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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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We need to have some holiday trivia fun.

What was my first gun?

(Hint: It's a toughie.)

I'll drop hints later in the month...


The winner (or whoever gets closest) can pick any two items of my Combo Deal page.



winchester .22 long gun ( it was my first real gun) followed by a remington 870 and then a winchester lever action 30.30.. so he could have had one of the same..lol

winchester .22 long gun ( it was my first real gun) followed by a remington 870 and then a winchester lever action 30.30.. so he could have had one of the same..lol

Damn, almost the same for me...My first was a Mossberg 410, then a Marlin model 70 .22, then the Remington 870 Wingmaster, then the Winchester Model 94 30-30....

First, by gun, I would assume it is a firearm, not some sort of air propelled gun. This is Brian we are talking about....



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