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History Channel $100,000 Top Shot Competition

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I wouldn't get too worked up about the Survivor type format, because on this show they maintain the skill element as the final determination as to whether you stay or go. Politics might send you to elimination challenge, but SKILL can always bring you back.

Mike did a great job explaining his story on that web posting. Nice job in manning-up, and we never expected any less.

Terrible strategy decision though. I understand the basic idea behind challenging the best to prove yourself after the disaster at the Challenge, but if Mike had gone against someone else and perhaps STAYED, he would also have had other opportunities to prove himself the better shooter down the road. Pride cometh before the fall. Ya know ??

Blue team had a similar problem that might not have come across clearly on TV. The blue team shooter on the springfield (Iain) also fired 15+ rounds at 100 yards. That is why I was on TV saying they were laying down fire like it was downtown Fallujah! And Iain also had trouble getting good input from the spotter (Tara). Rifle, spotter, shooter... I dunno. But I do believe that RED team is going to be in worse shape heading into a pistol challenge without the skills of Mike Seeklander.

And I think the show was great, and is only going to get better !!!

BamBam, on your comments, I played and lost. Oops! Next time maybe I won't pick the super kid with sick long range rifle skills to shoot against. Why the heck didn't you tell me that before?

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Any Shooting show that is presented in a good light is good for our shooting sports!

Thank you! History Channel!

Shooting a Gun provided to you. OK it’s the game, but that Sucks!

Too many outside factors,

I have shot many 3 Gun Competitions, and there are a few that have Stage guns. They are always a Box of Chocolates. I like to shoot any Gun,, but not always in a 3 Gun Competition stage.

I put a lot of time into my Guns, Supporting equipment, and ammo, Loading Crono,, testing. I can’t think of too many people I would trust to set up my equipment, and know that it would be set up RIGHT.

That is this game, and that is the way it is.

Mike, ( you Man-ed UP) and told it like it was, you were the man on the gun.

You get the Platinum MAN CARD, in my book.

(Still have to read your Blog to see what you have to say)

Just like a 3 Gun match, everyone should have had the chance to deal with the situation, the team shoot was,,, hmmmm what it was,,,

I wanted to see more shooting and less drama. I will watch all of them,, it is SHOOTING after all.

Jim M ammo

Thanks Jim! How do I get that card.......

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The show was interesting, it kept my wife entertained and she has yet to get thru one of my match videos or stories without getting bored and walking off.

Kelly did a fantastic job stepping up to a big challenge and meeting it head on. For those who don't like his attitude get over it. That kid had not even fired a shot and was called out to the elimination round - who among us would not have been a little put off by that? He kept his composure and even had a little fun with it - his stock went way up in my book.

Mike took the loss with class and walked off the range with his head high. Mike deserves credit, he put his reputation/skills to the test, he was in the fight. I've talked to several other very good shooters who were concerned about the format and did not compete because of a fear it might damage their reputation. Like Blake and JJ, Mike deserves respect for that.


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I thought the first episode was pretty good. I think we all knew going into the show that it was going to more about the drama and success/failures than the shooting. I was bummed to see Mike, the guy that trained me with a pistol leave on teeh first episode. It was pretty cool to see and hear from JJ because you see and hear these guys names in our shooting scene and now you we get to know them a little better. I am looking forward to hearing more from the rest of the USPSA guys as well.

As far as the young guy Kelly being cocky I didn't see it but cocky sells commercials! Why do you think they flashed that clip of Mike calling the blue team Smurfs? It was cocky, funny and gave the audience a reason to either love or hate Mike.

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I enjoyed it, but I do think Mike's decision to either take out one of the better pistol shooters or their best rifle shooter in the first round was an interesting choice given the "team" format. The spotter guy seemed a bit overwhelmed by the class of his competition, he seemed to have the deer in the headlights look from the start.

Given how boring to me watching shooting is, I think they did a pretty good job of making it fun to watch. The production quality seemed top notch, and it is exciting to see shooting show on a good mainstream channel.

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Any Shooting show that is presented in a good light is good for our shooting sports!

Thank you! History Channel!

Shooting a Gun provided to you. OK it’s the game, but that Sucks!

Too many outside factors,

I have shot many 3 Gun Competitions, and there are a few that have Stage guns. They are always a Box of Chocolates. I like to shoot any Gun,, but not always in a 3 Gun Competition stage.

I put a lot of time into my Guns, Supporting equipment, and ammo, Loading Crono,, testing. I can’t think of too many people I would trust to set up my equipment, and know that it would be set up RIGHT.

That is this game, and that is the way it is.

Mike, ( you Man-ed UP) and told it like it was, you were the man on the gun.

You get the Platinum MAN CARD, in my book.

(Still have to read your Blog to see what you have to say)

Just like a 3 Gun match, everyone should have had the chance to deal with the situation, the team shoot was,,, hmmmm what it was,,,

I wanted to see more shooting and less drama. I will watch all of them,, it is SHOOTING after all.

Jim M ammo

Thanks Jim! How do I get that card.......


Funny,, someone, has it! how funny is that!

All joking aside,

Mike, ( you Man-ed UP)!

Jim M ammo

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I think that pretty much clears it up right there.

Nope, not buying it. It is one thing to make those shots with a rifle that you know, and another to do it with a rifle that is presented to you. The Youtube clip does not clear up wheather it was an equipment of operator error.

Anyone can have a bad day, and that might have been one of Mr. Seeklanders. Oky he had two bad days, but he asked for the second one. You don't ask to face likely the best rifle shot in the red team on the first elimination challenge. That is not tactically sound in a competition.

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I'm kind of disapointed that there is no fat guy.

There's the young guy, the asian guy, the woman, the brother,... but no fat guy.

The show's missing Taran/TGO.

Otherwise I thought it kicked ass.

Damn.... I'm lucky I wasn't drinking when I read that... Totally laughed out loud :roflol:

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It is one thing to make those shots with a rifle that you know, and another to do it with a rifle that is presented to you.

Perhaps you missed the part in the vid where Mike mentioned he'd fired about 15 shots total through that rifle before filming the video? Or are you calling Mike a liar, too?

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So how many classified USPSA shooters are on this show?







Am I missing any?

Is there any other shooting discipline that is as well represented on the show? Seems to be a compliment to Practical Shooting that so many of the contestants have that background.

Denny Chapman, the guy in the cowboy getup, was B class when I last shot with him a lot of years ago. He quit USPSA and IDPA for SASS, then Mounted Cowboy shooting, eventually being the main attraction at the KY horse park riding standing in the saddle shooting balloons with blanks. He never returned to our club matches, and I hadn't seen him in several years.

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A'ight... Cool Flex... My post closed in the TV/Movie forum because I hadn't seen this thread before. But it's a TV show! <_<

Just messin' with you, chief :goof:

Anyway, since I'm so behind in this, Heatseeker's gone :bow: , JJ and Blake still there. What are the first names of the other active USPSA shooters in the show and which are BE'ers? I'm rootin' for you folks. :cheers:

I still don't like Kelly, don't care what Re says. ;) Hope he gets his ass handed to him in a plate of humble pie when there is no rifle to draw smiley faces with. :sight:

See what you've done to me History Channel? :blink: Just one episode and I'm already talkin' like a survivor geek.

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I still don't like Kelly, don't care what Re says. ;) Hope he gets his ass handed to him in a plate of humble pie when there is no rifle to draw smiley faces with. :sight:

Kelly has bought a Glock 34... to shoot USPSA with! =)

Tremble in fear. He will be shooting happy faces in no time!

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I still don't like Kelly, don't care what Re says. ;) Hope he gets his ass handed to him in a plate of humble pie when there is no rifle to draw smiley faces with. :sight:

Kelly has bought a Glock 34... to shoot USPSA with! =)

Tremble in fear. He will be shooting happy faces in no time!

If the one he produced on the show is any indication, I won't be too worried about the happy faces just yet :devil:

I was pretty surprised to see how Mike's spotter shirked any responsibility whatsoever for their performance yet noone called him out on it.

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I enjoyed it, but I do think Mike's decision to either take out one of the better pistol shooters or their best rifle shooter in the first round was an interesting choice given the "team" format.

I was a little perplexed by that strategy as well. With the two that ended up in the elimination challenge the red team lost no matter what the outcome was.

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I was pretty surprised to see how Mike's spotter shirked any responsibility whatsoever for their performance yet noone called him out on it.

I kinda felt the same way, but at the same time, the editing process can really discard a lot of what went on... Only the folks there involved in the conversations can tell us what really was said. That said... his response to the host's direct question about his involvement as the spotter that aired in the episode definitely could lead one to assume that Andre is a douche... but I wouldn't make that assumption based on the episode... ;)cheers.gif

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A'ight... Cool Flex... My post closed in the TV/Movie forum because I hadn't seen this thread before. But it's a TV show! <_<

Just messin' with you, chief :goof:

Yeah...I was gonna move it, but thought I'd wait for some forum veteran to come along and start a new thread first. laugh.gif


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Two guys lost...it should have been an easy decision that those would be the two that went to the elimination challenge.

See what happens when shooters start thinking. :)


* not quite right----- See what happens when shooters try to "game a stage"....

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After watching Mike's spotter sidestep any responsibility for the loss, I think he'd be more at home on "Survivor" than "Top Shots". Checked his Bio; his "Accomplishment" is qualifying Expert with an M16 in the Army - enough said. Several folks seem more focused on the social game than the shooting.

So far, I give it a B; it's interesting, but not addictive. If not for the USPSA shooters playing, I doubt I'd watch. As they move farther away from guns and into hatchets, throwing knives, spears, slingshots, etc - I expect my interest to decline even more.

Think I still prefer "Deadliest Catch" the most among "reality shows".

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The show was interesting, it kept my wife entertained and she has yet to get thru one of my match videos or stories without getting bored and walking off.

Kelly did a fantastic job stepping up to a big challenge and meeting it head on. For those who don't like his attitude get over it. That kid had not even fired a shot and was called out to the elimination round - who among us would not have been a little put off by that? He kept his composure and even had a little fun with it - his stock went way up in my book.

Mike took the loss with class and walked off the range with his head high. Mike deserves credit, he put his reputation/skills to the test, he was in the fight. I've talked to several other very good shooters who were concerned about the format and did not compete because of a fear it might damage their reputation. Like Blake and JJ, Mike deserves respect for that.


Thanks for the kind comments. Kelly did step up well, he is a good young man. Maybe Kelly gets his man card too. Yep. I wonder if they have an old man version and a young man version? I wonder if man cards get you in some cool stores or something.

As far as the voting and stuff for the final challenge, I made the choice at the time and maybe should have done it differently. My full response is on my website.

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Had to like the shot , when the first 'voter' (Andre?) shot Mike's name.

First thing I thought was "nice grip and stance :rolleyes: "...then he pegged the bullseye and I had to shut up.

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A'ight... Cool Flex... My post closed in the TV/Movie forum because I hadn't seen this thread before. But it's a TV show! <_<

Just messin' with you, chief :goof:

Anyway, since I'm so behind in this, Heatseeker's gone :bow: , JJ and Blake still there. What are the first names of the other active USPSA shooters in the show and which are BE'ers? I'm rootin' for you folks. :cheers:

I still don't like Kelly, don't care what Re says. ;) Hope he gets his ass handed to him in a plate of humble pie when there is no rifle to draw smiley faces with. :sight:

See what you've done to me History Channel? :blink: Just one episode and I'm already talkin' like a survivor geek.

Hey guys, Kelly is a smart young man. I think he is extremely confident, and maybe that comes across as cocky. How many of you good shooters are not a bit cocky yourself? He is a good kid with some serious skills with a rifle.

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Had to like the shot , when the first 'voter' (Andre?) shot Mike's name.

First thing I thought was "nice grip and stance :rolleyes: "...then he pegged the bullseye and I had to shut up.

He may "teacup" his way to the finals - probably not.

Gotta wonder if that shot was a "first take"?

Going against the grain a bit, I think the "kid" has some pretty serious skill. He's cool and composed under pressure - certainly more so than many guys his age. Cocky - maybe, but it seems he can back it up. How's that saying go "It ain't bragging if you can do it".

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