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Posts posted by Wakal

  1. The part that confuses me is that as an 07/SOT I should be able to "destroy" the existing gun and "manufacture" a new gun (by putting my company's information on it). Entering the old information in my bound book, marking it as "destroyed" and then in the "build" book as "manufactured."


    I can make a new gun, but I can't make a new gun out of an old gun? Confused my local ATF with this one, too. Especially since if I "materially add" to the value of the gun (by, say, pretty cuts, new sights, a slapdash Duracoat job, etc.) then I have to pay excise tax on it as if I manufactured it. Go figure.


  2. I have been using a Kindle DX for the last three years now...love it. Having 2000-odd books on "tap" is pretty sweet. My new phone (yeah, I finally got a phone that does other things besides...phone calls)...had far more memory even in the hardwired storage (much less the microSD) than I needed to dump all of my Kindle books to the phone. Now I have a nice big easy to read book thing, and a...paperback?

    I don't care much for Amazon's pricing on new books, but Baen has my back :)


  3. Gun weight is personal preference. If it doesn't bother you, then it isn't a problem. If you don't like it, though, FIX IT.

    Being of short and svelte stature, I prefer a lighter gun. That is just my opinion, and is worth every dime paid for it :)

    It isn't hard to take apart the weirdly constructed and wildly overpriced LaRue products; it just requires proper application of heat and correctly applied torque to melt the epoxy that they use to put their guns together. I strip down LaRue guns on a fairly regular basis without issue other than the opportunity to practice my colorful language with regard to the epoxy manufacturer and the raving madman who decided that gluing a gun together was a GOOD idea. If it takes glue to hold an AR together, then you are doing something wrong ;)


  4. Having built quite a few guns, I've noticed that the super-light tuned gas systems (with titanium carriers, decent (read: PRI) adjustable low-profile steel gas blocks, etc.) can be a bit picky about ammo, yet don't shoot any better splits at the same accuracy than a non-adjustable gun with the right parts. Plus, the second configuration is cheaper and less...picky. Win-win :)

    What upper receiver would you want? Dreadnaught (billet looks neat, forged is cheaper)

    What lower receiver would you want? Dreadnaught (billet looks neat, forged is cheaper)

    What barrel would you want? Noveske (1/8 mid-length gas, turned to .750 OD and fluted, black nitride coated)

    What length of barrel would you want? 18"

    Would you want traditional gas driven or piston driven system? (mid length gas)

    What trigger system would you want? (Geissele Super 3-Gun, flat)

    Would you want a full length stock or a collapsible stock? (ACE skeleton, JP spring, Endine buffer)

    What comp / flash suppressor would you want? (Dreadnaught F2)

    What Bolt Carrier / Bolt Carrier Group would you want? (JP standard weight stainless)

    With a LaRue mount, Z6i BRT, and a Burkett-mount Insight RDS, that configuration shoots great! Have a YHM "Jarrett" forend on it; will switch to a Lancer Carbon Fiber when they come in. Aluminum plus 106 degrees in the Texas sun equals "ouchies"...


  5. I've been a military operator for 22 years now...first, I learned how to operate a mop, then I learned how to operate a buffer, then I learned how to operate a can of spray paint...

    Hey, some of that spray paint was black, so...tactical operator (of spray paint)...

    Asshats. Stupid buzzwork bingo, marketing style...annoys the hell out of me, too.


  6. FYI, the S&B has a SFP dot as well. I haven't heard Amy neg feedback about scope-eye dstance changing with zoom from those who have fingered prototypes.

    You have now, repeatedly :)

    You have to be looking for it (no pun intended). Liota, Fred, and even my father all noticed, while on separate "find the good scope" missions at SHOT...we decided that it was more "fair" to check various venders out separately and then compare notes, with a mass "wandering" to review the high scoring glass on Day Four.

    Another scope that I was very impressed with was the 1-4 from Steiner. The only one (aside from Meopta) that I had to turn DOWN from full on to avoid illuminated "bloom." Now, if they make the 1-6 that they were discussing...


  7. The S&B...at least all the regular and prototypes I messed with at SHOT...had a horrible focal length change in relation to the zoom. As the power was cranked up, you had to move your eye closer and closer to the scope. Bleah.

    The IOR 1-10 is the one that I'm looking forward to. First focal plane mildots, second focal plane "dot," both with separate illumination :)

    Plus, it is big and heavy enough to serve as a quite servicable anchor for those extra-windy match days :D

    REF: https://picasaweb.google.com/lpwakal/SHOTDay1#5563918784245394706


  8. The "wolf-like" was common in the stories set in his teens and early twenties, but by the time he was a pirate Howard usually described the "...Herculean physique inherited from his blacksmith father..." Any man who can break the neck of a Cimmerian bull (not those weakling Southern bulls) when he was only 15...

    But I agree, big and tough but not pretty-boy ripped.


  9. Liota and I saw it yesterday...nice, brutal fight scenes. Mostly good sets (some of the miniatures were a little weak), nice costumes, lots of gore. I thought Conan was a good choice, as was Mr. Conan's Dad. No chemistry whatsoever between the 'love interest' and Conan, and not a lot of really inspiring acting. The most interesting character was Conan's pirate friend, and he was relegated to background most of the time.

    Still, the best "sword" movie I've seen in a long time!


  10. My friend Fred and I wander SHOT like lost souls (easily distracted lost souls, but lost neverthelesss) looking at optics. I build quite a few 3-Gun and LE rifles, and have no particular brand loyalty. I want performance, not a name on the side, and I will drop anything inferior for a better product if it is of any real (not perceived) value.

    Just like most folks here, aside from the shills for the various products due to sponsorship or other vested interest :)

    I find the Z6i to be the best combination of features currently available. Fairly light, six power on the top end (which knocks out the otherwise spiffy high end Vortex), bright illumination (which kills the dim US Optics), and with good eye relief that does not change with magnification (which knocks out the S&B Short Dots)...and is one power on the low end, which (along with the just plain silly price) kills the Leupold MK8.

    I am fond of Meopta, Burris TAC30 1-4 (I sell a ton of these, as I find them a fantastic value for the money spent), Burris XTR 1-4, and the IOR 1.5-8. I've owned pretty much everything, and at least spent a lot of time fondling things I don't have or have little interest in (just in case I'm wrong, which...I often am, which forces me to re-evaluate and re-rank my choices). I'm no expert, but I'm not a shill or a pimp either :D

    The funny thing about scopes, as it most things in life, as the price goes up the performance goes up...to a point. After that point, the performance increases incrementally and the price increases geometrically. The problem is finding that point, or figuring just how much incremental performance you want at the price you can pay.

    For now, I can afford any optic on the market. My Z6i(s) are by no means the most expensive glass I own, but they are the best competition glass I've found... I do intend to buy one of the new 1-10 IOR (the prototypes at SHOT were very interesting), eventually...someday Val will start shipping them!


  11. The real reason that we now hold an IPSC National Championship match is that we are required to. That's right ... The IPSC Constitution requires member regions to conduct a competition program sufficient to crown a National IPSC Champion each year. Were it not for this requirement, and the fact that since the total split in rule books in 2008 IPSC no longer recognizes USPSA matches (including our Nationals) as IPSC events, I very much doubt you would see even this match being run under IPSC rules.

    Sooooo...when is Japan's "National Championship?"


  12. Of those two, the Firebird hands-down (and flaming forearms up, down, and stop/drop/roll) :)

    There is another choice...the original Saiga mid-barrel comps (with the rail), of course.

    The Firebird uses a nifty thrust vector system that works pretty darn well. The other comp (the one with the rail) uses baffles to redirect and capture high pressure gas. Others use big expansion chambers and are a bit outdated.

    That said, Ralph Arredondo had a really neat new comp on his Saiga at the recent Rocky Mountain 3-Gun. Very compact, side ports, and a top angle port "shark fin" sort of arrangement, so no need for both porting for the comps and angle porting for the barrel. I thought was the best looking mid barrel brake I've ever seen, and it seemed to control muzzle rise quite well. I want one :D


  13. Hmmm...starting a course of fire with a competitor...AND a RO...downrange...

    Watching slugs go over the squad's head as the shooter engages "slug" steel in a 270 degree arc...

    Hell, that was this weekend :)


  14. Thanks! That link leads to a pretty good deal...here it is for the 'no clicky' crowd:


    Order a Burris Fullfield Tac 30 1-4x24 for $299.95 and receive the new Burris MTAC 1-4x24 that originally sells for $399.95 at the $299.95 price.

    ****You will only get ONE scope. Order the Tac-30 for $299.95 and we will ship you the new MTAC for the price you paid for the Tac-30 ($299.95) which is $100.00 off the price of the new MTAC.****


    1. Click this link: http://swfa.com/Burris-1-4x24-Fullfield-TAC-30-Tactical-30mm-Rifle-Scope-P48171.aspx

    2. Add to cart

    3. Checkout Now

    4. Enter coupon code BO in the coupon code field.

    5. Complete and submit order

    6. You're finished and you will receive this scope: http://swfa.com/Burris-1-4x24-MTAC-30mm-Rifle-Scope-P50898.aspx

    *There's no discount applied to your order with the coupon code. The code is to help us decipher on our end which orders need to switched to the MTAC scope.

    ** Yes we will take care of the order on our end and make sure you receive the MTAC.

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