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Posts posted by MrClean

  1. We decided not to post stages because in the past some clubs set em up to "practice". Probably could put em up at this point I guess.... but just decided earlier on not to.

    So everyone gets surprised this year I guess :) For me personally, I like to look at em too. But they always look different on the ground anyway.

    Range will open until dark Friday night, perhaps a little later but don't count on it. Need to get some rest for the match kickin off early

    We will have shooters meeting at ~0730 Saturday morning, with hammer down at 0800!!

    Sunday morning report to your first stage of the day and be ready to hammer down at 0700.

    This should put us through early enough so that those of you with a long drive get home at a decent hour.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone!!

  2. Ok folks.... it's getting close.

    • Round Count is 249 with 10 stages (plus Chrono stage).
    • There will be a 2016 MS Classic 20th anniversary stadium cup in your shooter bag, along with any prize(s) you may win. (Possibly another Sponsor cup as well) Look close in your bag, some may have a card telling you to redeem it at another table.
    • Utilize the cup for the water coolers on stages and Saturday night. We will have paper cups but trying to cut down on amount of trash and waste. And they look way cooler than a paper cup anyway. :goof:
    • We will have a random drawing Saturday night for all the firearms to be given away, even if you received something in your shooter bag you are still in the drawing. You don't have to be there to win but you DO have to claim it by end of match Sunday.
    • The Crawfish Guru is cookin' up an even 1,000 pounds this year, with the trimmings.... and yes, including sausage this year too.

    Looking forward to seeing everyone this year!!!

  3. dj, shoot me an email at msclassic@teammagnolia.com and I'll let ya know where you stand on the wait list.

    About to free up some slots that were held back for sponsors/vendors and finish up the final count.

    Stages will not be published. Everyone gets to see em when they show up.

    Logo for shirts is a combination of our crawfish mascot and the first logo used for The MS Classic and look great. We will not be ordering a lot of extra ones, just like last year. Extras will be held until Saturday afternoon to ensure everyone gets theirs. This marks our 20th year. We actually have a few guys shooting this year that shot in the first match all those years ago!!!!

    It's a big privilege for us to host this for everyone. There are a lot of folks that give up countless hours of work, vacation days used up from work and good ol' blood, sweat and tears. Well.... I haven't seen anyone cry yet but I think there may have been some tears of pain a few times. We all absolutely enjoy hosting this event and seeing everyone having a blast.

    So get ready! Crawfish, Live Band and all you great folks coming in!!!!

  4. Ok, sorry for the delay.

    I should finish getting it imported in to PractiScore and get official emails out to those in and those on waiting list.

    If you have received an email "from me" stating you are on the wait list, do not believe it. It seems someone takes pride in figuring out how to send an anonymous email, looking like it came from a sender other than themselves. It's not that hard, so don't feel too smart. Most email filters will toss it in to your spam folder because the sender doesn't match what is in the header information. And if I do pull an IP from that header info that matches someones IP that has sent me a personal email previously.... you will be dropped from the match.

    So bottom line is that you should begin receiving emails today or tomorrow through PractiScore.

    And the wait list isn't going to be too long either, nothing like last year.

  5. The hotels are linked below. Still in process of trying to strike a deal with Holiday Inn Express so soon as I know something I'll post here.

    Holiday Inn Express


    Comfort Inn


    Update: Waiting on contract from Holiday Inn Express to finalize and get code. Seems they have already been fielding calls from "shooters".

    The bad news is they only had 40 rooms left. As soon as I get the code I'll post here.

    Still waiting on Comfort Inn - last year they had a ridiculous requirement so we didn't get a discount at all

  6. Please refrain from emailing me/texting me/calling me. All communication should go through email via msclassic@teammagnolia.com

    This way I am waaaay less likely to miss anything.

    As stated before, I will go through and begin the process probably Wednesday night after the Range's BOD meeting. Or maybe even Thursday. I wanted to wait this year until the bulk were here.

    Yesterday would have been the busiest delivery day of apps, daughter says there is a whole new stack now there on my desk.

    Sorting through, considering overnight, postage date, MS resident, sponsored, vender, blah blah blah..... then will input to PractiScore and you will get an email notifying you that you are in the match. A wait list will be comprised as usual and sent out to all those on said list. Bear with me, may be Monday before emails actually go out.

    We're having our "Stage Crew" get together tonight to further work on the ten stages to be shot. Chris Baucum is heading up this effort, so if you see him give him a big thanks. It's not a small undertaking and when you get a room full of Type-A's talking about the best stages to do, how to lay them out, how to construct the gadgetry..... it gets interesting. He has also taken on RO assignments and such, working towards his RM certification!!

    Also I want to thank Rob Sutton and his better half, Jana. They are heading up sponsorship/prize table again this year. I have talked to several already about sponsorship, forwarded that information to them, but they handled it last year and did a fantastic job! I'm sure it will be another great year.

    I know what you're thinking...... so what are YOU doing now that everyone else is doing all the work..... I'm grinning. Immensely. Seriously, there is plenty else to do but I wanted to thank these folks for all the work they do. If it were not for these and other key players, last year might not have happened. This group of folks here are the reason it happens like it does.

    We all look forward to hosting again this year and can't wait to see ya'll!!

  7. Enos site giving me fits cutting and pasting for some reason so bear with me.

    But I did want to cover something so I don't miss any communications of importance. All contact should begin with email to msclassic@teammagnolia.com

    I simply can't field all the calls and texts coming in. So if you hear someone saying I'm not responding, please ensure they are using the email. Pretty sure most don't want me calling them when I have time to go through all the messages (usually late night to wee hours of morning)

    It's not that I don't like talking to ya'll. Well, most of you anyway. :goof:



  8. I'll make this short, to the point and then I'm 10-7. Out of here. I will not respond in this thread again. And I apologize to folks for even participating at the level I have.

    One post asks for help, the next once again bashes me and/or other folks that put this match together before I can even respond. Sorry, I was busy with life. Since you obviously despise us, I will gladly send your app and funds back if you would like. Just email to msclassic@teammagnolia.com

    • You keep saying things like "Ya'll will get over it. Just let it go." but it doesn't seem like one certain person wants to let it go over and above all others. Sorry, don't mean to be too vague... I mean you.
    • I do remember that offer now. Seems more like an offer to swap slots than to 'sponsor the match' as you previously stated. And at the time there was absolutely NOTHING good being said about your match and certain folks down there. I decided against it. Me. Nobody else, so I'll take that one and own it. Sorry you got your feelings hurt. As you continually say.... Let it go.
    • Again you reference things like "that guy on TV" instead of just saying his name. Still not naming any source for your earliest accusations. Max shoots every year that he wants. And know what, he hasn't even turned in an app yet. Know why? No. You don't because you don't bother to just ask about things. He shoots because his father is a match sponsor and therefore gets two slots free.
    • Again... your app is sitting right here. If your folks had done what you did, theirs would be here too. As of now the match isn't full as near as I can tell, that will change later today with deliveries.
    • "It's a moving target sometimes with that guy". Remarks like this and you say you aren't questioning integrity? I think I've tried to be civil, tried to refrain from questioning anyone's integrity, etc You ask for my help, then bash me again. LOL I find it quite amusing at this point. Don't expect an over abundance of enthusiasm for helping you at this point.
    • Match Budget - My apologies for not dropping everything else I have going on right now, creating a spreadsheet and getting you that immediately. Look for it soon in your inbox. I'm sure you will deem it as JackDick (still enjoying using that one) and gripe about it.​

    Oh, I'll start a new thread and see if I can rename this one for the remaining info about the match.

    As I stated before, I'm out. Anyone need anything pertaining to the match, you have the email.

  9. Wow.... a lot got posted while I was in and out comprising that email response of mine. ha

    I've spoken to several folks, including the current Team Magnolia President. I just got off the phone with Bryant (MS Section Coordinator) as well.

    The 2017 Official MS State Match is all yours.

    Team Magnolia will continue to host the usual MS Classic up here at Magnolia Rifle & Pistol Club. We have discussed pursuing turning it into a charity match for our local childrens hospital or perhaps another cause. Not sure if I will even be the MD, as I had planned on this being my last year, the 20th anniversary of The MS Classic. I'm honored and humbled to have been the MD for The Classic for the last 5 years. I don't think I can hang as long John did. I may decide to stick around, iron details out and make a new "play book" if we go the Charity Match way. Who knows....

  10. Ok, I think Lee put the quote demon on me because I can't get it to work at all now. I told myself I wouldn't reply again because it continually adds fuel to the fire and simply seems not to matter at all when I try to explain anything.

    But I would like to investigate why I didn't accept sponsorship or help from you. Please hit me up via email or call me if you'd like. I don't recall ever getting a sponsorship offer that we didn't accept.... with one exception. We had someone that wanted to be a "Premier" sponsor, "Title Sponsor" or whatever you want to call it. I turned it down because I just don't like the idea for various reasons. And as far as not accepting an offer for help, I have told some folks over the years that we didn't need anymore. Simple because we usually fill up RO slots and such extremely fast. I try to have that list done even before registration opens (but I usually don't quite get it complete). If I snubbed you or anyone else, it was certainly unintentional and not because I 'don't want anything to do with someone'. As far as our JackDick registration goes.... your JackDick app got here just fine. So why would any of your people be complaining? If they did what you did this year.... their JackDick app would be here too. So I don't really see an issue. I like that new word and will be using it all day. Has a nice ring to it, actually quite comical sounding. :goof:

    Again, I hate we can't get everyone in. As far as people getting folks here to print the apps and hand deliver.... thinking outside the box, adapt, overcome, conquer. Just glancing and guessing at the mix of envelopes and number of apps inside, there are approximately 80 MS folks that will be in the match at this point. We have 169 slots for Sat/Sun shooters. So that works out to be over 47%. So you can bet it'll end up well over 50% And when I had the Section Coordinator check stats on other matches last year.... that was WAY over norm.

    And with that being said....I think I may know what was actually said by that magnolia member. I don't know why I didn't realize it before, but I'm not trying to hide anything, contrary to what some folks believe. Chalk it up to me being old, busy with a life, settling into a new job, hunting season, gunsmithing, cerakoting, etc etc But this year, as discussed with the Board of Directors for Magnolia Rifle and Pistol Club last year, we made the offer to Range Members who held a valid USPSA number to reserve them a slot in appreciation for all the Range does for us. We have never truly given anything tangible back to the membership that pays dues for the Range. We tie up the range for 5 days, the Range not only doesn't charge us a dime, but supports us totally and is VERY generous. Without their support as it stands, it wouldn't happen at all. They recognize how important matches like this are for the shooting community and are dedicated to supporting the shooting sports. It's the number 1 statement under Our Purpose in the ByLaws. Literally... it's the first one. Now for the numbers on that so everyone doesn't freak out. I believe I currently have 22. Out of those I personally recognized all but 4 as members that I see every month helping setup and tear down, attend work nights, volunteer their time at the State Match. I could go on and on. The others I didn't recognize are probably there and I just haven't had the pleasure of meeting them yet, or just don't remember (see above reasons for my forgetting things). The local presidents of the shooting teams at Magnolia have been discussing what we can do to give back and have yet to come up with anything we feel would even begin to repay their generosity, but we will figure something out! This seemed like the least we could do. Again.... sorry it didn't hit me earlier. But I don't apologize for doing it. Those that know me and the others at this club know I'm not trying to hide anything and we all try to be fair. Those that don't.... I really don't care anymore at this point.

    As far as electronic registration, we already do that on local matches. The guy that pretty much setup and pioneered implementing PractiScore here (Oz) probably knows more about it than most. But just as there is nothing to keep someone from having someone bring 10 entries to my mailbox, there is nothing to keep someone from sitting at their PC and entering as many registrations as they want.

    I did get a creative suggestion on how to fix all of this....

    Welcome to the 2017 MS Swinging Bridge Crawfish Eatin' Non-Section-Not-the-State-Match Blair Batson Childrens Hospital Charity Invitational. :devil:

  11. FedEx driver just called my cell.... "Where the H3LL do you want me to put all these????"

    I am more amazed at people being able to successfully get FedEx overnight packages out after 8pm than I am by people actually driving 5 hours to hand deliver them.

    Ok.... let's run this through the ringer....

    I don't know how they do it either. But I'm LOOKING at one FedEx Letter. Ship date on label is 1/7. It arrived 1/8 via FedEx. Take it up with FedEx, they are probably cheating some how. And for that quote above... I didn't think twice about it when she said that. I saw her yesterday and asked where were they all?? <pickin at her> She said she was talking about the flood she knows is coming since she saw this first one arrive.

    Also have one from UPS the same way.... ship date is stamped the 7th.... was delivered Friday. No clue how that works.

    Really? You weren't insinuating that I gave some people apps early? Because it sure sounded like it to me and everyone blowing up my phone. Know what, you are right. Two people got the apps early. One person that put it up on our website. Another to proof read it. And I'll vouch for THEIR integrity all day long. I would very much like the names of people that got apps early. Or said they did.

    Then the stages comment too? C'mon I had and will have folks asking me and bugging me about stages constantly (Brandon DuBois) LOL The ONLY person that got them early last year was the RM.

    I'm not mad or upset or anything. I'm past that point. Past that years ago. ha It's all matter of factly for me at this point. We have strived to keep the integrity in the match. I've turned down two different sponsors for a Premier Sponsorship status because I want our match remain just that.... ours. I hate it that we can't get everyone in. I've talked to NUMEROUS folks about different ways of registration. And every avenue always brings up "but what about..... dadadada" Valid concerns all.

    I don't think Sanders was being overly sensitive. I think when folks put tons of time and effort (like he and many others) into a match, they defend it. Just like anyone would with anything they devote that much energy in to.

    Like I said, not mad or anything. Heck, I could sit down with you right now and have a beer and give you all the arguments and concerns we've encountered trying to make it as fair as possible, talk politics and religion even. :goof:

    We try. We try our best. That's all I can say.

    Carry on! :cheers:

    Oh yea.... there was another comment up there about not getting in.... I don't understand how anyone can say that as I have yet to open the first envelope. So how does anyone know they didn't get in unless they just didn't send an app in. I've already stated that MS Shooters will have a separate stack, etc etc blah blah blah...... So how does anyone know anything? I sure don't.

    Again, off to have a Low Boy and a Stogie..... Carry on

  12. unfortunately, Drew did not make it in this year due to conduct unbecoming to a Match Staff Member..... :roflol:

    I emptied the mailbox periodically last night, anticipating it perhaps getting full.... Last emptied it at midnight, none in it when I left for work....

    It currently has an undisclosed number hand delivered this AM, and FedEx driver just called my cell.... "Where the H3LL do you want me to put all these????"

    I'm not calling it full until I have time to actually sort, open up everything, and enter in to spreadsheet. But given last year's rush.... if it isn't postmarked today... probably not gonna make it. :closedeyes:

    Magnolia Rifle & Pistol club has been working on plans to expand, specifically adding additional pistol bays in one phase. When this phase gets completed we will have additional bays and maybe the MD then can add a couple stages to The Classic at that time!! It sucks not being able to get everyone in here to hang out and shoot with us.

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