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Greetings all,

I'm going to be shooting Production with a XDm-40. I'm using 180gr. CMJ Montana Golds over Win 231. I allready have all these pieces. I would like to quiz any amature to master loaders for their proven brews to make minor. ALSO, what COL and CRIMP goes with the package?

Best Regards,

Edited by Jachin
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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the recipe rstandley. I'll be loading some this week.

I found that 4.0g of N320 under an 180gr Rainier TC loaded to an oal of 1.125 gave a PF of 140 and was a very sweet load... droping to 3.9 would probably even be better maybe even 3.8. Or try that same 4.0 at an oal of 1.145 (pretty much longest that will feed thru the magazine)


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