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And in doing a search first I only found two applicable threads and they both dealt with regular plain ol' 1911/2011 slides.

I am just curious as to what you all are getting your "rib caged" slides down to.

The weight can include the firing pin, the FP spring, the extractor, the firing pin stop and the sights...ya...know the parts that typically "reciprocate" when the gun is firing.



My 5 inch sight tracker slide weighs 11 ounces, 6 inch sight tracker 11.5 oz, open gun bare 5 inch slide weighs 10 ounces.



5in slide on open steel gun with cone comp. 10.8 oz

5in slide on open steel challenge minor gun with bushing bbl. comp. 10oz

6in bushing barrel slide on minor 9mm steel stock gun. 12oz or so.

Hope this helps!



5" slide, Open Bianchi Cup gun (no sights) with firing pin & spring, fps, and extractor in place, no slide racker = 9.5 oz.

Racker adds .2 oz. = 9.7 oz.

Add spring plug ( it reciprocates too) and it goes up to 10.0 oz.


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