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Mueller Knee Braces


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After dealing with bad knees for years I finally caved in and got something to help and help they do. Last night I tried a pair of them and they worked great, no knee pains at all during the match. They are pretty well padded, light weight and didn't make my knees sweat. The fact there is a little padding around the knee helped when I had to go low for three targets through a low port. At $20 each they are well worth looking into if you need some sort of knee support while you shoot.

Joe W.

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I picked mine up in Walmart in the health department for $20 each. Although they don't show up on the Walmart web site you can find the ones I bought on THIS web site for $24.99 plus shipping. You might try your local Walmart to see if they have any in stock. They are the Adjustable Hinged Knee Braces Product #6455 If you search around E-Bay you might be able to find them a little cheaper. Good luck and let us know if they work for you too.

Joe W.

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