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Need info on FML +2 Glock Mag. Ext.


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When I bought extra mags for my G 34 & 35, I bought FML (brand)? +2 mag ext's.

I cant get plus two in them without feeding problems (when a round is in the chamber). I have used them as much as I could with a +1 instead.

I'm not in the position to replace them and would be satisfied if they could give me +2 without any problems.

Anyone have any experience with them? Anything I can do?



PS: I bought these a while ago so I'm stuck with them.

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sell them online and get some dawson base pads. I know that isn't what you want to hear, but my dawsons never had issues.

I have had the same problem you are having. I tried switching springs, tried working the springs, tried different followers. nothing helped.

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I know that isn't what you want to hear, but my dawsons never had issues.

I have had the same problem you are having. I tried switching springs, tried working the springs, tried different followers. nothing helped.


sell them online

I was hoping someone had some luck with them. I appreciate the advise.

Now the question is do Dawsons fit in my Glockmeister Magwell?

Edited by LarryP
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I know that isn't what you want to hear, but my dawsons never had issues.

I have had the same problem you are having. I tried switching springs, tried working the springs, tried different followers. nothing helped.


sell them online

I was hoping someone had some luck with them. I appreciate the advise.

Now the question is do Dawsons fit in my Glockmeister Magwell?

They didn't fit mine...I changed to the Dawson Ice and like it a whole lot better then the GM. I've played a little with the SJC as well, but the Dawson seemed to fit my "meaty" hand a little better.

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I know that isn't what you want to hear, but my dawsons never had issues.

I have had the same problem you are having. I tried switching springs, tried working the springs, tried different followers. nothing helped.


sell them online

I was hoping someone had some luck with them. I appreciate the advise.

Now the question is do Dawsons fit in my Glockmeister Magwell?

They didn't fit mine...I changed to the Dawson Ice and like it a whole lot better then the GM. I've played a little with the SJC as well, but the Dawson seemed to fit my "meaty" hand a little better.

Thanks a bunch. Plus 1 will have to do for now, but a switch sounds like the only way.

I appreciate everyones input.


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