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Posts posted by Doomd

  1. vettman1,

    I'm not quite ready for competition. But I am thinking I could be there to watch. I haven't even seen a competition, so I don't think starting up blind would be wise. I figure competition will probably crush my ego whenever I start, but this might be a disaster, ha! As well, money is rather tightly allocated for the next several months to about 4 "hobbies", including reloading and just getting the basic gear for carry. As is, eating is going to be tricky:)

    Out of curiousity, did you begin competitions cold turkey? How did you get into it? And, is the stock XD .45acp tactical used sucessfully in competitions?

  2. You guys are no fun! Your making it so I won't be able to make and then tell these stories (probably). Bah, I'll have to mess up originally I guess.

    Thanks for the laughs though. My favorite saying, a latin proverb I think (I should find it), says something like this, roughly, "May you live long enough that you may smile (or laugh) about this too". Cause, I bet you weren't always laughing.

    Some of you may still not be laughing?

  3. Yes, I would definitely be interested. I wrote a PM (or was it an email? *scratches head* dunno) to you, but sometimes those aren't seen and I might have done that wrong. I would definitely be interested in attending a match, either local or official with you. The two closest would be Osceola (link http://www.ioweb.com/oops/ ) and Waterloo (link http://www.blackhawkpistol.org/ ) for the big meets.

    I visited a gent yesterday who showed me the 550b and how it operates and talked about the competitions. He indicated that there are actually quite a few IDPA matches around, if I remember correctly. It sounded like when you get into it, when people know you and visa versa, you will find them plentiful. I think, it had been a long day.

    He invited me to go this weekend, but I can't go. However, I asked about going in the future. I also asked if he would mind if I brought you as well (I thought I had been a bit too plucky asking that later, when I thought about it, but it's too late now). He thought that would be ok. So, if you are still interested, let me know. By the way, I will just be going to watch the first time or two. I know I want a good deal more range time, some training, and maybe even to find some drills for range time.

  4. Odd, I started shooting because, well, it's fun or seemed like it would be and ended up so. Then I start looking around on the web, looking for information. Surprise, lots of information and forums! So, I get to those, and start expanding my horizons beyond shooting, and into reloading, rinse and repeat some of the above. And guess what, there is more. Now the health issue.

    Either I've gotten in over my head, or how I believe it, I'm on the right track. After reading the hydration issue (news to me) then dropping here, things are adding up.

    I also wanted to bring some of that hydration information here. I know I am not drinking enough, so I have just now decided (and done so) to set a timer to ding every hour so, at which time I will take a sip (1/2 cup, give or take) on top of trying to drink more anyway. Which, according to that thread, may boost my endurance, which will help with this thread, losing weight. Plus, my belief is, it will also cut down on hunger a bit.

    What was that t.v. show a few years back, about connections? A Monty Python troop actor did a or the series, might have been done elsewhere as well, dunno. But it looks like things really do come together in the oddest fashion.

  5. This would be really good for this third time shooter (well, almost third). Thanks Brian.

    Oh, I'm sorta with Pat on this. Getting cold, shooting, getting near a little trouble, And having a beer. Life can be simple.

  6. Oh, I am in Coralville, Iowa. It's not the most pistol, or any gun, friendliest place to live. Still, somehow, I go on. B)

    Iowa, currently, is an oddball state. Each of our 99 county sheriffs decide whether their county will even issue permits to buy or not, let alone permits to carry. And I've noticed even seeming proponents can be a bit sticky on the issue. I'll stick to home defense and target for now, I think, though I'm registered in a "friendly" county. Anyway, loading should make shooting a bit more frequent and fun.

    Oh, I've been looking at IDPA. Is it a spectator sport at all? It might be good to see what it is and get a feel for how it is done. From this site, I found a link to IDPA's site and have scratched off a proposed mod for my XD until I decide, as ghostrings aren't allowed. There is a lot there and here, and I have been reading, but I haven't found if spectators are allowed.

    Gee, I do prattle. Don't worry, in real life I am worse. :blink:

  7. Hello,

    I thought I would check in right away, after reading a post from a registrant who indicated he had registered sometime in 2005, but had just been reading until his very recent post. It made me laugh, and then think.

    I purchased my first pistol a week or so ago, it's an XD .45 acp tactical. I have been to the range twice, and plan on going many more times. I also intend to buy a S&W 686, and maybe a S&W .460 magnum. Beyond that, I will probably buy a .308 rifle. All in good time mind you.

    However, my next purchase will be the 550b Dillion (w/o casefeeder, thanks for the very good information and order site Brian). Even this is a month or three off, so I will read until then.

    Intermixed in all of this is a curiousity about the sports involving my pistol. I have read a bit, and I believe the XD is classified as modified, but this is similar to me telling my mother about quadratic equations. The difference being, I have an interest in the topic I currently do not understand. I am not sure about the different competitions, levels, or side-arm classifications, but I hope to read up here and find out more.

    My exhuberance and proclivity to volumously communicate can grate on nerves, so I am going to make a great effort to mostly read from this forum, for now. I'll save my non-stupid questions for when I know more about what I don't understand.

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