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STI Aluminum Grips - CRACKED


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You've got 75K on two guns with the aluminum grips? That's a lot of shooting since they were released!

Thats what I was thinking ..... I'll bet John was talking about the plastic grips.


I was talking about plastic grips. My bad.

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Ouch. That sure ain't pretty.

What is the old saying about being on the bleeding edge of technology?

Assuming no transient metallurgical issues, which I doubt given the apparent number of failures this looks to be a design problem that would call for a total revamp. Bummer as

these seem to be a good concept for a fair number of shooters.

Hope they figure it out.

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Ouch. That sure ain't pretty.

What is the old saying about being on the bleeding edge of technology?

Assuming no transient metallurgical issues, which I doubt given the apparent number of failures this looks to be a design problem that would call for a total revamp. Bummer as

these seem to be a good concept for a fair number of shooters.

Hope they figure it out.

The problem, I believe, here is not technology at all. It's a failure at R&D'ing. It would be different if they cracked at 15k or 20k rounds. but they don't last past 2k. I even told STI that I would gladly help with some R&D'ing (putting many rounds through guns with the grip as it was improved and giving feedback) and they said they would look into it but never really responded other than sending me more grips to break.

I don't have an engineering degree but if you look at the grip, where it's cracking, you could tell that it's way to thin. From when I first got the grip I could tell that that area might be a problem as it's only a few thousandths. It looks exactally like the polymer grip. Metal does not flex as forgiving as plastic.

I hope they are working on something, as I prefer the metal grip. A design change may resolve the problem but I haven't been informed of anything. Maybe this issue being circulated out in the open may get them to be a little more proactive.

One last thing, I normally change the grips out when they are really bad. In about another 3 to 4k the bottom break at the trigger gaurd will completely break through and you can bend the trigger gaurd AWAY from the frame. Yes you can actually pry it away because there is no connection below the trigger bow. It flex's so it doesn't really bend away and stay there, but you can pry it away from the frame and see daylight from the crack where the triggergaurd meets the frame.

I would like to help with the R&D'ing as the grip is awesome..............

Again, I'm going to keep using the metal grips as I prefer them. I'm just going to have to keep changing them out as they crack until they figure something out.

Edited by bill d
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I just inspected the older of my full size aluminum grips (4-5K rounds on it) and I do believe that there is the beginnings of a crack. The grip is anodized in blue and I can see a bright line aout a half inch long from the top of the grip in the same location as the pix posted here.

I will try to get a pic of my grib to post shortly. Guess it's time to contact STI and see about a replacement.....ACK! :angry:

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Matt....once the crack starts, it grows pretty quickly. Normally for the first 1,500 there are no cracks (visible to the eye). Then around 2 to 3k it starts on the sides up top and progresses. Around 4 to 5k it cracks at the trigger gaurd. Then around 6 to 7k (sometimes 1 to 2 k more)the trigger gaurd breaks completely from the frame at the bottom (still connected at the top where the small bushing is).

FYI: These are all rough numbers. The grips are not going to crack exactally at these intervals. But going through the number of grips I have, they are pretty sound give or take a 1,000.

Edited by bill d
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Matt....once the crack starts, it grows pretty quickly. Normally for the first 1,500 there are no cracks (visible to the eye). Then around 2 to 3k it starts on the sides up top and progresses. Around 4 to 5k it cracks at the trigger gaurd. Then around 6 to 7k (sometimes 1 to 2 k more)the trigger gaurd breaks completely from the frame at the bottom (still connected at the top where the small bushing is).

FYI: These are all rough numbers. The grips are not going to crack exactally at these intervals. But going through the number of grips I have, they are pretty sound give or take a 1,000.

This pic shows what I described at 4-5K rounds on the grip. Looks like it's just reached the point where it will start to spread towards the trigger guard based on your pics.

I love these metal grips. The balance is better and they just feel better in my hands than polymer grips. Like you, Bill, I plan to keep using them and hope that STI continues to replace them until they solve the problem. Not sure if I will keep getting the anodized ($35 with shipping) if I am going to have to replace them atleast 1x/year or more.


Edited by matt2ace
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Every new product needs to be "run in" before to obtain the best performance.

I know that at STI the guys are working on this trouble and they will take care of every shooters trouble... Apart this IMHO i continue to prefere the plastic grip... maybe im conservative ;) ???

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Might try drilling a very small hole at the end of the crack to see if it will stop.

Matt....An interesting suggestion that could stop the crack from propagating. My only issue with that action is that it might void any opportunity to get a replacement from STI if it did not work.

I am going to contact STI first and see how quickly I can get a replacement.

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I have been running the SV stainless grip for the last couple of years without issue.I have probably 25k thru the first and 10k thru the other. I still practice some with a third that has a plastic grip. The gun does feel better and the new grip profile makes it feel a little more ergo to me. I have them on both open guns and they have been flawless. I have heard that the very first batch they made had an issue with cracking but they fixed that by re profiling the area that was a little thin. I spoke with Brandon when ordering the grip and even early on they were advising against the Aluminum grip as they felt it would have a high failure rate regardless. I would agree based on the usse of aluminum in the equipment I work on daily. Aluminum does not like high vibration enviroments unless it is alloyed with other metals that are more tolerant of it. I can see that the grip wouold crack eventually, but 1-2k and they start cracking is just not feasible for guys like us shooting a sport where we go thru 50k plus a year. Not to mention just about the time you get the grip just the way you like it it has to be replaced.

Edited by scirocco38s
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Hi All-

So I started the topic with my cracked STI aluminum small grip. Its a brand new gun. I have no more than 500 rounds through it. There are two cracks on either side of the grip above the mag catch. Starting from the top and moving down half way to the mag catch.


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I pulled the grip from my gun for return to STI (they will replace at no charge). I found cracks on both sides in the same location at the thinnest point in the grip. I took a top-dowm pic and a coule from the inside of the grip to show where the crack is starting. I measured the thickness in that area at ~0.025, it is the thinnest point in the grip. I am confident STI could strengthen that area by removing less material from the outside of the grip. The change in contour at that location would have little effect on feel in my opinion.




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I pulled the grip from my gun for return to STI (they will replace at no charge). I found cracks on both sides in the same location at the thinnest point in the grip. I took a top-dowm pic and a coule from the inside of the grip to show where the crack is starting. I measured the thickness in that area at ~0.025, it is the thinnest point in the grip. I am confident STI could strengthen that area by removing less material from the outside of the grip. The change in contour at that location would have little effect on feel in my opinion.

Matt, I'm not trying to tell you what to do but you should shoot the grip till the cracking gets worse. The cracks that you have are nothing compared to how they will get. I would put another 4 to 5 k rounds on that grip before you change them out.

#1 because the minor cracking doesn't affect the function.

#2 as soon as you put the new grip on it's just going to crack again within a couple thousand rounds ..SO, you waste time fitting it and waste money on the grip tape, etc. If I change my grips every time I had the small cracks I would be on grip number 20 or 30.

Again, I'm not trying to tell you what to do but the hassle of changing them out all the time becomes a pain. Like I wrote above, I wait until the sides are cracked down to around the mag catch and the trigger gaurd breaks from the frame. At that point I feel the grip is no longer good to use.

Remember, the new grip is going to crack right away too, and STI will still warrant them, so get the most out of each one. Otherwise you'll have a few hundred dollars just in grip tape :)

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Good poins. I already pulled the grip tape off when I took the grip apart. I will probably just reassemble it and put another piece of grip tape on (going to punch holes for the screws this time :blush: ). Maybe STI will have a solution to this problem by the time this one cracks bad enough to really need replacement.

Randy.....I do plan to have the replacment anodized when I finally replace it.

Edited by matt2ace
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I like bill d have had the same problem with my SVI grips. This is my 5 and 6th grip in about 14 months. SVI has been very nice in working and fitting ther grips to my frames but still the problem continues.




Amazing...look at the location on G-ManBart grip.....???

Edited by DirtDiver
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Reason why I'm asking is when it's my turn to send it back for replacement, I want to do it just once.

Then now is NOT the time. I haven't seen any changes with the replacements at all. It's been many months since this started, I wished I would see or hear about some or any changes.

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