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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Winchester Auto Comp


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I have note noticed alot on auto comp so here is what i played with today:

STI 40 w/barsto bbl, 5.8 grs. A.C, avg. 963.3, PF 173.4 mixed brass oal: 1.124

5.9 grs A.C, avg 992.5 PF 178.6 same same same

S&W M&P40 6.0 grs A.C avg 945.3 PF 170.2 same same same

all shot pretty soft Bullet: MG 180 JHP

Chrono: CED M2 temp. 70 very good accuracy at 20yds.

now if i could get the M2 cd to work on this pc, this would be easier to do.

i dont know how well it meters thru my 650 yet, but ill find out soon

Edited by rmerritt
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