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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Crossfit hybrid site

Chris Conley

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Since the beginning of the year I have been pretty much unable to attend any matches due to family issues and training. In that time I have really focused on fitness and eating the right things. I think right now I'm in the best overall shape of my life and have a new found confidence that there isn't anything I can't do.

That said over time the workout schedule gets a little stale. I have tried to change things up with some new ideas and some old ones. Road marching 20 miles, 50 mile bike rides, pushups and pullups with 60 pound pack on etc. Here is a site that has sparked my interest.


Rob helps soldiers physically get ready for deployments and SF Q course. For those of you wanting some hardcore fun check it out.

Chris C.

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Another great fitness site that is crossfit-esque but has some crazy workouts is www.gymjones.com. He did the training for a lot of the guys on "300".

Gymjones is run by The World Famous Mark Francis Twight, a friend of BE's.

I dont really know him, but we have some mutual climbing friends...that guy's insane!

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