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Posts posted by GrantJ

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    Back in the day Alan and I worked together to produce a full list of AP matches nationwide that even, on occasion, included some from overseas. The idea was to make www.gvshoot.com, the birthplace of AP, the go-to site for Action Pistol. Sadly, after stepping down from running the events at GV, this stopped. Alan may still have access to all of that, if not I can try and get some archived info from GV to add to this new web site.


    OK, just took a quick look, here is the link to the archives, lots of really good info, enjoy... :) Green Valley Discipline / News Archives (gvshoot.com)



  2. All


    Back in the day Alan and I worked together to produce a full list of AP matches nationwide that even, on occasion, included some from overseas. The idea was to make www.gvshoot.com, the birthplace of AP, the go-to site for Action Pistol. Sadly, after stepping down from running the events at GV, this stopped. Alan may still have access to all of that, if not I can try and get some archived info from GV to add to this new web site.



  3. OK, time to chime in again... :)


    Most production optic guns are striker fired these days so trigger pull, while a little shorter, would not be a significant difference given some of the trick new trigger groups out there now for Revo's. So, it really comes down to defining the optic, remember the old "Coke Cans" from days gone by. Defining what would, or would not, be allowed would be challenging and open up a whole new can of worms.


    Grant J

  4. Hi all


    Interesting discussion. I have always used a semi auto for competition because that is what I had when I started shooting AP, but I do like revolvers and can see both sides of this. We are talking about two totally different operating systems and after careful consideration I can't see how you can fit an optic of any type to a revolver, and it not be in open class because of the way it is designed and built.


    That being said, I would be interested in your comments, how would you put the case to have them included... :)


    Grant J


  5. All


    Been a while since I posted or was involved. Helen and I were able to attend the prize giving, it ran really smoothly, they did a great job. Take a look on www.gvshoot.com go to the photo album link in the left column, some really nice pics there.


    Hope to see everyone there in 2022 and remember the BBQ at the house on the Saturday


    Best to all for the coming season



  6. Try going through www.gvshoot.com near the bottom of the home page on the left you will see NRA/Bianchi Cup, click on that and then NRA Bianchi Cup National Championship. If that gets you in click on match scores, if you scroll down a bit you will see the choose a match banner on the left, you can go in through there to get the WAPC results. Hope this helps some but if not pm me and I will try and get the link to you.



  7. All

    This year marks the 40th running of this great event. These pictures from the first are amazing, which makes me think there are others out there. I have many from 1988 and on but nothing earlier. We are thinking of putting something special together for the event, if anyone has pictures and can scan them, email them to me at engraving@dsportmo.com and we will try to get something organized.


  8. George

    I recall many years ago Rob Leatham made the comment “the Bianchi Cup has become an X count race so to compete you needed to use a semi auto”. I can understand the rationale behind that, back then triggers were not restricted so most were running right around 1lb. Light triggers and short stroke meant more time to work on sight and trigger. Still looking back at the last of the revolver X counts they were in the 170’s which is not that far from where they are now. Also, back then the target was perforated not printed as they are today, so you had no defined center to aim at.

    I must admit when the new target was implemented I figured we would see the X count go up but not so, we are still hovering around the mid 180’s

    Interesting stuff going back through all of that, I have every results bulletin from the first one I attended back in 1988 to the last time they printed one. Sad to see them go.


  9. The list is a short one. Best I can tell this is it. In the early days because most used Revolvers they were not broken out as a separate class. As Semi-Autos started to become more popular they started to be listed, the as Revolvers started to decline they too were listed. Still great question and interesting results. One thing I did notice going through this, the number of multiple 1920 seemed to have dropped along with the number of Revolvers.




    1990 – Doug Koenig

    1992 – Riley Gilmore

    1993 – Brian Kilpatrick, Rob Leatham, Roy Bannister & Frank Glen

    1995 - Phil Hemphill & Rob Leatham

    1998 – Alex Burridge

    1999 – Grahame Harriman

  10. I started out way back when with a CZ75. Went from there to a CZ85 and in 1990 ended up with a third place finish at the Bianchi Cup in metallic sight. Shortly after that I went to a Springfield P9 out of their custom shop and finally on to the Tanfoglios where we have been ever since.

    Both of our AP open guns will shoot better than 1.5” at 50 and have been for the most part very reliable. I have more information about these platforms than most but there is way too much information to post here, I tried to send Mike a PM over the weekend but he may not have received it. Still if he wants to call me at work, 1800 449 8018 or email me there at engraving@dsportmo.com I would be happy to let him know anything he wants to know.

    Grant J

  11. Chris

    Internationals have and do attend the Crawfish Cup. You are retired, come over early enjoy the match, food and hospitality and ride back to Columbia with us for a nice relaxing run into the Bianchi Cup, problem solved… J


    Last year you arrived late and spent your practice time swinging a hammer instead of being at the range. The “Embassy” by the way is doing just fine…J

    We are looking forward to seeing everyone here again next year; it is you all that make the event and the Action Pistol community what it is today!


  12. All

    We are back to the original rules on a dropped gun. Loaded, instant disqualification. Unloaded is a safety violation, two safety violations will result in disqualification.

    Gloves - Can be worn for an "Event" we shoot 4 "events" to make up the match. You do not have to wear it for the entire match. If you want to use a glove or gloves for Barricade, you do not have to wear them on mover.

    Could have been worded a little better for sure.


  13. If you have a choice, I would go with the Witness Limited Elite. I think it is a better deal and is ready for IPSC or NRA Action Pistol in Metallic division. With Warrens shroud and a 6" Briley Barrel it will be a real tack driver, ours shoot sub 1.5" groups at 50.


  14. All

    We try to keep the Green Valley site up to date with all of the matches including entry packs etc. Check www.gvshoot.com under Action Pistol, everything should be there. As soon as new information comes to hand we will post it, the only one we are missing right now that we know of is Michigan.


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