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Gun shop experts and their quotes


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I worked in gun shops for a number of years and usually had the policy that if a wizened old shooter came in, chances are he knew what he was talking about and it would be a good idea to shut up and listen....However, I worked with some geniuses who never got the clue. One store I was at, the manager was the brother-in-law of the owner. He loved to go on about his hunting experiences and expound his knowledge. Problem was, before he started at the store, he'd never been hunting, never shot and had no clue what he was talking about. I don't remember all the exchanges he had with customers, but they sound a lot like some of the ones here.

Then there was the last store I worked at. It was bought by a Chinese buisiness man who also had no clue about shooting. He sold one guy and old Sig P220 with the heel mag release. He told the customer it was a great gun for IPSC because it was chambered in .38 Super and that's what the top guys use! I intervened later and told him it would be a nice shooter, but would not be a good gun for IPSC. He'd rent his friends a 9mm (Beretta, Sig, Glock) and sell them 300 rounds of factory ammo. I would accompany them on the range to make sure they were safe and watch them fire all 300 rounds at a target 7m away. I usually kept that target for the next guy since there were no holes in it.

I eventually got fired/quit when he decided to have a bunch of his friends (yes, the same ones) take an IPSC course. I had been telling him all along what gear we needed to keep in stock to outfit new shooters, but it never happened. So now with the course a week away he decided he had to outfit the entire group with Safariland gear. Problem was, no-one in Canada had that stuff on hand and it would be a 4 to 6 week process to get it in. The only places we could get it on short notice was out of a certain reloading manufacturer in the US, but that they wouldn't ship until he paid his seriously overdue account. I told him in short "you're boned" and should have listened to me in the first place at which time we both decided it would be a good time for me to leave.

Pat's being very kind in his criticism of Simon. The full story would take many pages.

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A customer came into a shop and asked the twit behind the counter about a 280 Rem. for deer hunting. The clerk said it was OK but suggested he go with a larger caliber rifle like a 7mm Rem. Nice!

Makes sense to me, unless he was talking about a 7mm Express

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This really is not a Gun story but funny.

I worked in a hunting super store for a year before going back to school

Our manager was a big guy named Larry. Now Larry holds a couple NC records for hunting with a long bow.

Now his long bow draws about 80-85 lbs. no give like a compound bow.

Well one night we are all sitting around talking and a customer came up. Big strong dude in great shape along with him is his pretty significant other. Well he takes one look at Larry who is like me a big boy but much rounder and says hell that bow can't be that hard to draw back if you can do it. So Larry hands him the bow and says when you can not draw it back do not let go or I am going to hurt you real bad. So muscle guy draws the bow gets about half way back and starts shaking like it is 30 below zero. Thought he was going to chip a tooth he was shakin so hard. Lets go of the string and says to Larry there is no way in hell that YOU could pull that back. Larry snatches the bow out of the guys hand and goes to full draw holds for 25 seconds and releases. Tells Mr Muscle better be glad I am married or I would snatch that pretty little thing as well.

We all had a good laugh about that one and still do when I see him...

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At the local shop here are a few questions askeed by some fine citizenry. LOL

"Hey man can I see one of those 45's with the clutch on it."

"Hey man I want one of those 9 m - m with the mute on it." {suppresed}

" I want one of those AK's that goes clack-clack- clack- clack-clack." {selecct fire}

" I want one of those 38 snug nose with a beam on it." {crimson trace}

These are just a few I can remember of the top of my head. I hope you enjoyed!

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"You see this bullet here with the shiny case (nickel), I put it in the clip first so when I see it flip out of the gun I know it's time to reload.
Shooting Production I actually do put a nickel case in as the first round in the mag. The reason is that the nickel shows up better through the little how-many-rounds-is-in-the-mag holes. With brass and especially stained brass it can be difficult at times. Another way to make sure there are 10 in the mag. Just a quirk of mine.


Brought my newly purchased Clark Gator to a local shop to have a LaRue mount and scope mounted. Gunsmith was aware of the gun but had never seen one and was going over it like a gunsmith would. Cardboard Commando comes over and notices the Larue mount and looks over the 'smiths shoulder. "Nice mount but what is a Clark Gator? Some cheap import?" I let that one slide as the gunsmith handled it for me.

"J-frames are inaccurate guns. Not worth trying a shot past 10 feet."

"Reloading is dangerous. One primer goes off and sets off all that powder, then BOOM, you're splattered everywhere."

In a handgun context ... "There's absolutely no reason to practice past 50 feet."

In a centerfire rifle context ... "There's absolutely no reason to practice past 100 yards."

"Birdshot falls to the ground in less than 50 yards."

All of the above are from one shop in town. Quit going there as I'm tired of my IQ dropping a few points every time I go in.

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A customer came into a shop and asked the twit behind the counter about a 280 Rem. for deer hunting. The clerk said it was OK but suggested he go with a larger caliber rifle like a 7mm Rem. Nice!

Makes sense to me, unless he was talking about a 7mm Express

280 Rem./7mm Express and 7mm Remington magnum are the same caliber.


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Back when we had to take deer to the local shop to register our kill:

A gentleman we supposed was Middle Eastern came to our shop on opening day and excitedly walked in asking us, in broken English, to come outside and see his very nice kill. We of course did, genuinely interested in everyone's good fortune. He dropped the tailgate and revealed a very nice, tan, well horned Billy goat. We were all falling into each other, crying, peeing ourselves when he drove off.

That was more than 20 years ago and I still laugh.

:roflol::roflol::roflol: I will be thinking of this one all day, thanks! :)

LOL...that reminds me of a story my Father In Law tells about growning up in Upstate New York.He had an uncle that had a goat greased during deer season,in his front yard,by some fellas that had come up from NYC.His uncle was determined not to let that happen again,so every season from then on,he put brightly colored coats on them.Yes,there is/was such a thing as goat coats.Which is why our opening weekend deer camp toast is "HERE'S TO GOAT COATS!"-Mike

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I used to frequent a shop were I encountered many similar people and comments from this thread. I will never forget one comment by the shop owner.........."Just etch TACTICAL, SPECIAL OPS, or something similar on the slide of the cheapest built gun around and I will sell 10 for every well build, quality gun I sell". I watched him sell several very cheaply build 45s to mall-ninja types just because the slide had 'Special Ops' etched on it. He would even tell them and show them better quality 45s (Kimber, etc.) without success.

Edited by matt2ace
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I used to frequent a shop were I encountered many similar people and comments from this thread. I will never forget one comment by the shop owner.........."Just etch TACTICAL, SPECIAL OPS, or something similar on the slide of the cheapest built gun around and I will sell 10 for every well build, quality gun I sell". I watched him sell several very cheaply build 45s to mall-ninja types just because the slide had 'Special Ops' etched on it. He would even tell them and show them better quality 45s (Kimber, etc.) without success.

remembering the mall ninja story, i laughed like this

when i read this.
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I had this conversations yesterday with the young fellow that helped me in my local gun shop. This is one of the modern shops that as they say specialize in AR15s and TACTICAL gear and apparael. It was after work so I was in no hurry and had time.

Nemo: Hi! Can I have one of those DPMS Lower Parts Kits, please?

Young Fella' (YF): Sir I wouldn't recommend anything form DPMS.

Nemo: And why would that be?

YF: Because they have the worst manufacturig quality control in the industry.

Nemo: What would you recommend then?

YF: This one here...

And he gave me a loose grip and a small zip lock of the parts drenched in oil. No label, no brand.

Nemo: Judging by the packaging alone I'd rather buy the DPMS.

YF: That's their strategy very nice packaging to sell bad quality parts.

Nemo: And what's the difference?

YF: Quality of the parts and price. DPMS is $75 and this one is $100.

Nemo: My friend, the DPMS at $75 is already expensive but because everybody out there is out of stock, I'll buy it from you and support my local shop. Now I wanna ask you, do you sincerely believe in your heart that DPMS or Brand Y or Brand X or this other one here you just tried to sell me actually manufacture all the little pins, plungers, springs and screws in those kits? Do you think they injection mold those cheap plastic grips in house?

YF: The companies that manufacture the quality rifles we sell here do. (RRA, Noveske, LWRC, CMMG, Colt)

Nemo: Ok, thanks. How much do I owe you?

Such a young person and already beyond help, drowning in the koolaid.

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Not really an gun shop expert story, but I was working for a nationally known gunsmith a few years ago. Guy came in w/ a 1911, that he was really proud of. He said that the gunsmith at a local gun range had did a trigger job on the gun, and it was the best he ever felt. I put it on the weight and it was 11.5#. Not only that, but there were so many hitches in the pull that it was like a 4 stage trigger.

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I have a story - This guy came into a local gun shop he was wearing blue jeans and a shirt and asked for small automatic and told the clerk what he wanted. It just so happened that the clerk was the gun store owner. The man purchased the small handgun and walked out. The owner of the gun shop then called the police. He filed a stolen gun report and told them the persons name that had just purchased the gun in the store.

They went straight to the persons job and asked him what was going on before they arrested him. He pulled out the receipt for the gun and the police saw that he had indeed bought and paid for the gun in full. They went back to the store owner and told him to be more careful before he accused a "Police Officer" of stealing guns from him!! Ya think he needs a doctor for that short term memory loss?

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"They went straight to the persons job and asked him what was going on before they arrested him. He pulled out the receipt for the gun and the police saw that he had indeed bought and paid for the gun in full. They went back to the store owner and told him to be more careful before he accused a "Police Officer" of stealing guns from him!!...
My God, was that guy nutz or something...????!!!!! I find this scenario completely hard to believe! :surprise:
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"They went straight to the persons job and asked him what was going on before they arrested him. He pulled out the receipt for the gun and the police saw that he had indeed bought and paid for the gun in full. They went back to the store owner and told him to be more careful before he accused a "Police Officer" of stealing guns from him!!...
My God, was that guy nutz or something...????!!!!! I find this scenario completely hard to believe! :surprise:

Unfortunately it is very true and a well known story in my local area. If you knew the gun store owner you would not have a hard time with this story at all :) He is a little nutty.

Edited by KGentry
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"They went straight to the persons job and asked him what was going on before they arrested him. He pulled out the receipt for the gun and the police saw that he had indeed bought and paid for the gun in full. They went back to the store owner and told him to be more careful before he accused a "Police Officer" of stealing guns from him!!...
My God, was that guy nutz or something...????!!!!! I find this scenario completely hard to believe! :surprise:

Unfortunately it is very true and a well known story in my local area. If you knew the gun store owner you would not have a hard time with this story at all :) He is a little nutty.

How is it he wasn't charged with insurance fraud or filing a false report?

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"They went straight to the persons job and asked him what was going on before they arrested him. He pulled out the receipt for the gun and the police saw that he had indeed bought and paid for the gun in full. They went back to the store owner and told him to be more careful before he accused a "Police Officer" of stealing guns from him!!...
My God, was that guy nutz or something...????!!!!! I find this scenario completely hard to believe! :surprise:

Unfortunately it is very true and a well known story in my local area. If you knew the gun store owner you would not have a hard time with this story at all :) He is a little nutty.

Can you PM the name so I can avoid the shop next time I'm in the area?

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Years ago I'm at a range, firing a match, and the counter guy has two big bowls sitting in front of him, one filled with filthy brass he's sorting, the other with....popcorn. His hands absolutely black to about halfway up to the elbow. I watch him for awhile. Sort some brass, black hand a mouthful of popcorn. Brass, popcorn, brass, popcorn. Finally I stroll over.

Me: "Hey, man, aren't you worried about lead poisoning?"

Him: "Ahhhhh, that won't hurtcha."

Me: "Ooookay." And I walk off.

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