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Posts posted by lef-t

  1. 13 minutes ago, travail said:

    Techwell now makes a magwell for the Gibbz pcc lower. I have one and it's awesome!

    Thanks for the update! I got one too as soon as I got the email from Gibbz they were released. I like it, but had to drill the receiver for the set screws to stay in place after I muffed a classifier when the magwell shifted. Solid now, but definitely recommend sinking the screws if you haven't yet.

  2. Here's the WSB for reference. I set it up to give the shooter options and while I saw various approaches (some comical as shooters balanced on one foot with the other hovering the shooting area) I was not in the squad with RePete to join in the discussion at the time. I wish I had a clear intention as the stage designer other than to make the shooter think and get creative. I guess I accomplished that, but I hadn't considered the one-in-one-out option at the time. If I were RO I wouldn't have started the shooter because if you're partially inside the shooting area then you're not outside. The MD submitted the question to NROI so I'm curious to see what they say.


  3. I don't think you can. It appears to be a javascript that dymanically pares down the displayed list as you key more bytes into the search text box.

    It's easy enough to point to an individual match, though.

    I agree that you can point to an individual match and most of the sites I've seen do that, but I was hoping to take that step out for my buddy so that all he'd need to do was upload the scores and they'd be listed under his club results. I might email the support address. There's gotta be a way to reference the club ID for filtered results. I'm just not php literate.

  4. Apologies if this is common knowledge, but searching came up short.

    How can you link to a page on the practiscore website with just the results from your club? Something similar to if you typed the club name in the search field.

    I'm doing some web development for a buddy's club and rather than them posting individual links I was hoping to embed a results page from practiscore.

    It looks from the January update thread that this was planned to be implemented, but I just can't find how to work it. Thanks!

  5. What division you plan on shooting? Seems like without the usual aftermarket items such as magwell, extended mags, etc. the Q is most suited as production gun, in which case the .40 is a bit overpowered for minor. I've been debating on the 5in PPQ in 9 or 40, and even though I'd love to trick it our for limited I feel like the odds are stacked against it unless you run it in production. Maybe L10 if a magwell was available.

  6. I was curious to see if anyone had tried this and it looks like this thread is due for a 10-years later update.

    You CAN use your USPSA classification as proof of firearms proficiency for a Florida concealed carry permit.

    The language to satisfy the training requirement reads as follows, "documentary evidence of experience with a firearm obtained through participation in organized shooting competition;"

    I was down in FL at the beginning of this month and took the opportunity to apply in person. I supplied them with my most recent USPSA card with a classification and a printout of my classification history from the USPSA website. I got my permit in the mail today.

    All I can say is that it works, so anybody looking to get a FL permit can save their money on a class and put that $ towars some ammo or gear. To be fair, the people in the office were a little thrown off, and when I asked how many people use this option they said they see 3 or 4 a year in that office.

    Hope this update is helpful.

  7. I think it would be interesting if the software could inform you for instances when you should/shouldn't reengage a target or skip a disappearing one. Some way of setting a desired hit factor and alerting you when you're off track. For example If I got to the end of a stage with a disappearing target, but my HF was at an acceptable level, it would tell me not to waste the time engaging it.

  8. Been shooting the 4in M1 for two seasons now. With a good thumbs-forward grip there is little recoil to slow you down. Keep in mind it's a polymer gun, not an EAA or CZ. 124gr or heavier bullets help to mitigate the snap as well. Overall the PPQ is great gun that I love competing with.

  9. I just made the switch to disposables. I only wear contacts when shooting since it came out cheaper than updating the prescription for my Rudy's every year. So far so good, but it took a lot of trial and error to find a pair that was both comfortable and clear at the required distances. I feel like I'm still experimenting with what brand of lenses is best so I'll see where I end up after this season.

  10. Had a buddy do this with a CZ while I was ROing after he had a string of light strikes. Gun went click and rather than pulling DA he cocked the hammer with his weak hand, fired, and the round went off. It was so fast, and I thought we was racking the slide to clear the round. When the gun went bang I stopped him thinking it was an AD. When he told me what he did I, it made sense since he had been expecting a light strike although not the first thing I would've done.

    Just an interesting anecdote that if you do something that the RO doesn't expect and the gun goes off during what appears to be remedial action you'll get stopped. Depending on the RO, you may not be able to explain your way out of it and end up with a DQ.

  11. +1 on the NuFinish & Mineral Spirits. I was surprised how well it worked. I currently do 1-2 hours of the NuFinish & Min. Spir. with corn cob and another hour with NuFinish & Min. Spir. and walnut. The corn cob gets all the gunk and the walnut gets it purty.

  12. I don't know that treating no shoots and hard cover the same is the best strategy for all.

    Agreed. It's the mindset that I'm currently at and it helps for me. There's more risk to be considered with the no-shoots, but I just found that with both, my approach should just be focusing on the available target area whether there's black or white around it. After putting it that way I think I'll call this the "Museum of Tolerance" approach. I don't see black or white, I just see A zone.

  13. Perfectly legal. However, if it is only one procedural and it's a PITA to carry it most better shooters will just ignore it, shoot the stage better and faster and take the procedural.

    So pretty much if you really want them to carry the box, specify in the WSB it's one procedural per shot without the box?

  14. I had better "knock on wood" first, but I am loading Tula primers for my Glocks, one is a G34 with 3-1/2lb. connector and stock striker with reduced spring kit and the other is an Open Glock 17 with lightened striker and spring kit, so far, no issues...I do make sure that on the primer seat stroke on my Dillon 550, I seat 'em good!

    Haha - I've been hesitant to chime in on this thread for fear of jinxing my primers. Got 10k from PV during the rush back in July-ish and have been happy with them.

  15. I've gotten in the habit of treating NS and Hard cover the same as if there's just no target there. I do much better if I just focus on where I want to hit and making sure the sights are there rather than worrying about the pressure of the penalties. Granted the pressure is there, but I'm redirecting my focus onto "doing" something rather than "not doing" something.

  16. We had one similar to this, but at a closer distance. There was about 1/3 of A zone on a classic target above the head of the popper (also forward falling). I shot it all steel then the paper, but in retrospect, at that distance I probably could've gone steel/paper/steel... down the line and gotten A's but it would've taken a bit more aiming for the paper rather than having the full A zone exposed. This might be one of those arrays that I try out on two stage designs and shoot them differently to see which one is quicker.

  17. with the gamers I shoot with (myself included), unless specifically not allowed in the stage description most would throw the container towards the end location then shoot there way there and pick it up and put it where it goes when they got there.

    That would have been a creative way to solve the problem now wouldn't. I need to think of ideas like that!

    That was actually disallowed in the WSB. The prop had to be carried, not thrown.

    This actually reminded me of a question I had. Can you specify in a WSB that a prop must be retained while engaging a set of targets? In the stage attached, the WSB said you had to be retaining the parcel while engaging T1-T5 then drop it in a bucket to activate the swinger on the other side of the door. Granted, it didn't say how you had to retain it, so you could put it under your arm, between your legs, or balance it on your head if you chose. There was no handle, it was just a cardboard box wrapped in duct tape.

    I can't see why not, but some shooters thought that by specifying what arrays you had to shoot while retaining the box it wasn't "freestyle." It didn't say any order you had to shoot them, just T1-T5 had to be shot with the box on you. Thoughts?

  18. I've got the PS4 and love it. Upgraded from a PS3 and the overall interface is much smoother. The video and audio quality is amazing and I find myself watching more netflix on it because it looks very close to blu-ray quality. Still haven't pushed the hardware too hard or tried to do anything crazy with it, but out of the box, I'm very happy. The only thing I've noticed is the controller charge only lasts a couple days, where my PS3 could go weeks without having to charge the controller. I picked up a second so I can just swap out when the battery runs low so no big deal.

  19. I'm on the same mindset that a theme is nice as long as it's not to the detriment of the stages. Personally, I like a pop-culture reference here and there. This past season, named all of my stages after Archer quotes. It was a fun test to try to get the stage to fit the quote and either people got the reference or it was just another one of those "weird stage names." The design always was the priority though.



  20. Only negative I've found so far is the slide fails to lock consistently after last shot-I'm not going to change out the RSA, as I've got less than 1000 rds out so far.

    Enroute - Is it possible you're riding the slide-stop lever a bit without realizing it? Doesn't seem like it'd be a RSA issue, maybe a mag spring issue if anything. Just a thought.

    I've been running the PPQ since the day it was approved for production and really like it. Personally I like the paddle release of the M1 but besides that, the M2 is the same pistol. As far as recoil, I don't find it any worse than a G19. I found that a good thumbs forward grip makes a lot of difference on this gun.

    As for modifications, the stock sights are ok, but a fiber-front/black-rear setup helps with speed, and a stainless guide rod from BT Guide Rods helps with recoil a bit.

    If you can pick one up for under $550 I'd say you got a good deal. Tag on another $125 for the aftermarkets listed above. Mags can be found at around $30 each, which isn't terrible considering they're metal body and can take a beating.

    The 5in M2 should start showing up in stores more after the new year. As much as I really want one, I'll likely hold off for one with a paddle mag release.

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