any help would be great

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