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I have a .45 with wilson 8 rd mags. I have no access to the box and i want to trim the basepads to fit. Is there a thread where to start trimming and how much should be removed from it. Or somebody kind enough to please post a picture would be much appreciated.

My SS Trojan .40 with CMC mags will be used by my son. I used that for the past 10 yrs SSC/SSNats and this will be his first big match. I want him to enjoy than become frustrated just in case this .45 creates problem so my working and set up .40 for SS goes to him.

thank you


Some Wilson Mags are the right size and some are not. The newer ones that came out 2 years ago fit in the IDPA box just fine. The short base pads also fit the box. I know because one of the guys in my Nats squad at Guthsville had the longer Wilson pads and when it did not fit the box there was a brief second when he thought he would be DQ'd. He was not, but borrowed mags for the rest of the day. Before you star dre,elling or sanding, get one of the new mags or the short base pads and see exactly where you are.



It really depends on how tall your rear sight is and which basepads you're using. If you use the Wilson DE mags you'll probably have to take a little bit off the front (I call it the toe area), but not much. Get a piece of cardboard and a carpenters square and draw out the dimensions of the box....then just put the gun and mag on the cardboard and see if it'll fit inside the lines. I did that and it worked out just fine. R,


Thanks guys. I appreciate your help/suggestions. This gun has a bomar type sight and the Wilson basepads are the medium thickness.

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