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Atkins Diet

Bill Nesbitt

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If you look at some of the more recent research on fad diets (by the ADA), Atkins is NOT a good plan if you want to stay healthy over the long run (one to three years is nothing...plan for the next 20-30 years!). The only way to reduce weight is to stop the intake of calories and find a balance between caloric intake, exercise and healthy food choices.

My wife (who is diabetic) wanted to loose weight. She went to one of the registered dieticians here on campus (Ohio U.) and after some calculations based upon goals and expectations, the dietician came up with a healthy eating plan, recommendations for an exercise program and a list of things to watch out for (as far as balanced diet) as she progressed.

That was about 13 months ago...today my wife has lost over 80 lbs, is off of her diabetic meds and has blood work that puts most to shame. She has been a great example of what healthy eating and exercise can do.

I started an eating program about 2 months ago (designed for me by the same dietician) and have lost over 30 lbs and am continuing to loose at a reasonable rate. I'm starting to add exercise and hope to be 100 lbs lighter by next summer (I'm a BIG boy). The key to the program I am on is that I can eat anything I want, I just have to count it. Not heavy on carbs, has some fat, but not excessive and requires that I eat certain levels of fruits, veggies, proteins and milk every day. You can count fast foods (this is an exchange based program) and has allowed me to eat the foods I enjoy, but in moderation. I can even drink beer if I want...I just happen to be one of the few people that can't stand the taste or smell of beer. Probably goes back to my alcoholic relatives when I was young.

Anyway, if anyone would like to know more, please feel free to contact me off list and I will tell you what I know or will hook you up with Francie (the dietician) who is one of the best CD's I've met.

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parsonM1, It sounds like you're on a Modified (read LOW, not NO, Carb) Atkins diet. Hell, even Ron Popeil has a new diet that is "safer than any other diet on the market today". The only problem is that it's mostly copied from Atkins.

As far as Healthy for the long run..... Hmmm, my girlfriend has been on it for over 7 years (I asked her tonight and it turns out to be 9.5 years) and she's very healthy. Dr Atkins was very healthy for a man of his years (70+) and died due to injuries incurred in a fall on the ice (Brain Hemmorage IIRC) and he had been using HIS diet for over thirty years. I have a friend in Canada that's been on the diet for a little over 17 years, and is also diabetic, Healthy as a horse. I can point to you many sites that are full of people that have been on the Atkins diet for over 10 years and all are doing just fine.

As far as believing the opinion of a dietician or two, or the opinion of thousands of satisfied long-term users, I'm sorry but I think I'll have to go with the users...

Just because the plan doesn't work for every single person is no reason to blast it. Atkins works, PERIOD. There are some people out there that it may not work for. It's like I said in my last post, (Paraphrase) Just because my 1991A1 runs for me doesn't mean you'll have the same results, but that's no reason to blast all 1991's.

Notice that I haven't said anything bad about the diet that you're using. It works for you, congratulations and keep up the good work.....


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Didn't mean to sound so negative about Atkins. I just consider it kinda like smoking...

You can smoke for 50 years and never get cancer, but your odds are increased. With Atkins, the increased potential for cancer, liver damage and kidney problems just aren't worth it either.

Diet-review.com says of the Atkins diet:

- weight can return quickly when you stop (i.e. doesn't promote healthy eating)

- Has a high drop out rate during induction (the 0-carb period)

- Bad breath is a side effect

- High in cholesterol and saturated fats (see Web MD for volumes about the bad stuff about this)

- Low in vitamins and minerals, especially during induction

For a comprehensive review, read this link:


Sometimes, "what works for me", isn't the best or smartest path to follow.


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Marvin, Sorry for the hard-core reply above.

I have to admit that I'm not a great fan of Web MD. nuff-sed?

High drop out rate during Induction. That's an EASY one. If the person doesn't have enough dedication to make it through the first two weeks, it doesn't matter what plan they are trying, they're not going to make it.

Weight can return quickly..... Yup, That's true with any diet if you drop the good habits and go back to your old eating habits. ie Porking Out...

High risk of desease..... I don't think so. 1 Either the person was predisposed to the desease, or 2 already had it. Atkins exposes you to no more risk than any other diet that includes healthy eating. Look at the Cali Diet. "Loose 30# overnight without working out". We all know that this is a bunch of bunk. The Cali, er um, now the SouthBeach Diet is a dehydration diet that has KILLED people. Atkins uses, lessee, FOOD to get rid of pounds. Limiting certain types of foods, ie Carbs, and eating meat and veggies and fruit, just back off of the bread and pasta. Eat reasonable amounts per sitting....... Sounds like a reasonable diet to me no matter who's name is on it.

I guess, getting to the bottom line, political agenda strikes again. Popiel says his diet is best and all others are dangerous. This one says that and that one says this because everyone elses diet is bad and theirs is the only safe one.

Guns kill! Did you know that? Ask any gun grabber and they will prove it! The word gun is a bad word in the public schools. Why? Because it teaches our children about evil things and WE MUST PROTECT THE CHILDREN FROM SUCH THINGS!!! While in the real world, well adjusted kids are going hunting and shooting with their parents/adult friends. Who's right? The Teachers/experts, or REALITY?

I admit that there are many unsafe, and yes even LETHAL (read California) diets out there, but with the longevity and success rate of Atkins, don't you think there may be something to it?

I'll close again stating that I am not on Atkins. I don't belong to any Anti/support group that targets diets. I am just a person that believes a well educated decision is the best. If you get the research, study BOTH sides, and still don't like a product or system, then by all means, EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE SOMETHING ELSE! But just because it may not have been right for you doesn't necessarily mean that the product is bad for everyone.

Take care, and thanks for the safe and sane discussion. This has been fun!!!


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OK you guys - There is only one way top settle this. A controlled test subject.. ME. I am going on the Atkins Diet starting next Monday. I am at 242lbs right now. I will adhere to the diet Faithfully, report weekly. If I die we will know it is unsafe. If I lose weight we will know it works. I can't say for the liver or kidneys as I have probably ruined them with my wicked ways of my misspent youth.

My target weight is 210 - any less than that I start looking like an AIDS victim. :D

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Ok Merlind,

If you die, we have to have an unbiased witness to certify cause of death!

I would never tell anyone NOT to go on a diet. Just be careful, get good advice and do something you can stick with. And most importantly, go see your doctor before you start. Most folks I know that have tried Atkins and been somewhat successful (long term - 1-2 years) have all had the same piece of advice...READ THE BOOK. Sometimes folks try the low carb thing and don't have the foggiest idea as to what a "carb" is.

Good luck and keep us informed. To make this a valid scientific test, any chance you could get 2000 of your friends to join you and keep good research records?!


P.S. GnS...Convincing someone anti-gun they should be pro-gun is like trying to convince someone pro-gun that they should be anti-gun. Same with dieting, buying a car, underwear, comp guns, etc...

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P.S. GnS...Convincing someone anti-gun they should be pro-gun is like trying to convince someone pro-gun that they should be anti-gun. Same with dieting, buying a car, underwear, comp guns, etc...

Yup! ROFL :D

Merlin, Kewl!!!!! B)

Get starting bloodwork. Remember that induction is only two weeks! Good luck!

Take care,


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  • 1 month later...

The last time I posted on the Atkins diet I got hate mail by people who quit frankly were a little defensive about a diet that ended years of frustration.

Here's my problems with it:

1. It's a diet. It's not a life style, it dosen't teach one how to live within the calorie expedature rate of their own bodies or how to intergrate all the great foods out there that have some carbs in them. If you want to give up pasta and all that forever then fine stay ont he Adkins. But remember so many many people gain the weight back when they introduce even a little to moderate amount of carbs. Rush Limbaugh was complaining about this last week.

2. Like already mentioned Atkins used to be zero carbs and he defended it tooth and nail tll a few people died. Now the Atkins is about low carb veggies <_<

3. Here's the biggie and the truth about having to drink a lot of water: Drinking alot of water is just the convienant pretext for the real fact that on such a low carb high protein diet one has to drink a lot to take the incrdible strain off the kidneys. The proof is in the diet's first two weeks. When the body doesn't have enough carbohydrates to fuel the brain it has to convert proteins to carbs; this causes "urea" as a waste product in urine and is the reason why your supposed to use the urea sticks for the first two weeks to make sure you got it. What is the original intention of urea sticks? To tell people with kidney problems to go to the ER as they are in serious trouble. That's effed up. I suggest skipping the two week cleansing phase.

As already mentioned if you work out you need more than a low carb diet. Not nessessarily high carb but definately not low carb. I target my carbs by being relatively low carb except right after working out when the muscle glycogen stores need replaced.

The rate of obesity in America has double in the last 20 years. The fact is if your older and don't work out or have an active job then your calorie consumption is going to be very low. When one only burns about 1500 calories a day there is only so much one can eat. A 100 years ago this was a good thing during feast or famine.

Find out what your metabolism and calorie requirement is and simply eat about 500 calories less a day( vary it to prevent the body from adjusting) spread out of 4 or 5 meals and you'll loose weight.

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One month marker - 227lbs. Felt like shjt for the induction period and wanted to rest all the time. Feel like normal now and have my previous energy levels. Staying pretty much honest with the exception of more salads than allowed. I have found quite a selection of stuff at WallyWorld with the Adkins name on it and it kinda rounds the food selection out. Makes it more tolerable. I MISS MY BRAUM"S BANANA SPLITS! :P

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In my one and only post to this topic when it first got started I addressed some the concerns reflected in John Ts comments. Particulary, the kidney strain. However after reading Johns comments I do feel a need to post this. First I basiclly agree with his posititon but only on the basis that when I was on the Adkins program, I was diabetic and the disease was not diagnosed. Because of this, when I was dianosed diabetic, I was in the process of kidney failure and now have permanant kidney damage as a result of the high amounts of protein that I was consuming.

But...I think that something must be addressed and that is the word "Diet". For some reason in this country, people think that the word Diet apples strictly to a given program of eating for the purpose of loosing weight. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is that the word "Diet" applies to any eating program that one is on. If a person is eating only candy bars on a daily basis then that is their "Diet". That said I will move on. One thing about any eating program is that it should be supervised by ones Doctor. Adkins for example has a number of modifications to suit the needs of a given individual. The Adkins program that I was on was one of those modifications after my Dr. had studied Adkins for 2 years. However the target was my Cholesterol. Then the Diabetes was discovered.

In another thread I address the need for exercise and fundamental things to help those of us "getting up" in age manage our shooting sports better. Here is where I really agree with John. One MUST take into consideration their personal needs for Carbs & Protein. Exercise causes the body to have different requirments. The Stress (if any) involved with Matches causes the body chemistry to change. So it is imperative that each individual employ an eating plan according to their personal needs. Futhermore it is important to know that each individual is unique and that there are specific chemical and biochemical differences from person to person. Therfore one "Strict" eating plan is definitly not correct across the board for everyone. As John clearly mentioned, the obesity levels in our country is (paraphrased) shameful. However even with an eating plan where one looses weight and begins to feel pretty good, there are very subtle things happing on the BioChemical level that on a long term basis will (can) cause internal damage. So Johns point about having enough carbs and his leaning towards a balanced program of eating and exercise have my support.

I want to be very, very clear that I have no intention of offending anyone. I believe that each person must find and follow thier own path. I also believe in the Spiritual conditioning of a person as well. But I must say that a part of walking any path includes ones willingness to continue to learn and "hear" the experience of others. Happy Holidays and continued safe shooting.

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I've been on the Atkins diet about 2 months and have lost 45 lbs. While I was in the burn unit I was on a very high calorie, high protein, high everything diet and continued it after getting out of the hospital. They didn't tell me how long to keep eating like that. :D When my metabolism slowed my weight went up and I have been physically unable to exercise. The Atkins diet has worked for me, my energy level has been up, my blood pressure down, and I've felt good overall. It's not easy, no diet is, and I'm able to start exercise now so I will taper off the diet soon. I know that if I go back to my old eating habits my weight will go back up, no question about that. I also know that any diet is going to be hard on my system but getting the weight off is bound to be better than keeping it on. The biggest negative about the Atkins diet I've found is that it is expensive.

It's much different if you need to lose 50 or 60 lbs than if you only have 10 or 15 to lose. If I only had a to lose 10 or 15 I would just cut back on eating and excersize more.

I think the Atkins diet is more about no sugar than no carbs and that is probably the biggest benefit but I'm no Doctor and I slept at home last night.

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I started this thread on October 7 at 190 pounds. Today I am 164 and feelin' fine. :D My blood pressure is way down and so is my pulse rate. I have more energy than ever.

Atkins is low carbs at the start, then you keep adding more carbs each week until you quit loosing weight. My goal is 160# so I am really cramming the good carbs in now to keep the weight loss at a slow pace. ;) I agree that sugar is the biggest problem with what most of us eat. I am eating some lower carb bread and have a potato once in a while. With butter. B) I drink lots of water but no more than anyone "should" be drinking anyway. Atkins might not work for everybody but it works for me. I suggest that anyone that is thinking about starting Atkins should buy the book. I refer back to it often to see what I should be doing next.

Bill Nesbitt

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Thanks Lynn, but I'm a long ways from skinny. Closer than I was though. :D Gonna see how close I can get. ;)

I agee with Bill about the book, couldn't do it without one. The little supplement that shows the calories, fat, and carbs of nearly everything, even junk food, is invaluable.

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a little off topic, but wanted to say howdy to ROSS, I saw the top end you fitted for my buddy Mikck hogan in Guatemala. Nice work and good to see you back in it. (you may not remember me, Eric, you bought some .45 parts from me a year ago).

I keep hearing good things about you, and while I ahte to see or hear of bad things happening to good people, it is great to see them triumph over them.

DVC, see you out there again soon I hope.

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