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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Houston,Tx USPSA

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There is a match every weekend and some during the week. BAPS on the third Saturday of the month is the largest. All the matches I've been to have been of good quality. You can find a calendar of the matches in the area here:


There are two good private ranges to practice at I know of. On the Southeast side of town is PSC. http://www.psc-range.com/ West of town is the Impact Zone. http://www.theimpactzonerange.com/ Both will let you practice most everything you need to.

Edited by jtielke
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I'm interviewing for a job in Houston. Are there many USPSA clubs around the area?


I don't know when you will be in town, but the Texas Open will be held nearby at the IMPACT range the end of May.

Let us know when you will be in town and we will get you set up for a match. Lots of good shooters and good matches. You won't be disappointed.


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