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Baerburtchell's Range Diary/Training Program

Paul Burtchell

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Tonight, I was averaging in the 1.40's.Turn & Draw @ 10 yards.

At the beginning of my class with Dave I was averaging in the 1.50 to 1.7 range.( Hands resting at sides, facing down range) At the end of some drills I was down into the .90's and pulled off one .74 but, it was a C zone. Still a huge improvement.

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Paul: So you are not selling the M&P? :roflol: I wish you luck on your goal for this year. I have a goal to make "A" in Production by the end of the year. Remember as you lose weight your energy level will go up and it will be easier. You should try to shoot some steel matches as well since you practice alot of draws in one match. Let see 5 stages and 5 strings giving a total of 25 draws at most steel matches. Paul good luck with your goals and keep us posted. Thanks, Eric

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Tonight, I was averaging in the 1.40's.Turn & Draw @ 10 yards.

At the beginning of my class with Dave I was averaging in the 1.50 to 1.7 range.( Hands resting at sides, facing down range) At the end of some drills I was down into the .90's and pulled off one .74 but, it was a C zone. Still a huge improvement.

"At the beginning of my class with Dave I was averaging in the 1.50 to 1.7 range" - That was just a plain draw from holster, one shot, at 7 yards if I understand correctly.

As it happens... I have his times from our practice session tonight. :)

4 of Hearts (facing up range, wrists above shoulders, turn, draw, one shot from 10 yards) - 6A 3C 1M





1.29 (dat was the Mike)






Paul... I'll e-mail you the other times.


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Those are good times, Paul. On the turn/draw, was that hands at sides or wrists above shoulders? I ask only because I was doing this drill today from surrender with my skinny gun. Fun stuff.

Well Gary, my training buddy has the correct times there ! I stand corrected!!! 1.5- 1.6's average ;) Turn and draw (Wrist Above Shoulders). Hey, I'm slow but, you gotta start somewhere.

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Paul: So you are not selling the M&P? :roflol: I wish you luck on your goal for this year. I have a goal to make "A" in Production by the end of the year. Remember as you lose weight your energy level will go up and it will be easier. You should try to shoot some steel matches as well since you practice alot of draws in one match. Let see 5 stages and 5 strings giving a total of 25 draws at most steel matches. Paul good luck with your goals and keep us posted. Thanks, Eric

No, I've actually kept this gun for more than a week :roflol: I've been thinking about shooting some of the steel matches in Austin. I think it would help me with my transitions too. The weight is a work in progress but, good clean foods are starting to taste better to me so it's getting a little easier.

You'll get that A card :cheers:

Take care....

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Tonight, I was averaging in the 1.40's.Turn & Draw @ 10 yards.

At the beginning of my class with Dave I was averaging in the 1.50 to 1.7 range.( Hands resting at sides, facing down range) At the end of some drills I was down into the .90's and pulled off one .74 but, it was a C zone. Still a huge improvement.

"At the beginning of my class with Dave I was averaging in the 1.50 to 1.7 range" - That was just a plain draw from holster, one shot, at 7 yards if I understand correctly.

As it happens... I have his times from our practice session tonight. :)

4 of Hearts (facing up range, wrists above shoulders, turn, draw, one shot from 10 yards) - 6A 3C 1M





1.29 (dat was the Mike)






Paul... I'll e-mail you the other times.


Thanks for the times Mike :cheers:
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09/02- First day of a one week vacation. :D

Pre-workout warmup- Mowed the front lawn.

Workout- Tabata Protocols- 8 cycles- 20 second work interval/10 second rest interval. 20# Kettlebell swings.

Post workout cooldown- Mowed the back lawn.

15 minute Dryfire Practice: Focused on Reloads, primarily Burkett reloads. I feel this is an area that I can save huge chunks of time on, especially shooting production.

Diet going well. (225#) I've lost 7 pounds so far. Mostly water weight; I'm sure, as I'm dropping almost all simple and processed carbs. ( No Pasta, white bread, white potatoes, white rice, or anything in the center aisle of the grocery store in a box).

Today's Meals:

Meal One- 4 Lean Turkey breakfast sausages, one small serving oatmeal, banana

Meal Two- Protein Shake (Beverly International Ultimate Muscle Protein)

Meal Three- 6 oz. Rotisserie Turkey Breast, Pita Bread, Spinach salad w/ Newman Own Oil & Vinegar Dressing

Meal Four- Protein Shake

Later Today

Meal Five- Grilled Salmon, veggies

30 minute walk

Meal Six-Bedtime- Protein shake w/ natural peanut butter, Fish Oil Capsules

This is actually starting to be FUN!! I'm really liking the additional structure. My OCD is loving it :roflol:

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Overdid it on the kettlebell swings, yesterday and my spinal erectors and hamstrings are killing me. :(

Range Practice: Did a couple of different drills about 90 rounds total.

Finally got to test my reloads with the chrono:

4.0 grains Titegroup, 124 grain MG CMJ's, Federal Primers, 1.143 OAL

131 Power Factor.

Not going to change a thing.

Diet went well today.

Off to the range again at 7:00am in the morning.

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take it easy there, Paul. You're running at a pretty fast pace. Don't forget to mix some REST into your schedule.
Gary, I underestimated how out of shape I really am. I thought I went really light and easy on the kettlebells but, at 49 years old and coming off of a 2 almost 3 year layoff from weight training, I'm obviously going to have to "ease" into it a little bit more. You are right, rest and recovery are just as important as the workout an proper nutrition.

Had a very good practice session this morning and early afternoon with mjoy64. Lots of different drills. Only problem is my legs and lower back are so sore I can't move too well.

I'm taking some ibuprofen and getting to bed early. This getting old crap is not for the faint of heart :roflol:

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USPSA match I was planning on attending in Austin was canceled due to rain. New bays have not had gravel installed yet.

PLAN B: Attended an IDPA match in Copperas Cove.

Match Notes:

Finished 7th overall out of 31 & 1st place SSP sharpshooter.

Procedural penalty for dropping a mag with rounds remaining (forgot what game I was playing :wacko: )

I was still so sore in my hamstrings that it was difficult to move quickly, which cost me a few seconds, I believe.

My accuracy was much improved. Shot several stages with 0 points down. (Probably due to approx. 1000 rounds downrange this week. )

Just not low enough raw time to overcome.

I was very " rusty" on my IDPA tac -reloads and drawing with a concealment vest.

New M&P Pro functioned flawlessly. Thanks Dan Burwell :cheers:

Match nutrition was much better. Mixed dried fruits and nuts instead of my usual hot dogs that the range owner provides gratis.

Sure missed the hot dogs :roflol:

Good COF's and great friends at the Copperas Cove Pistol Club. Always a great match. Thanks Steve Jolly :cheers:

Next Saturday is Action Pistol.

Preparation for that match begins now.........

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Thanks for the encouragement guys. Yes, I do plan on shooting in Waco on the 19th. Alot of folks will be gone for the Nationals so I'm helping in set up to help Arthur out. Ya'll come on down :cheers:

Eric, what good is a hotdog without a bun and chili?? :roflol:

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Remind me next time I see you, and I'll show you a couple of things about stretching hamstrings that should help pain there and in your low back (which is frequently caused by the hams, too...). We should double check your swing form, too, just to be sure :) Do you have a foam roller?

Also.... stay off the Vitamin I (ibuprofen). It actually works against your ability to recover and illicit a training response to your workouts... See: http://sanfranciscocrossfit.blogspot.com/2...en-peoples.html and http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/01/p...uring-exercise/ amongst plenty of others you can Google. Tylenol, if you really need something (not with alcohol!)... Stretching and icing go a heck of a lot further, IME, though... ;)

I thought I might also mention an interesting interval strategy for you, since you like Tabatas... Think about doing a mashup sometime. A mashup is usually done with two exercises, using Tabata intervals. Usually they work different areas of the body, or push then pull with the same area (for instance, pullups and pushups). You do alternating Tabata intervals of the two exercises, for a total of 16 intervals - 8 of each exercise. For instance, say, air squats and situps - you'd do 20 seconds of squats, 10 seconds of rest, 20 seconds of situps, 10 seconds of rest, 10 seconds of squats, and so forth. Really, really good stuff!

I did one yesterday that was a three-way mash (squats, situps, pushups), but I threw in some extra rest - I did 2 intervals of each exercise, then a 1 minute rest, and repeated two more times, for a total of 6 intervals of each exercise. It was an interesting change... my legs and core are torched today from it... :lol: I think more than three exercises would be counter productive, though, having now done it... Another interesting thing would be to do two mashups with a rest in between as a full workout... (say, three minute rest in between the two)....

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Sept. 06 Took the entire day off. No weight training or dryfire or live fire.

My wife and I went over to some good friends and christened my buddies new grille. Nice juicy ribeye steak, and a few cold Sam Adams Boston Lagers and finished up the evening with a good Joya de Nicaragua cigar. Life is good. Felt good to unwind a bit.

Sept. 07 No weight training today. Hamstrings and lower back are finally back to normal. I will start weight training again tomorrow.

30 minutes dryfire: Various drills from the DR Performance deck. Reloads are getting a little smoother.

Diet right on track today.

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9/08 - 9/11/09

No live fire practice this week. Vacation was over on Wed. & there was hell to pay yesterday & today getting things back to "normal" at the office. Rain hit this morning so I could not have made it out today anyway.

Practiced 30 minutes each day on dryfire. Primarily reloads, reloads while moving & transitions.

Tomorrow's match that I'm attending has been switched to an all steel affair due to heavy rain today & a high probability of rain during the match.

Dryfire practice tonight was with scaled down paper "popper" style targets. Looking forward to the match. All steel matches are kinda cool.

Starting a lower carb diet on Sunday with 2 carb up meals per week on Tue. and Fri. evenings.

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I finished 5th out of 23 shooters in today's all steel match. RAINED HARD the whole match.

I had an issue with a couple of small "aspirin" targets & for some reason I had several misses on a Texas Star, which usually gives me no problems.

Lots of good "hardcore" shooters braved very heavy rains for this one. Fun match.

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"aspirin" targets
can be a real headache can't they? Five inch plates arrayed with MGM's pesky poppers. ;) Personally, I stepped on it on the stage with the full size Pepper poppers and US poppers. :wacko: I had my best showing on the headache arrays. :huh:
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