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Presuming our big sticks will be measured for the IPSC match; how/what will be used?

Like the production gun question, will the means be available on Saturday to check our big ones?

I was wondering the same thing since IPSC doesn't allow the extra 1.25mm of fudge factor that we all seem to take advantage of here. The IPSC rules show the method as placing the magazine on a flat surface, with the back of the magazine vertical, and measure from the flat surface to the back corner of the feed lips. R,

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What time is registration and shooter's meeting? I cannot seem to find this information on the website, application, or here. I'm trying to decide if I want to make the drive in the am or get a hotel.



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Hi all.

The questions that I am getting are on squadding and on show/match times.

Our Stats Officer, Linda Chico is doing the squadding. She does so the last week on the match (which, I know we sent her around 10 applications, just today). If you put any squadding requests on your applications, she will work to make that happen.

She also sends out a confirmation email when she enters you into the match (except for Friday/Staff shooters). The confirmation email contains the schedule for Saturday and Sunday. (I will include that, below.)

Linda worked a match in Mississippi this past weekend. She had iffy email/interent access at the hotel she was at. Plus, some dork turned in front of her when she was driving to that match and totaled her car (she is fine, but driving a rental). She is traveling today. I just got off the phone with her. After driving all day, she is sitting in stopped traffic, at what should have been 10 minutes from home. This would be her first day home. So, don't go hitting her up with a bunch of emails, unless you really need to. :wacko: Feel free to ask me any questions for the next 2 days at the match email: OhioUSPSA at aol dot com. (I will be at the club, for the most part, from Wednesday on.)

Times for Saturday or Sunday:

Confirmation: You are shooting the _[Ohio/Saturday or IPSC/Sunday]_______, 2009 starting at 8:00 am. You must attend the mandatory shooter’s meeting at the range that starts 30 minutes before your shooting time. The match will be a ‘Full Day’ format with all [10 or] 11 stages plus chrono completed in a single day.

Registration: You are Pre-Registered when we get your application and check. You must complete registration at the Range. You may register at the range prior to your shooting day from 12:00 am to 5:00 pm. You may register on your shooting day from 7:00 am until 7:45 am.

Times for Saturday or Sunday

Friday - only

The gate opens around 8am. We'd like to see the staff there at that time. We are looking at a shooter's meeting at around 9:30am.
Friday - only
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There is no IPSC gauge. The IPSC rules say that the mag will be measured with a ruler, from base to the top along the back-side. So get your rulers out, and check your mags NOW. They will be measured at the match, and if found to be illegal you are shooting for no score! :)

So on Sunday the mags for the IPSC match are going to be measured with a ruler for sure?

I just want to double check after seeing both of the above, as well as previous mention of the feeler gauge method in some old threads I dug up (Shred mentioned the gauge plus a penny).

I've been double... triple checking all my gear and found that the two manners of measurement don't exactly correspond. My bigsticks fit in the USPSA gauge with space to spare yet I can't fit 1.25mm of feeler gauge shim in there. Yet when I stand my mag up and lean it against a nice upright metal ruler (like the rule book photo) I'm right at 17cm with the top of the back edge of the lips with the naked eye. The difference seems to be in how the gauge holds the mag tube flat against those raised pads and accounts for the bottom angle of the base pad.



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I'd go with Chris' version. It looks to be in line with what the rule book says (actually, does the rule book say? Just a picture, right?).

Neither Chris, nor I, are in charge of measuring mags...so take that with a grain of salt.

As Co-Match Director, I can suggest to the CRO and the Range Master that they use a certain method. In this case, both the CRO and RM are certified International Range Officers Association (IROA) officials, and I am not (so...another grain of salt). I do choose the arb committee, however...if it would come to that.

I'll try to get a better answer for you all. If nothing else...ask in the shooters meeting before the first shot is fired!

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I spoke to the RM last night, and he mentioned that there will probably not be an "official" mag-check (whether on the 1st stage or at chrono) but that it would be up to individual RO's on each stage to question the validity of someones mags if, for example, they shot a 30 round stage without a reload. Then they may want to look closer. :)

All I know is that the penalty is too great to risk using mags and or other eqpt. that might cause you to shoot for no-score at a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP match.

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...it would be up to individual RO's on each stage to question the validity of someones mags if, for example, they shot a 30 round stage without a reload. Then they may want to look closer. :)

I know that is the policy RO'ing technique that I preach. And, I will likely preach it to the staff at this match too.

All I know is that the penalty is too great to risk using mags and or other eqpt. that might cause you to shoot for no-score at a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP match.

No casinos in Ohio...might have to gamble on the range??? :unsure:

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I spoke to the RM last night, and he mentioned that there will probably not be an "official" mag-check (whether on the 1st stage or at chrono) but that it would be up to individual RO's on each stage to question the validity of someones mags if, for example, they shot a 30 round stage without a reload. Then they may want to look closer. :)

All I know is that the penalty is too great to risk using mags and or other eqpt. that might cause you to shoot for no-score at a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP match.

Yes LEAVE YOUR 30 RD Standard MAGS at home, WE ARE ON TO YOU.

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I am off to the range. We setup all the stages yesterday, just need to do the final tweak on them and nail them down. :)

Linda Chico (Stats/Registration) should be on the range this afternoon (Thursday). Email her is you have a registration question. lchico@msn.com

Weather looks like it will be in the 50's for most of the match. Right now, the only rain seems to be coming in for the staff/shooter's on Friday morning...then it clears out. Saturday and Sunday look nice and cool.


See you on the range!


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They will be right there, in the same bays!


You may need to empty your cache...if you computer is storing an old version of the page.


Go to the IPSC side and click on the "Match Info" button on that side of the page.

Direct link to IPSC stages: http://www.lchico5u.com/Ohio/Istages.html

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Thanks for the direct link... Something odd going on here and I don't usually have trouble with stuff like this...

Oh, and I'm not worried about finding the stages on Sunday cuz I'll just be watching. Now the other guys I'm traveling with are going to be glad to know where they can find the actual stages! :P:lol:


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Thanks for the direct link... Something odd going on here and I don't usually have trouble with stuff like this...

Oh, and I'm not worried about finding the stages on Sunday cuz I'll just be watching. Now the other guys I'm traveling with are going to be glad to know where they can find the actual stages! :P:lol:

I had the same problem. If you shrink the window ( middle button top right corner ) it shows up right

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Can you shoot a DOH in prod with IPSC rules?

Race holsters and unlimited mag capacity...as long as the mags are factory length and spec.

NOTE TO GLOCK SHOOTERS! The 34 isn't a legal IPSC Production pistol since it's barrel is over the 5" limit.

Remember Standard shooters, your pistol must fit in the box with your mags inserted. That will be the main thing they'll be checking for since a 140mm mag is so easy to spot both in the gun and the mag pouch. Also, PF is 170, and holster and pouches must be behing the hip bone (Production placement).

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