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Changing the Rules


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dont waste time with a match like that , nothing worse than playing a game with a bunch of people that keep changeing the rules as they go to suit them, Run sanctioned matches and follow sanctioned rulesor make up a sport and have a published set of rules and stick too them with no changes allowed.

+1 :cheers:

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That said in my youth I really enjoyed going to a local "Tactical" match with another M. I would borrow his Glock and we would take 1-2 every time. It gave the MD Fits so he started allowing reshoots to try to better his scores. Remember this is very tactical event cause you always get two or three tries in a real life shootout. We continued to win and never reshot. ;) It used to be great fun pulling out and seeing them lined up to make another run. Glad I'm not such a competitive person now.



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I agree that if you don't like it don't go.

I am always amazed that when people can't win they blame safety, its not tactical, the arms race or planet alignment for it and make their own game. Instead of getting better and winning.

That said in my youth I really enjoyed going to a local "Tactical" match with another M. I would borrow his Glock and we would take 1-2 every time. It gave the MD Fits so he started allowing reshoots to try to better his scores. Remember this is very tactical event cause you always get two or three tries in a real life shootout. We continued to win and never reshot. ;) It used to be great fun pulling out and seeing them lined up to make another run. Glad I'm not such a competitive person now.

I LOVE that list of excuses. As the stats person, I hear them all. :D

The only 2 you left off were "stage design" and "personal equipment failure."

Back to the topic, I suspect the chances of changing their minds with logic is futile. Logic certainly did not guide them in creating the new rules - self interest is the primary motivator. If the match is still "fun," deal with the new rules. If not, there are a lot of suggestions in this thread to leave and then find or build your own 'sandbox.'

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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First, that steel plates should not be used in the setup due to there lack of real world simulation.

Soo... no one would be running in a real world simulation?

ummmmm... no.

move on, shoot somewhere else... "they" took out steel and rapid movement this year.. what is in store for next year?

How does one define running? A speed thing, lack of both feet on the ground? :devil:

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Same old deal, the older shooters outnumber the younger.

See the same thing at trap, skeet, sporting clays, and high power.

The excuses are numerous IE: you are punching the button to fast. Sorry but I don't hit it till you shoot on report doubles.

I can't pull targets by myself. Sorry but that lady is doing it. Why do we have to spend and extra two hours to shoot a total of 88 rounds on the range cause your to soft.

I do think it is great that the older crowd is still shooting. But when you cannot keep at least a moderate pace(believe me I don't want to see you go down from the heat) maybe you should find a slower sport??

None of us can stay young forever and that I am sorry to say as I see 50 round the corner.


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Have you considered Soylent Green?

Soylent Green? I've heard of that nutritional supplement. I believe it's in the new Health Care laws that the guvmint is going to pass. Huge amounts of protein and an almost endless supply of it! Guaranteed not to leak, squeek or run down your leg!:roflol::roflol:



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full auto shooter on the first page wrote:

If he's 73, you can probably just wait him out. :devil:


That was funny right there. I don't care who you are. It was a good thing I wasn't drinking a soda, because I would have spit it all over the computer screen when I read that.

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If they are banning running with a gun in your hand, how about skipping?

Will they let you skip from array to array with a gun in your hand?

Hmmn.... I guess Moon Walking would be out too. Shucks!

Can you reholster the hot gun, then run, get to the next array and then draw your pistola?

Technically, the gun is not in your hand while you're running?

Did you ever bring up Steel Challenge to them since they are so adamant against running? Stand here and shoot 5 times. No running involved. Or are they also too cheap to blow the money on steel?

Edited by Chills1994
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Hey bro I shot one time at this match you are speaking of after I got swept twice and looked down a couple of barrels do too unsafe gun handling I figured I would not attend anymore. No designated safe area either! This match as far as I could tell was scored as a speed shoot not much emphasis on accuracy at all. IMHO if you want to up your game it would pay too come out and shoot USPSA where the matches are conducted safely and fairly. Speed and accuracy is where it is at!

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Hey bro I shot one time at this match you are speaking of after I got swept twice and looked down a couple of barrels do too unsafe gun handling I figured I would not attend anymore. No designated safe area either! This match as far as I could tell was scored as a speed shoot not much emphasis on accuracy at all. IMHO if you want to up your game it would pay too come out and shoot USPSA where the matches are conducted safely and fairly. Speed and accuracy is where it is at!

Duke: I was there that day! Think that is you and Speedy-B in my avatar picture (Just behind my two grandsons and myself. Seems you were the R.O. and Speedy was at the barracade making ready to shoot............If I remeber correct, I won the match that day.!!!!!!(Winning this match is sort of like striking out the American League pitcher in a World Series Game---sort of leaves something to be desired!!)

I have sent Speedy-B several emails inviting him to join us in the Local IDPA/USPSA matches but no response!! I thought the no running rule was stupid! If they wanted to change something in this "Tactical Match" that would put both speed and accuracy to the test, change to scoring to either "comstock" or "Vickers". Better yet, do what I did there at that club 11 yrs. ago when I was the Tactical Shooting Match Director, dropped the Tactical Shooting and started a IDPA Club. Sure enjoyed shooting with you at the USPSA Match last Saturday.......Thanks, W.T. :roflol:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Find somewhere else to shoot or gather enough support in your club for change. Pick a shooting sport IDPA, USPSA, Steel Challenge and affiliate your club with them and shoot it. Pretty simple when you get down to it.

The real question i have: is this no running thing logical? Have you seen running during a handgun competition restricted?

No, it absolutely positively is not. It sounds like exactly how you explained it, a bunch of old guys trying to "level the playing field" by putting illogical restrictions on an otherwise safe action. Sounds to me that they should stick to bullseye and trap.

Find somewhere else to shoot or gather enough support in your club for change. Pick a shooting sport IDPA, USPSA, Steel Challenge and affiliate your club with them and shoot it. Pretty simple when you get down to it.

The real question i have: is this no running thing logical? Have you seen running during a handgun competition restricted?

No, it absolutely positively is not. It sounds like exactly how you explained it, a bunch of old guys trying to "level the playing field" by putting illogical restrictions on an otherwise safe action. Sounds to me that they should stick to bullseye and trap.

Bullseye and trap. Now that's funny! :roflol::roflol:

been there done that,with the trap and bulleyes guys..they are serious about a guy with a handgun running around....

i would just try somewhere different..

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Two choices:

1) If you dont like the rules, dont play the game.

2) play by their rules and kick their butts.

I have the same prob with local IDPA. I seem to get an inappropriate ammount of subjective penalties, especially since the match director is anti-USPSA and I (was) the local USPSA club pres. I do my best to shoot within the rules, take their penalties and still win.

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  • 1 month later...

economics will win out onthis one, ifthey wantto have their 'little club' match then thats all it will ever be, and bythe sounds of it, its kind of dangerous with the lack of safety area's and people gettin swept because of lack of muzzle control on the part ofthe shooter or lack of responsibility by an RO??? ifthey havethem at all, and we wont even go into range liability should somthinggo wrong....

had a club here that was run by a crusty fellow, who INSISTED that you be there and in line for signups by 10am, so much so that he sttod at the back ofthe line and shoo'd away the late comers, toldthem they were late, too bad....needless to say, that range and his policies didnt last long at all.....had another club where there was signs of scoresheets being 'manipulated' and strange re=shoots given to the 'chosen' people....again thatclub didnt last long.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just speed walk...

Seriously lame idea. We get 70 year old + shooters and they can run with guns and shoot. I think it is insulting to the more seasoned shooters to assume they are feeble. If they are too feeble to move the way they want to, then they shouldn't be bitching about shooting a match that requires movement ESPECIALLY if they won't allow steel plates.

If it were me (I can be a bit of a smart @ss) I would suggest that all the shooting be done from a wheel chair to make it "fair."

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Constantly and loudly exclaim how much better the nearest USPSA match is. Talk about the value, you pay x and get to shoot y so you get more bang for the buck! Talk about how much more fun it is to run and gun and how you've never seen anyone get seriously injured doing it. Repeat the FUN aspect of running with a LOADED GUN IN YOUR HANDS! :surprise: Oh the horror! ;)

Then repeat this per stage as the match ensues.

Then don't go back until you are really hitting it hard at your other club, and go back and win the match. The whole time repeating the previous procedures. It will anger some, but sure be fun! :devil:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Used to shoot bowling pins up at the 12th Precinct club near Annapolis. The "old timers" on that club's BOD were so stuck in thier ways & anti handgun that they INSISTED that each shooter had to start with the gun POINTED at the first pin (Even low ready seemed too unsafe for them). Completely lame.

To top it off, they then decided, all on their own, that even this format was unsafe. So they made up their own "test" consisting of building a "frame" around a pin table & covering it with trash bag plastic, then shooting a few pins to see if ANYTHING made a hole in the plastic.

Then they shut down the match because, according to their "test" bullets must be leaving the property (they had more than 12 acres & never had a complaint.

I am SO done with those sorts of attitudes. Sorry to hear there are still such folks populating the BODs of our local shooting clubs.

If they are banning running with a gun in your hand, how about skipping?

Will they let you skip from array to array with a gun in your hand?

Hmmn.... I guess Moon Walking would be out too. Shucks!

Can you reholster the hot gun, then run, get to the next array and then draw your pistola?

Technically, the gun is not in your hand while you're running?

Did you ever bring up Steel Challenge to them since they are so adamant against running? Stand here and shoot 5 times. No running involved. Or are they also too cheap to blow the money on steel?

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  • 2 weeks later...

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