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The guy driving slow in the fast lane


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Dude, I hate you...


Me too!

Well it won't be me on the way home...seriously.

In Kentucky it is against the law to drag a$$ in the left lane (aka passing lane). In Ohio is seems to be encouraged! I don't get it.

Also I wish people would get their cars upgraded - to have turn signals - and remove their blinkers :D

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Dude, I hate you...


Me too!

Well it won't be me on the way home...seriously.

In Kentucky it is against the law to drag a$$ in the left lane (aka passing lane). In Ohio is seems to be encouraged! I don't get it.

Also I wish people would get their cars upgraded - to have turn signals - and remove their blinkers :D

Hell here its damn near a shootable offense! :roflol:

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I bet you drive a Toyota Prius too...

That's just mean right there.

...and we call them Pius.

And after all I was driving the speed limit... :mellow: I made up for it on the way home anyway...

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As a duly appointed officer of the Lane Enforcement Advisory Deparment For Official Overt Travel (LEADFOOT...aka an unmarked Crown Vic), I'll grant you a one-time exemption from self-directed beatings, but this is your one and only warning! :P

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There should be a very simple law, you are allowed 1 minute in the left lane and anything over that makes you fair game for ramming off the road.

In Texas the left lane is reserved for passing. The problem is I've watched one vehicle "passing" all the way from Houston to Dallas.

Its the law, just not enforced.


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I thought that you were talking about me! I had the Amber Rotater on the BIG Orange Truck :roflol:

Rellay, you should try doing a diving check on the Median with the road dept. some time: It can be REALLY fun :devil:

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As a visitor in the US (im in Minnesota now) this is something i have noticed too.

I have been in Kentucky a number of times, and there you rearly see this problem.

I did a 200 miles drive yesterday up here in MN, and i found a few "sleeping in the left lane drivers".

When i used the "European way" to get them in the right-lane (Flashing the high beam), they just slow down even more. This is a normal procedure in Europe, but i started to wonder if this is looked upon as rude here in the US.

BTW: is it legal here in the us to pass these ppl in the right-lane?

Edited by Indijan
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...especially when its me.

I figured I'd bitch about myself when deserved...it was me.

I'm sorry I did it but no one was harmed I promise.

What was I thinking?!


I've lived in this armpit of the Midwest all my life (Cincinnati). take your pick I-75, I-74, or I-275 (major interstate highways in and around town) If there's a backup you can bet your last gallon of gas that there's an inconsiderate driver using the left hand lane at a slower speed than the rest of the pack. I have casually mentioned this in conversations and the response I've gotten from those that do this is "Well, you can just go around". That's hard to do if you just caused a 10 mile back up. Our local police have better things to do than to pull somebody over for going too slow.

I caught the middle of a program on an educational channel about this subject. It was centered around LA and how motorists drive millions of miles every day in that city. And how the few that are poking along on the interstate will cause a backup that costs millions of dollars every month. We are becoming an inconsiderate nation of people. The idea of thinking about someone besides ourselves is nonexistent.

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Where I live for around 6 hours a day it don't make no difference which lane you are in. Lanes 1-4 will be full and either moving at 70 or 7. You pass by finding a way to move from lane 3 to 4, over to 1 and then back to 4 winding up in 3 again two cars in front of where you started.


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As a visitor in the US (im in Minnesota now) this is something i have noticed too.

I have been in Kentucky a number of times, and there you rearly see this problem.

I did a 200 miles drive yesterday up here in MN, and i found a few "sleeping in the left lane drivers".

When i used the "European way" to get them in the right-lane (Flashing the high beam), they just slow down even more. This is a normal procedure in Europe, but i started to wonder if this is looked upon as rude here in the US.

BTW: is it legal here in the us to pass these ppl in the right-lane?

You went to Kentucky a number of times? You mean by accident or on purpose?

Flashing lights is great in Europe but it might lead to road rage here. Most people have not been to Europe so they will think you are being rude.

You can pass on the right on the highway.

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