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Looks for Range (1/11)

  1. I have smaller hand also but if you leave a space between shells in the holder you can grap 1 between each finger and get 4 when you can only "palm" 2. to load start with the 1 between your thumb and pointer then yu just turn your wrist and push each shell in the tube with your thumb.
  2. Very good advise and the exact reason I score my golf game by how many balls I lose lol When you set a high goal you start to psych yourself out and think to much rather than just letting it flow If you just let it flow and give 100% your gonna get where you want to go. If your thinking to much before the beep you already lost.
  3. No hence the reason i'm here asking question. They all shoot old school 3gun SASS and Cowboy action. Their worse than crack dealers you can hide from the crack dealer and even worse when 1 of them is also your FFL I've met a lot of very nice and helpful shooters at SASS/CA and 1000yd shoots. It takes a certain type of person to hand over a $$$$ rifle with $$$$ scope to some1 you've never met before. My SASS toys go out twice a month whether i go or not. Have any of you use the Zeiss Z dot or IOR 1.1x4crt? Thanks for all the help and clarrification
  4. You are comparing yourself to one of the best shooter's on the planet... I think that's where your mistake is. Compare yourself to a person at the same level (whatever that is) that you are at. And then give that person a Beta... and you can only have 30 rounders. Changes are that person is going to beat you. Did he beat you on skill? Or did he beat you because he had a Beta? ... and you didn't? The main idea of the topic is to limit mag capacity so NEWBIES can feel less intimidated and feel more competitive. It was kind of my point to compare myself to a top shooter. Unless you put him on crutches he's still gonna intimidate me because he's good and he's still gonna beat me by a LOT no matter what you limit him to. If I'm Joe New Shooter with 30's shooting against Johnny New Shooter with a Beta, yeah he's prolly gonna beat me but you have to look at the skill level. We're on try not to shoot yourself in the foot level, at this level I just feel that pratice, experience and skill will quickly make me competitive with Johnny.
  5. I agree it will make you learn to reload faster, speed is gained with pratice. You can limit all you want but it doesn't make a newbie better only pratice does that. Unless you limit certain shooters to 1 arm and 1 leg, that may help lol If you ban Beta's what do you do in 5yrs when the dedicated shooters "master" the reload and intimidate the newguy? Do you lower mag capacity to 10?
  6. I'm just getting into the 3 gun realm and don't know a whole lot. That said, I don't see how limiting mag capacity for the sake of the casual shooter/don't wanna pay-to-player's/ newbies is going to help all that much and it's not really fair to everyone else. As a newbie I know 1 thing, I'm gonna get my azz kicked. It's doesn't matter if you let me use a mini gun, wether or not I have to reload I'm still gonna get my azz kicked competing against 99% of the people on this forum. To get "competitive" I'm gonna need pratice and more pratice. Limiting what others can use just so i can think I can be competitive isn't gonna make me better. Yes, matches will be intimidating but that goes with being new. It's no different than anything else competive. The better person is gonna win, not just because of his better equipment but because he/she's has more experience and is just plan better. If any Joe Shooter could just show up and win his 1st time it wouldn't be any fun. The people mentioned that were too intimidated or felt they couldn't compete and stopped participating are usually the " I should be able to win just because I showed" or sore loser type so if they don't win right away and don't feel they should have to pratice so they quit. These are not usually the best sportsmen and all around type of person that you want promoting the sport. I've spent several hours searching this site for various information and learned a lot. In that time I've learned that this KURTM person is very good and i hope i don't offend him by using him here. Now I'm new and KURTM has years of experience, making him reload doing a match is going to add maybe 1-2 seconds at the very most to a very good time and score. Now for me a reload will add 3-4 second to a slow time and a bad score. If neither of us has to reload I still have a slow time and a bad score compared to his great time and great score. So where does the making every1 reload really the newbie all that much? Just my .02
  7. I'm a newbie to this site and to 3 gun, I haven't competed yet and am gearing up to start when the snow melts and matches start around here. I'm planning on trying both Tactical and Heavy Metal to see which 1 I like better since I have guns for both. After hours of searching this site and the web I'm very confused about what I can put on a rifle in Tac. division. I've seen rules stating no limit on mag capacity,any mag but limited to 30rds, 20rd mags only;1 optic, 1 scope, unlimited optics, specific optics limited to Acog, Eotech, US optic SN SN-4, Sn12, leupold CQ/T ETC... Are lasers legal? and if so do that count as the 1 optic? I understand that local ranges may use "house" rules but are there some somewhat standard USPSA/ISPCish rules for the bigger matches or are that all "run what you brung","anything goes" like I've seen written on this site many times? Or do I just gear up with a bunch of 20 and 30 rd mags, an Acog on QD mounts and a good set of irons just to cover all the bases and shoot OPEN if need be? I'm not expecting to be real competitive yet just mainly just try to not make an azz out of myself and get some experience and learn the ropes. Also, This may be the wrong forum for this but i'm typing now lol So, for USPSA/ISPC matches or Ironman, Tiger Valley and the like, being a 1st timer can i just fill out an application and show up and shoot or do I need to join ahead of time and do some type of qualification? Thanks for all the help and I apologize if I'm beating an already beaten to death topic.
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