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I spoke to a couple of guys last weekend at a local gun show about shooting their IDPA match. They had factory guns and ss and I woundered if anyone makes an IDPA legal holster for my STI Edge. I dried a Safariland model (leather) for a 4.5" Glock and it fits alright, but it does not cover the trigger guard and I am concerned about retention (in the longterm) because it seems to be too tight. In addition, it seems to shift too much when I draw. Any suggestions?


Try Bladetech and Comptac

Alright.....we are not talking "by the rules" here.....I guess the guys wanted to get me out there? I told them what I had and they stated I should come shoot. So....I think they would probably allow me to shoot with the gun, but the holster would need to be by the rules. Otherwise, I guess I could use my CR Speed WSM II. THANKS!

Try Bladetech and Comptac

Alright.....we are not talking "by the rules" here.....I guess the guys wanted to get me out there? I told them what I had and they stated I should come shoot. So....I think they would probably allow me to shoot with the gun, but the holster would need to be by the rules. Otherwise, I guess I could use my CR Speed WSM II. THANKS!

Look Here.




Bladetech definitely makes one, I have 2 of them for my Edge. Bought them both from Dawson Precision

Try Bladetech and Comptac

Alright.....we are not talking "by the rules" here.....I guess the guys wanted to get me out there? I told them what I had and they stated I should come shoot. So....I think they would probably allow me to shoot with the gun, but the holster would need to be by the rules. Otherwise, I guess I could use my CR Speed WSM II. THANKS!

Look Here.



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