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Posts posted by BOOGIEWOOGIE

  1. I'm with you Linda, I always welcome constructive criticism about any matches i'm involved with, Its how we learn and make matches better. But i've seen too many good people leave the sport because their volunteer work was so harshly criticized. I was at the match, we're there things i would have done differently, Yes, but bottom line, did i have fun....Hell yeah! And to all involved with the match , my thanks for all you do to provide me a place to play my game....

    Oh, interesting word "Volunteer" just happen to have my Dictionary out, I'm from Alabama ,have to keep it handy to spell them big Yankee words sometimes. But it describes it as: a person who offers himself for a service with out obligation to do so. A person who performs a service willingly and without pay.

    Got to go, working on this interesting stage design, got the idea at the match, A sliding texas star, hummmmm *WEG*

    Don Woosley



  2. My God John, I just heard. I cant believe it, I can only imagine how your hurting.

    I was thinking back to I think last years area 6 match, I wanted one of those Glock hats they were giving away but they were out. I told Debi i wanted one and she said " I'll get you one before you leave".

    I had forgotten all about it as the match finished and i was heading to my car, when i hear Debi Yell at me

    " Hey Woogie, here's your hat" then brought it over to me . I think it was probably her own hat.

    Kind, always a pleasure to be around. She will be missed.

    Don Woosley

  3. a few thoughts"

    I was really proud to be tied for the lead for so long...........then the match started.

    I'm going to clean my guns before every match now...........no he wont' :devil:

    A rifle sighted in on Tuesday..................... A'int necessarily So on Sat!

    A 40 Rd mag. that works Last week......................" Ditto^ "

    Thanks to all the staff, RO's , vendors, everyone who helped put on the match :bow:

    Now to check my before match to do list to see if I accomplished everything i set out to do:

    To Do list for Multi Gun Nationals:

    1- Have fun [ x ]

    2- Make friends [ x ]


  4. Yeah, Charles,

    Slugs on the target holders are kind of rough, And yes i have an orange tractor, and i dont practice ;) i was refering to other people practicing lol .Kind of leaning on having a rifle side and a shotgun side match, something with a reload in it, Also thinking about doing them by classes or maybe a Lewis system so more people will shoot them not just the top guys, but still having a high overall. Also would like to have a ladies only side match , and maybe the team side match again. I dont know yet still open for suggestions .



  5. I was just heading out to the range to cut some grass, Yes we finally got some rain here ;)

    Was wondering if anyone had any Ideas for some side matches, I know we will have some of the best shooters in the country...Heck... in the world coming to the match. Would like to have something that the top shooters could brag about for a year if they won, but like to have some fun shoot, us average shooters could enter too and have a chance of doing good.

    Just looking for a little imput.

    Just remember ,Nov. matches are won by July sweat.


  6. Hi All, yes the match is on. For all who cant make the Fl open, come on down to Sweet Home ALA YEHHHHHAAA DAMN BAMA, Cant promise the Fl weather but will promise all the fun. Shake the winter time blues, get an early start to the shooting season, experience Southern hospitality first hand.

    Match info on www.mossbranch.org

    get those guns out and start practicing,

    See you at the match


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