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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Sailor's Customs


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STI frame, Caspian slide, and 6" Schuemann bushing barrel. Jim did a lot of slide lightening - most of which is apparent on the outside, and some of which is hidden on the inside. Overall weight w/o mag is about 37oz, and it balance right at the center of the trigger guard.



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Thanks guys,

got a chance to sit and meet Jim during the A3 match while up there. My dad and I are going to have guns built by Jim, kind of a father/son thing, but his is going to be an open 9mm, mine is a limited gun.

I am shooting a Brazo's SC limited now, but thru STI's contigency program(B class win at A3 and A5) and winning a frame last year at A3 have pretty much won all the parts to built the gun. Just looking at ideas

Really like the tri top slides that SVI does, and then let Jim do the slide lightening on the rest.

It is not a bad position to be in with only a $107 in parts expense plus Jim's labor charge to get a gun built!!

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