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Posts posted by m.e.t.

  1. I have been blessed to know Jane and Dave for many years. As I read some of the points in Jane's post. I had to smile at the memories of the past when Dave was coaching Jane and then when Jane moved past the coaching stage. We all saw the change. But Dave (God love him) was the last to know. You had to be there. It was a great joy to watch.

    To say that I will miss these guys is a weak choice of words. One of the components of my love for this sport is the people I have had the chance to share it with. Jane and Dave will leave a void not likely to be filled. People of this character and passion are rare. What a gift that they found each other. A gift equally shared by both. True partners.

    God's speed in all that you do.


  2. I have had the pleasure of being involved with the IN state matches for several years. Dave and Jane are the best. They draw together some of the finest and hardest working folks I know. The only complaint I have is. I had to say Kosciusko about a hundred times. But stage 2 was a run and gun fun filled stage. I had a great team and even greater shooters.

    I want to thank all of the hard working squads that came through our stage. I know how hot and tired you were. But you all worked together and kept our stage and your match moving along. I hope to see you all on the range somewhere. And most of all at the IN State next year.

    Mike Thompson

    Stage 2

  3. Jane,

    Just wanted to add my congrats for your A-6 performance. Always enjoy watching your journey unfold. I think that the open gun has proved to be your paving machine. Freeing you to make your own road.

    See you on the range.


  4. Making minor must have hit you hard. But you have the added experience to fuel your drive. And drive on you will.

    You are a warrior princess. And you don't need glass slippers. You need a good heavy shoe to kick A$$ with.


  5. Jane,

    For you to win C class Open when you were running on empty speaks to your skill and dedication. I would like to point out to you all that our R/O staff had 4 class winners. We have some bragging rights attached to that. Many of you have spent days setting up and broke the last shot of your match at 8 PM on Friday. There isn't much left at that point.

    As we said to each other on Friday night. This match was our payback for all of the great and hard work we have enjoyed at others expense over the years. You and Dave are the best and I am proud to have been there through the years to watch you both grow in our sport. And I am blessed to count you as part of my shooting family.

    Look out Illinois and Kentucky cause Jane is coming to compete.....You go girl.........


  6. As a lowly wall toter and clip board holder. I would like to say it was well worth it to meet a great bunch of competitors. Hope to see you all next year. And kudos to our leaders Dave, Aron, and Steve. Great leadership makes great matches.

    By the way we had 4 class winners in our R/O staff. Those of you who have worked 3 days setting up. And finish shooting your match at 8 pm on Friday, know what that means.


  7. Way to go Jane. I hope you burn them down this year. You have the tools and the drive.

    I hope this year it all comes together for you.


    Who gets the open gun next? David or Jackson.

  8. Seems like a lot of us started shooting during or after a divorce. I know that it saved my sanity. The shift of focus onto shooting was only a part of it. I have been blessed to meet and compete against the finest group of people one could imagine.

    Now years later the need to shoot is as strong as ever. And my new wife tells me that I can only go a week or so without shooting a match. If I go longer she accuses me of getting a bit testy. So every Saturday she asks me where the match is on Sunday. Darn fine woman.

  9. I had my first DQ at the nationals just four days before you had yours. What can you say. This sport is all about safety. We broke the rules and had to pay the price. I know that the RO and RM were just as sick about my stupidity as I was. Well maybe not quite as much, but close........

  10. Marc,

    Maybe I just thought you had been away long enough and I had a chance to beat you.

    My momma always said good friends were the finger prints of God on your soul. Smart woman my momma. Everyone has to walk to the edge of the abyss at some point in life. And as Sig Lady and others have said you come back stronger than you ever could have imagined. I'm just glad you are coming back.

    See ya Sunday,


  11. In the last year I have had the pleasure to introduce several new shooters to this game. When they first asked me I told them shoot what they own. Now with SS joining Production and Limited 10 it makes a little more sense. Not that they could not shoot their 1911's. They just felt the need to buy the 10 round mags. Hey, we all have had the pleasure of jumping in with both feet. But I do like being able to make the intro as easy as possible.

    Of the three new shooters. One each is shooting Limited, Lim 10 and SS.

    As for the continued health and growth of any division. We the shooters will give them life or sign the death certificate. We show up, we pay the fee and shoot what we want. That is too simple I suppose. But we also get a ballot in the mail.

    I also agree that in the coming year. You will see others at least giving SS a try. I like others here started the year knowing that I was shooting the Nats or some other major match. And do not want to shoot anything but our chosen division until then.

  12. I got to see this match from both sides. I was the clip board wrangler on stage #1 Saturday. And a nicer bunch of shooters could not have been found. Nor a better run stage. I am biased though. Then on Sunday I got to see the match as a shooter. Another great bunch of folks on squad 18. And great and smoothly run stages.

    This was one of the best run match I have ever been associated with. From either side of the fence.

    Thanks to all the Shooters and RO's alike.

    David, I think I look better with the smudge on the lense.

    Mike Thompson

  13. The problem with the BB idea is then the punks can't leave!

    One BB equals one flat tire. If you have ever seen a trunk full of woofers and amps. You would appreciate the amount of work involved in getting to the spare. Which I can almost promise is flat or nearly flat. So don't put all of your BB's in one basket so to speak.....

    Bonus...When the BB infested cap is installed. If you really tighten it down the BB becomes inbedded in the cap. Most folks (my guys included) take the cap off (with the now inbedded BB) and after reinflating and inspecting it find no leak they reinstall the same cap. That now equals two flat tires. This can go on for sometime........And they have to dissasemble the cause of your woe each and every time the spare comes out of the trunk. Or in the case of most young folks I have seen. It goes into the back seat. And that is one less annoying individual they can now haul into your neighborhood.

    I bid you all a peace filled evening. Barring that. Where do you get the Bag Pipe CD's?

  14. After many years in the tire business I would recommend one BB in each of their valve caps. Drop the BB in the cap and reinstall. There is no loud hiss to draw attention like when the valve core is removed and no special tools are needed. No damage but very flat tires. It seems to happen to the school bus tires around here every couple of years.

    As the step father of teenagers I feel your pain. The parent has to step up. I was in the yard just the other day when a neighbor brought me a complaint about my kids and their music. I went to their rooms and laid a hammer on each of their stereos. I also put For Sale signs on each of their passenger seats. They are reminders of the consequences of another complaint. I have tried to teach them that respect must be given to be received. But if you do not follow those rules the world will get around to kicking your A$$. And right now I am a big part of their world.

    I know that will not help you but I have hopes for my neighbors. And even though I may come across as a mean s.o.b. I have hopes for my kids as well.

  15. Radar, I look forward to meeting you at WVPPS. David puts on a first class match. And he is supported by first class people. I have 2 new shooters this year and I took both of them to their first match at WVPPS.

    But prepare the wife. Cause when this bug bites it leaves a mark. And it puts a gleam in your eye she might not have seen in awhile.......


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