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Looking for 140gr Minor Load


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Yes, I did search.

I'm running a CZ Tactical Sports in .40

The gun seems to like 1.125 OAL

I have 1K Bear Creek 140gr LFP

I have 5 lbs of Solo 1000.

Various primers

Any of you have a load for this that shoots minor or a decent steel load. I just need this until I get my 180s, and some more TiteGroup.

It's gonna be for practice, and steel.

Thanks, Jimmy

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A friend said to try 4.2 of Solo 1000. The powder measure was throwing 4.3, so I said why bother changing it and just loaded up about 100.

"This is a very soft steel load." is what my friend said. He was very correct. It is a soft, clean burning, accurate load.


140 gr Bear Creek RNFP


4.3gr Solo 1000

Mixed headstamp brass, polished and run through a U die before loading on a SDB to 1.125OAL.

I will chrono this load in the next few weeks. It should make minor, maybe not.

ETA: 100 is not 1000 :wacko:

Edited by JimmyZip
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i ran that bullet over 4.3 TG and it worked as good as one could want for a steel load.


FWIW i ran the bullets up to major in my limited glock and they shot remarkably better than i thought they should.

and loaded over some Ramshot Silhouette for my open glock, 180 pf without any problems.


Edited by Harmon
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