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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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Yesterday I shot my first match at the Aurora Gun Club with J.J. and Denise Johnson and it was a blast. I appreciate all who helped me and with thier advice I managed to finish mid pack! Man, I have alot to work on!

For those of you who have been thinking of trying 3-gun but were a little intimidated just get out and do it!


Congrats! I'm going to give it a try this year. I'm not sure which shotgun to start with... semi-auto or pump. I don't want to spend a lot until I'm sure I'll like it.


colodrew, becareful 3gun is alot like crack try it once and you're hooked. :rolleyes:

glock3435, contact the local 3 gun guys&girls I bet they can loan you a shotgun in use, I would :rolleyes:

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