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Homemade Press through sizer..


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I am currently using a broken cut off Lee .40 sizer die and a push through bullet punch from the Lee bullet sizing kit as a press through sizer die. Similar to what redding is selling, except mine is made from spare worthless parts I had laying around. Works like a champ, but not exactly fast and I worry about the wear and tear on my T7.. Anyone out there tried welding up or modifying a arbor press to take through sizer dies? Thinking it may be possible and could hang over the bench and drop sized rounds out the bottow into a bucket. Not trying to short someone out there who may make one, I believe Magma makes something similar called the rimless case sizer, and case pro, although no luck finding one. I have a Tanfoglio and have to run rear perfectly strait brass to get 21 reloadable.. I am open to ideas, thanks in advance.


Edited by Mitch_Rapp.45
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I built an automatic bullet sizer using the same concept but I used a pneumatic ram instead.



I have started a larger version with dies machined for .45 acp but before I automated it I put the project on hold as there were rumors of the case pro comming back. About time to get back to work, I guess.

Edited by jmorris
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J Morris. Build me one with dies for 9mm-40-45 and tell me where to send the check.... You tried putting a Dillon case feeder on the thing yet? I really like the Magna Sizemaster Jr. setup that Larry White has but it gets kinda old after the first 1000 or so you crank by hand...

Yes, I am serious... :)

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There's J, showing off again. ;)

To our OP, the Evolution Gun Works/Lee Undersize die works for me, just fine, on my 550. The up-side is that everything runs through the press at one time...no handling the same piece of brass multiple times .

From another forum, I heard that someone else is working on something like a CasePro, but it won't take caliber specific and expensive die plates. I guess somehow the die plate is modular. :unsure:

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You tried putting a Dillon case feeder on the thing yet?

The plastic Dillon one is a little too light for a bullet feeder. I also used a 3 o'clock exit.


The only thing I don’t like about pass through sizers is that they don’t have the ability to clean up the rim. If the case pro thing doesn’t pan out I might start back in on the project. I really don’t have a problem with cases from my pistols but the brass that comes out of SMG’s can be an issue, so far I just keep them separated but it’s a pain keeping track.

Edited by jmorris
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