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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Tyler Payne

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Posts posted by Tyler Payne

  1. "...You can see a shooter that has disconnected from his game plan due to invisible targets or poor stage design..."

    How does poor stage design have anything to do with the shooter straying from his plan? Everyone gets a chance to walk through the stage at least once and if they don't have a solid plan formulated or if they forget it half-way through, that is 100% on the shooter.

    In regards to coaching...I'm all for it if the rules allow.

  2. If you look at percentage gaps between divisions, you will see that it is not even across the board. Last year at RM3G, 2nd place in HI was at 90%. 2nd in LI was at 97%. 2nd in O was 89% and in HS and LS was at 85%. But the 5th place in O was only seperated by 18% vs. HI with a 40% difference. That doesn't seem fair to all the shooters because 1 or 2 people blow the curve and screw the rest of the shooters. It seems like at a match where scores are combined it would benefit to shoot a different division (such as open in this case) just so you can get better prizes. If I were shooting HI, why would I go to this match where if I blew one stage and drop 4 places, I end up being at 97th vs. 5th in my division? We have divisions to keep shooters seperate and see where we place against the shooters in our division.

  3. "It was great to shoot at Ft. Benning. The staff was great and the last day was run efficiently. The scoring is kind of odd, and there is no chance to dispute the scoring, so signing score sheets is not necessary. I don't mind Cooper tunnels, but this one was really for short people only. Also, it wasn't really a Cooper tunnel, it was a weird version that I think even Colonel Cooper would have not appreciated. All the rifle stages were sniper or stop and go stages, with a lot of no shoots, so no chance to go fast or make up time. On Saturday it took all day to shoot 3 stages. No time for lunch on Friday or Saturday. One stage had a weird chair set up with a rotating port that I hope I never see again. I like the Ft Benning match, but I thought the stages were not as good as last year. Kind of dry. Will I go again, sure. I am a big supporter of the AMU and all the Army does for this match. It could be better"

    What would you have liked to see that would make it better? We tried to make the match difficult enough to make mistakes but easy enough to have fun.

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