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Just a note to let everyone know that I changed names from baerburtchell to Paul Burtchell. No loss of love for Les Baer pistols, I've owned 3 of them, but I just wanted to use my name.


I guess using a name based on the pistol you are currently shooting doesn't quite work when switch so often. :roflol:

Posted (edited)

Or you could use something like Carousel cause you came back around to where you started. :cheers:

Can't wait to see the new blaster.

Edited by Zebp45
Posted (edited)
I guess using a name based on the pistol you are currently shooting doesn't quite work when switch so often. :roflol:

I've definitely earned my Snob Open-gun Bullies (SOB) Club title. Knight FreshIron. :roflol:

Edited by Paul Burtchell

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