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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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Posts posted by neohiobiker

  1. Was watching TV the other night the new Hawaii 5-0. This old seal kept his .45 in the freezer. Would you? I got to thinking that if like him you went into your place and knew a bad guy was inside (your in already) The normal thing when you first get home is go to the fridge and get yourself a beverage. What better way to get your protection (other then having it on you) then to open the door and it's in your hand. Now the question has anyone ever frozen their pistol? Pros and cons. I'm liking the Idea BUTTT....

  2. Good day all I'm really a newbie at this the only time I've been to a range is the Academy in the early 70's I hunted until the late 90's. But now I need to to this. thank you for your time

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