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JP Enterprises' Rocky Mountain 3-Gun 2010

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Just rolled into the driveway after dropping off Scotty. Total miles for the Pan Am and RM3G - 5500+. Total hours of driving 85+. Satisfaction - 100%. This was my first RM3G to shoot and to RO. What a great place to shoot and enjoy nature. So many animals I thought I was in a wildlife park! Biggest crowd of 3 gunners I have ever seen in one place. Got my RM3G RO card and hope to be back to shoot and work next year. Note to self - run the numbers on the rifle at high altitude before going to the match.

Denise and JJ - thanks for all the hard work, now Scott and I want to run a match out west.

Sponsors - Thanks for your support. When I need a product you are the ones I will buy from.

Doug - Stage 8

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Be careful what you wish for...last year it was bears and the year before, cougars... :roflol:

Being single I kinda like the idea of cougars running around at the match. :ph34r:

J-Ho....Don't rule out the occasional Sabre Tooth either :devil:

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Be careful what you wish for...last year it was bears and the year before, cougars... :roflol:

Being single I kinda like the idea of cougars running around at the match. :ph34r:

Cougars are def better than bears :ph34r:

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Thank you! to all who made the match happen.

Thank you JP!

And IF it was not the hardest match I have ever shot it was definitly on the short list of Most Challenging.

I shot He-Man Scoped!!! Ok I gave it a try,, and I may shoot my 308 again,, seeing the match has long shots and the wind may be in play, as in last years 2009 match.

I might shoot my 308 again,,,

But I miss my Glock and Bennelli!

My Son Luke!!!! Talk about a Happy Kid. Thank you, all who Encoraged Him. And gave support! Esspessaly (Team Blackwell!)

I had no Idea that He was the Youngest competitor.

Thank You, Robby Johnson and Remington for the 1100, Luke won!

Great Match!

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Thank you! to all who made the match happen.

Thank you JP!

And IF it was not the hardest match I have ever shot it was definitly on the short list of Most Challenging.

I shot He-Man Scoped!!! Ok I gave it a try,, and I may shoot my 308 again,, seeing the match has long shots and the wind may be in play, as in last years 2009 match.

I might shoot my 308 again,,,

But I miss my Glock and Bennelli!

My Son Luke!!!! Talk about a Happy Kid. Thank you, all who Encoraged Him. And gave support! Esspessaly (Team Blackwell!)

I had no Idea that He was the Youngest competitor.

Thank You, Robby Johnson and Remington for the 1100, Luke won!

Great Match!

Jim, I had no idea that was your boy. Congrats to him! Didn't Denise say he was the youngest competitor ever?

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Thank you! to all who made the match happen.

Thank you JP!

And IF it was not the hardest match I have ever shot it was definitly on the short list of Most Challenging.

I shot He-Man Scoped!!! Ok I gave it a try,, and I may shoot my 308 again,, seeing the match has long shots and the wind may be in play, as in last years 2009 match.

I might shoot my 308 again,,,

But I miss my Glock and Bennelli!

My Son Luke!!!! Talk about a Happy Kid. Thank you, all who Encoraged Him. And gave support! Esspessaly (Team Blackwell!)

I had no Idea that He was the Youngest competitor.

Thank You, Robby Johnson and Remington for the 1100, Luke won!

Great Match!

Jim, I had no idea that was your boy. Congrats to him! Didn't Denise say he was the youngest competitor ever?

Yes I think that was what she said.

I had no idea. going in to the match.

I was worried. I got him in over his head. But he did Ok he only timed out on one or two stages.

He never Quit! He kept at it.

He did get the 600 yard tgt on the first shot! Rifle is his best gun.

I'm a proud Father.

Jim M ammo

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I could not say enough good things about this match, or the ROs, the sponsors if I used ten pages :wub:

To those who serve...you know who I mean? the ones who spent days working before during and after the match

The ones who poured their sweat their time and their hard earned money into this match

The ones that ran up that hill three Hundred times, not just once

You folks are the heros here :cheers: and my deepest thanks go out to you!


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I can't tell you how much we appreciate the kind words!

Our sponsors were amazingly generous in these tough times! Don't forget to mail your postcards of thanks and spend whatever money you have left with them! For a current list, see our website!!! It's over 90 amazing sponsors! Special thanks to our match sponsor JP Enterprises, who showed up with almost a third again of what I had him down for!!! Whoo hooo!!! :cheers: Gold sponsors: Brownells, LaRue, POF, Remington, Sabre, Tactical Machining, Trijicon Silver Sponsors: Burris, CProducts, Ergo Grips, FNH, Hornady, Magpul, Nordic, Starlight Cases and Bronze Sponsors: 5.11 Tactical, Bushmaster, DPMS, Firebird, Montana Gold, NRA Competition, PWS, Safariland, Vortex, and Warne Scope Mounts. There are also over 60 other sponsors who donated great prizes, many of them from very small companies and you were all so very generous!

Thanks to the shooters for coming so far and really bucking up when you had to walk so far to even get to the start of the stages. Bad weather, muddy roads! :angry2: Thanks for your positive attitudes and smiles!

I've said it before, but 3-Gun shooters are the best in the world. After spending money for the match, getting there, rooms, ammo, they donated almost $4000 at the Trijicon Junior Benefit that was split between the AMU/MGM junior camp and Whittington Center's Adventure Camp. Absolutely amazing! :cheers: They also contributed to the Wounded Warrior jars and collected $1400 to be sent to the Wounded Warrior Project! I start crying again just thinking about it! You are all truly generous!

Thanks so much to the staff, from stats, to area captains, to all the RO's that just kept going like energizer bunnies! They did an amazing job getting everyone through tough stages on time! Thanks to the marines who came, helped RO, and were kind enough to come back on Sunday to help clean out and then refill the shed with all our stuff!! They were lifesavers. I think JJ and I would be lying there dead if they hadn't come to help us! And they didn't even break a sweat! :bow::bow:

Thanks to the Whittington Center for their help and support and allowing us to shoot in such a beautiful and well run place! :bow:

Thanks to the sponsors that came and chatted in Coors, to all of you who made this match so fun and rewarding! It really makes the time I spend working on it feel worthwhile!

Next year's dates are: August 4-6, 2011. Apps will be up at the beginning of the year. We're going to do a two tier system for repeat offenders and then new people. I'll be thanking sponsors and hitting them up again soon. I'm hoping to know sponsor slots earlier for 2011 to help make sign-up go more smoothly, so be sure to talk to people you're hoping to sponsor you!

Again, thank-you all for coming! We hope you had fun! Shoot safe and remember, 3-gunners are the best! :wub:

Thanks so much!

Denise and JJ

Edited by Benelli Chick
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I would have to say the best change I saw for RM3G was the implementation of rifle shots other than hosing and prone. the offhand, tree, bushes, barricade, pallet, shots were a pleasant addition to see.

That tricky wind kicked my butt on more than one occassion, on the last day we had the long pistol course to shoot and I had counted up my remaining ammo and came up with 52 rounds, when i finished the course i ejected my last round from the gun. Shooting with 10 rounds in the gun makes for alot of mag changes. i had to use rifle mag pouches to hold all my mags.

As for the way the prize table was handled, it was different!!! I had read the posting about it and was prepared, but many were not and they were upset. Historically, the smaller divisions have gotten hosed due to low numbers, even with the fierce competition

that lives there. JJ and Denise, decided to try something new to try and alleviate the inequality, and I appluad the effort, many of you may not agree but at least they tried!!! Those of you in TO may need to break Daniels legs to lessen the gap, but then the same can be said for Jerry in Open, or Kurt or Robby in TI, or PK in Heavy Iron, or that ADA in Heavy optic. Maybe this will cause the smaller divisions to grow as some migrate out of TO, feeling that they can be closer to the top in other divisions, and as such make it to the prize table sooner. So be it!! either way you're going to have to know your zero and your trajectory,...............and the wind!!!!!!


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Denise and JJ it was a great match.

This was my first major three gun match and i was very impressed i will be back next year.

I was very impressed at how nice the RO's were and they were always fair and not hard.

A thank you to the sponsors.

and the people of squad 10 was the best squad of the whole match.

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This was another great match. The location, scenic beauty, wildlife, unique courses of fire, great RO's, great sponsors. This is a perfect example of why this match is "THE" 3-gun match to attend in my book.

The only thing I have to complain about is the way the awards were handled. I can somewhat understand why there was a change from prize tables of the past. I applaud the effort but this fell very short of anything I have ever seen.

As just an example:

Of the top 32 shooters that went to the prize table -

11 Open (out of 37)

5 LI (out of 10)

3 HI (out of 11)

7 HS (out of 23)

6 LS (out of 169)

The only way this type of prize table can work is if all of the top shooters in each division are equal. That just isn't the case. I mean no disrespect toward any of the shooters in any of the other divisions, but it sure makes a case for purchasing some different equipment to shoot a different division for next years match. Or to practice A LOT more. I will be anxious to see if next years match will have the same prize distribution prior to making any sort of reservations.

I am just one opinion in this conversation, and I am not the most experienced shooter by any means, so please take this for what it is worth.

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but it sure makes a case for purchasing some different equipment to shoot a different division for next years match. Or to practice A LOT more.

I think that is the point. I certainly benefited from the way the prizes were done but I'd much rather see a lot more shooters in my division. Plus the rules were posted. If this was a surprise, that would be one thing. Just like the whole cinched mag situation, Denise and JJ posted the rules ahead of time.

Just my $.025


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This was another great match. The location, scenic beauty, wildlife, unique courses of fire, great RO's, great sponsors. This is a perfect example of why this match is "THE" 3-gun match to attend in my book.

The only thing I have to complain about is the way the awards were handled. I can somewhat understand why there was a change from prize tables of the past. I applaud the effort but this fell very short of anything I have ever seen.

Brian, in the FWIW category, the same people who make this "THE" 3-gun match to attend, also are the ones who made an effort to equalize the prize table(s) for the 4 divisions other than Limited Scope. I worked several scenarios based on the scores yesterday, but that is hindsight working with the data after it is all in. Coming up with a solution that works for every category and is simple enough to score and explain, regardless of which shooters show up, is difficult. Be assured that the data will be analyzed by several people who work this match and we will make recomendations to Denise. It would not be proper for me to explain all of the scenarios I analyzed, however, there were some pretty amazing gaps and differences discovered when looking at raw scores across divisions. I obvioulsy knew about the change in the prize table, and I looked at last years data in that light. I'm pretty good with math and I told Denise I thought this year's prize table scenario would be more equitable than last years. I am not sure that is correct now, but we worked with what we had. Now we have more data and we'll keep working on it. I hope that is good news to you.

Personally, I don't care much where I walk the table, I only care where I finish w.r.t. the best shooter, Daniel H. For me, I improved over last year in terms of percentage and match points compared to Daniel. If Daniel had not shot this match, my percentage would have gone up almost 15% more...

Hope to see you next year.

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Thanks for that post. I respect Denise and JJ a lot and the match they put on was without question my favorite so far. I also understand the problems with the prize table, and that no matter how you do it, there will be complaints. I was just voting my opinion on this one. I do find it interesting that you mentioned the 15% difference because that was what I estimated also.

I know a lot of people seemed happy with how the prize table went, I just wanted to voice my opinion. I do not normally shoot for prizes and my placings indicate that all too well. But I really wanted another one of those JP Shooters pins. This is the first time in 3 years I didn't receive one and I think it was my best match yet when you consider fewest mistakes and such.

Until next year I will practice as much as possible, and hope the prize situation works itself out.

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It is true, if Daniel Horner had not shot this match all the TS scores would have been better. But that is true for every Division. Biggest difference - He Man Scope, Smallest difference - Limited Irons. Here are the 1st and 2nd shooter in each Division:

Open -

Miculek 100%

Holmes 89.62%

Difference 10.38%

TS -

Horner 100%

Miller 85.77%

Difference 14.23%

LI -

Underdown 100%

Kurtz 97.21%

Difference 2.79%


Kelley 100%

Watson 90.97%

Difference 9.3%


Neal 100%

Moots 85.06

Difference 14.4%

Average Difference 10.22%


Edited by Doug H.
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Brian, I don't think you receiving a pin had anything to do with the prize table situation, you may have shot better this match than previous matches but still not to the 75% of Daniel???? I may be wrong, but do not think so!!!

It also should not have come as a surprise to anyone, that the prze table would be handled that way, I read it that way when the post was made earlier this year, but then I do tend to read alot.

The difference in placement % could have been greater in TI, had Mr. Miller shot that division as he had originally planned but his points for 3 gun Nation required him to remain in TO. I know I had wanted to shoot HMI, but last years target location difficulty had me frustrated enough to put a scope on my 308. Just as those of us who normally shoot irons get told to quit complaining and step into the 21st century and put a scope on our rifles, perhaps those that were upset at the prize table should look for a more appropriate division for themselves. (that last comment is not directed at anyone in particular) It was interesting to see the tables turned to, the advantage of the smaller divisions.

For those of you that think I shoot matches for the prize table, I went to rm3g right after PanAm where there was no prize table, and the entry fee was much higher, as were hotel cost, and I had to rent a golf cart just to get around to stages. I do not recall seeing many of you there.


Edited by bigbrowndog
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Brian, I don't think you receiving a pin had anything to do with the prize table situation, you may have shot better this match than previous matches but still not to the 75% of Daniel???? I may be wrong, but do not think so!!!

Trapr, you are correct. Pins were based on % of points of division winner. Either shoot the equipment you prefer or try and guess which division you can shoot the highest % of the winners match points.

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Thanks to Denise, JJ, the great RO's and all the match staff for making RM3G the 3 gun event of the year.

JP..thanks for being the main sponsor and giving me the advice to aim low on the clays using the Mossberg on Stage 5, otherwise my match score could have ended up being really crappy....oh wait....too late.

I won't get into the "Prizegate" debate, but for those of you who were at the deep end of the table like me and got a Brownells Gift Certificate please take note...

The date on my cetificate letter was 2 years old. When I tried to use it online it said the verification code was invalid. I called Brownells(Yes I thanked them for being a sponsor) and they said that particular code was redeemed two years ago. I explained how I got the certificate and they agreed to honor it anway. Thanks Brownells. :cheers:

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