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Which is easier to modify?


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Hello all,

I'm a new shooter just getting in to it for the first time. While talking to a officer/ steel competitor he peeked my interest in competitive shooting. I currently own a Kimber Custom II in .45 ACP as well as a IWI Baby Eagle in 9mm , and love them both. My question is which to modify for steel and/or other competitions ? Which will be most effective and obviously the cheapest to get started.

Thank you for your insight

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The 1911 platform has soooo many aftermarket accessories/parts and people with knowledge and ability to tune to your hearts content. You could shoot that Kimber in IDPA CDP, USPSA Single Stack or L-10. Not sure where the Baby Eagle fits into any of the "games".


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Hello all,

I'm a new shooter just getting in to it for the first time. While talking to a officer/ steel competitor he peeked my interest in competitive shooting. I currently own a Kimber Custom II in .45 ACP as well as a IWI Baby Eagle in 9mm , and love them both. My question is which to modify for steel and/or other competitions ? Which will be most effective and obviously the cheapest to get started.

Thank you for your insight

Your Kimber is probably already set up for USPSA single stack or IDPA CDP. You'd just need extra mags, mag carriers and a good holster. 45's pretty stout for steel, but you could conceivably change out the recoil spring and load minor 45.

The Baby Eagle is a tougher sell. It might be on the IDPA ESP list, but its not on th eUSPSA production list. I've never seen one at a match.

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I am pretty sure the Baby Eagle is just fine for USPSA Production. It's identical to the Jericho 941, and it should be on the "Production List" under Magnum Research. (the gun has been around forever, wearing one label of another)

There is NO REASON to modify either gun to shoot competitions with. Just go shoot. They are both good guns as is.

Which would be cheaper. Do you reload? 9mm is going to be cheaper, by a lot.

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