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Posts posted by Xcaliber

  1. I would go with the Chevy Equinox. It's the biggest of the compact CUVs, well made, reliable, gets fantastic gas mileage for it's size, and it's nearly indestructable in a crash. It's like a smaller version of the Traverse. I bought an LT1 AWD 4 cylinder last year for around 27k brand new. You can get the base FWD model for about 22k.

    Yes, GM got a bailout, but unlike Wall Street, they actually make a product and put food on the tables of hundreds of thousands of hard working American families. I just didn't see giving my money to a foreign company in times like these when our own industries need the business. It just seemed a little unamerican.

    I will likely trade it in in a few years for a Cadillac ATS, which is a simply awesome car the equal of anything made in Europe. As a former GMer, I am proud of how the comapny turned itself around. Yes, they used to make some crappy cars, but what they turn out today is mostly world class.

    My second choice would be the Ford Escape...

  2. Wow, there must be something in the air. A couple of week ago I broke my right pinky toe on a step ladder my wife left out. I took off couple of days from work but since then I have made the over quarter mile trek up the hill from the parking lot to my office. By the time I get home all of my toes are swollen to twice their size. I didn't go to the doctor this time, but i think I may have to...It isn't the pain that concerns me but my whole foot shouldn't be swelling up like that.

    The thing is, last year I broke my left toe on the same step ladder. It took 6 weeks to heal. That time I did go to the doctor and all they did was xray it, tape it and give me one of those sandal/booty things.

    I should have married a taller woman... :rolleyes:

  3. I just had a co-worker threaten me on a conference call in front of a room full of people because I sent him a text saying I wouldn't be able to make our shift. He later told mangement that he didn't mean it the way it sounded. I let it go. In my experience it's the ones that just show up on your doorstep that are the real inconvenience.

    Personally, I prefer just having the bus run over me... :yawn:

  4. Hmmm, remind me never to borrow your gun at a match... :P

    Seriously, I use progrip in the summer. I also use a little skateboard tape since my grip is checkered. I tried using a glove but I could never find a pair that fit well. I think a glove like "Evil Roy" uses would be better for a few reasons, especially when it's cold.

  5. How can I train myself to see faster?

    I think everyone sees at the same speed, i.e.. speed of light. The 'trick' is seeing the thing that matters clearly. If you can't track the front sight it may mean that you are not focusing clearly on it through the recoil cycle of the gun.

    Edited to add: Just thinking about this some more, are you squinting to focus on the front sight ? If so, try focusing on the sight without squinting, i.e.. relax your eyes, it may help you to see 'more'.

    I agree with what you said, but I actually do squint a little in order to see what I need to see. I had a bad habit of "hunting" for the front sight for a split second after a shot, which is slow. By squinting a little and maintaining my focus on the point where I KNOW my sight will always be (assuming my grip/stance is correct), when it reappears after each shot, I am ready.

    Esther - Being from Pa, my first thought when I saw the title of your thread was that you wanted to compare learning to call turkeys to making GM. FYI: turkey calling is harder... :P

    I have been a diabetic for about 8 years now. THE most important thing is to maintain your blood sugar at proper levels at all times. Having an eating disorder makes that very difficult, but you seem to be on the right path by channeling your OCD behavior into something constructive. Whenever you feel like you want to "gooble" something, do some dry fire practice. I'm still struggling with my addiction to cigarettes and one of things that has really helped has been doing that very thing.

  6. When I started shooting as a serious pursuit, my best friend and teacher had me buy 3 things:

    a ruger MKII

    a Kimber Classic .45

    a Dillon press

    If you want to shoot a lot of anything other than .22, either a press or deep pockets are a must. Since my friend and me would buy together, we could get discounts on all the components except brass, which I scavenged from ranges by offering to clean up at closing time. At one point, I estimated my cost at about 5 cents a round for .45 ACP. YMMV, but even at retail prices you will save a ton of money and get to shoot what you want when you want. Plus, you will gain additional insight into how your firearm works, which most people don't have. That said, if I were in similar straights, I would probably buy some .22 and save for a press. There is nothing wrong with yugoslavian ammo as long as you clean your rifle after each use; it's corrosive and berden primed ammo is very difficult to reload assuming you can even find the primers in the US. So basically, when its gone its gone and you will have to drop another handful of cash to get more. If you really want to shoot a lot of centerfire, it's probably the only way to do it economically, IMO.


  7. Let's see:

    My first match, I didn't have much gear so I stowed a magazine in the back pocket of my baggy pants. On one stage, it slipped down deep into the pocket and I had to fish it out. It took a good 10 seconds. Somewhere there is a video of what appears to be a fat guy "digging for gold" on a stage while his pants slowly creep towards his ankles. Ruined a couple people's runs that day because they couldn't stop laughing. Bought a proper gun belt and some mag pouches the next day.

    Always check for rocks before you go prone if you plan on having kids at some point. The upside is that I can now hit those high notes.

  8. Since I have a big mouth (in more ways than one), mine have never given me much of a problem on their own. I got the one on the upper left "extracted" in a martial arts tournament about 30 years ago. The other cracked a while back and needs to be removed, but since it never bothered me until recently, I didn't bother it. Now I'm seeing a new hotshot dentist that is taking care of my wife. He doesn't use gas except as a last resort due to the marginal risks involved. But he is very good with that needle full of lidocaine. So far, I haven't felt much discomfort during any of the procedures.

    It helps that his assistants are all pretty young women...at least that is my wife's theory as until now I have pretty much avoided dentists. :closedeyes:

    Anyway, don't smoke or drink alcohol, keep it clean and gargle with a bit of saltwater. it should heal in a few days.Good luck.

  9. Know what's funny? An ANTI acquaintance of mine badgered me for a year to take up paintballing. I finally gave in and went with him. After my first 5 'kills' I turned the gun on myself and commited 'paintball suicide'

    I was asked later why I did that when I was obviously doing so well. My response was this "You idiots have made it sport to shoot people, wether it is with a 'marker' as they call it, it's not cool at all. When a real firearm is used, there is no reset button, no extra lives, you are dead... there is no 'sport' in what you are doing at all.

    Needless to say my comments were not appreciated. Like I give a Foxtrot. Pointing a gun, or 'marker' to me at another person is just plain wrong. I can't fully explain the morality, but I can't help how I feel about it.

    I had a co-worker take me to task because I own a firearm. Then later the same person asks me if I am coming to the monthly paintball outing our office puts on. :blink: To him, shooting at other people playing a "war" game is a non-violent activity, but shooting at a paper target is evil.

    Personally, I try to avoid venues where I stand a significant chance of encountering idiots with guns. Since moving to Md, I have been looking around but have yet to find a range I feel comfortable using on a regular basis. The problem is I've seen some very poor gun handling and even poorer attitudes towards safety, not to mention a general lack of courtesy. I was in a shop a few months ago and the salesman simply handed a customer a 9mm without even checking it. The customer then points the thing in my general direction while examining it. I took a few steps back and got a dirty look from the sales guy like there was something wrong with me. :rolleyes: Sorry, but my attitude is that if I'm going to get shot by a moron, I'll do it myself.

    Where I grew up, guns were like any other potentially dangerous tool. I don't remember much formal training in safety, but I do remember learning from day one that the part with the hole in it is the dangerous end and not to point it at anyone. It seem\s that down here the culture is somewhat different and I'm not sure why. In any case, until I find a range where competitors and/or LEOs are the majority, I will just keep dry firing in my den or go to my old range in Pa.

    FWIW, I agree with the "pro-shooter" on a couple of levels, although that was not the time or place to express such an opinion. Plus, I think it sends the wrong message and gives ammunition to a content starved media to craft the meme that gun owners are all gun nuts clinging to their firearms. I want no part in helping them exploit a tragedy for ratings.

  10. Before each loading session, weigh about 5 charges just in case something changed. Get one of those flexible work lights and position it to shine into each case at the charging station. You have to be practically OCD when you are reloading. No distractions of any kind and when you start having trouble paying attention, stop and take a break.

    Good luck.

  11. I tried them. The problem is it doesn't actually break the nicotine addiction cycle, it just changes the delivery method. That said, it is better than a cigarette in terms of lung damage and the modern ones which use propylene glycol seem to be safe. Each brand is different and some will give you an annoying cough, so you may have to try a few different ones to find the right fit for you.

  12. Okay, I'm confused. Is the Flame War supposed to be a generalized bitch session or is it an opportunity to creatively insult one another in jest?

    If it's the latter, Chuck, maybe it's you....

    If not... I hate it when dudes on a forum misinterpret the meaning of a thread and say something stupid and out of place.

    I took a look at some of the 2002-2003 vintage FFWs and they seem to be a combination of general sniveling and (good natured :rolleyes: ) insults. Your question was impressive for a member of your capabilities.

    (But then if you had used the search function, you would not have had to ask... :devil: )

    I have spent much time reviewing FFW's of the past which is what lead to my question. Being a man of superior intelligence, I quickly observed the glaring difference between the flames of the past and meagre attempts of the present. This shows a distinct lack of either mental acuity from the old timers (it happens with age) or proof of the degradation of intellect of the younger generations now populating this forum. I am still searching for signs of intelligent lifeforms on this thread. :sight:

    Well, since you asked, here I am...

    As a person of superior intellect, I often wait until Saturday morning to post, so as not to intimidate the lesser mortals who post in threads like this...

    Sadly, the art of the flame war has diminished over the years. People simply do not know how to deliver an insult that is offensive, droll and humorous all at the same time, with that dash of snarky sarcasm that gives it all flavor. I am sure you can see that as it is obvious from your post that yours is truly a towering intellect...

    You mention the degradation of mental acuity as one ages. Well for some of us, we have become so wise over the years, that our brains become full. We must therefore discard the superfluous. But rest assured that we are in full possession of our wits. That said, I am impressed with what you are able to do with only half... B)

    And in defense of the mods, bear in mind that the concussions resulting from hundreds of thousands of shots fired over the years takes its toll. They should be applauded for being able to understand 50% of the words in a given post under the circumstances. (Some days, when the wind is blowing in just the right direction, if you listen carefully you can almost HEAR their lips moving as they read them).

    So in conclusion (before I am banned for life), that is how one delivers a proper flame. I could do better, but it's early on a Saturday morning and I haven't had my coffee yet.

    And that concludes the lesson for today... :lol:

  13. When I first started out, I swore I would never buy a used pistol. Fortunately, my best friend was also my teacher and knew better. One day we went to the range and they had a used Kimber classic I on consignment. I didn't want it because it wasn't a fancy match grade one like he had, plus I was broke. He took one look at it and said "you're getting this gun", pulled out a wad of cash and plunked it down on the table. That was almost 15 years ago and to this day it's the only .45 I shoot. Other than an extended magwell and an ambi safety, it's still the same gun and it can still shoot as accurately as some of the best customs out there. One more thing I owe Quicksdraw...we always had each others back when one of us was on the skids.

    And I don't know about Flex, but I keep it simple and just use some slide glide. A little goes a long way... :devil:

  14. Threatening to eat your neighbor's yorkie the next time he craps in front of your door is apparently FROWNED UPON by the buliding management. So much for the 1st amendment.

    I have been informed that nicotine withdrawl is insufficient grounds for choking a co-worker on government property. I must first drag the guy a half mile to the other side of the guard gate.

    Yet another person has stopped me on the street thinking I was Forrest Whitaker. I don't look ANYTHING like Forrest Whitaker, but if I ever run into him I am going to stop him and ask if he is me. Let's see how HE likes it.

    As we age, most men lose hair. My hairline is not only advancing but I'm finding hairs in places where it never existed before. My wife thinks that yorkie I tried to eat may have been a midget werewolf.

  15. I almost always shot L10 using my Kimber .45. I was lucky enough to have a best friend that taught me everything and had deep pockets so I could take my pick of pistols. But it felt weird shooting one of those space guns. I felt like I was going to break the thing and I kept looking for the "phasers on stun" setting. :)

    But seriously, I didn't think I had sufficiently mastered the fundamentals to do an open gun justice. I figure that if you can master shooting with iron sights and strategic reloading, you will be that much better with an open gun.

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