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Gun shop experts and their quotes


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"You don't need an AR, that would go through the bad guy and through your walls and your neighbors walls and all the way down the street." The suggestion? "Get a levergun in .44 mag, then you never need to worry about overpenetration. Your kids could sleep like babies in the next room over and you wouldn't have to worry about hurting them if you missed."

A woman came in looking for ammo for her airweight J frame, the clerk tried to sell her 3 boxes of ammo "First you want 2 rounds of snake shot, you know to discourage an assailant. If that doesn't work you want to have 2 rounds of .38 wadcutters because they are easier to shoot accurately. If that fails you need a full house .357 magnum jacketed hollowpoint." She asked if she really needed to carry 3 different rounds, and what if there were multiple attackers. Expert response "Well ma'am, if there is more than one attacker they will run away at the snake shot". I recommended she get a box of standard pressure .38 special hornady critical defense. Mr. Expert pointed out I wasn't a cop or anything, so what could I know. So I asked him if he was and he said no but he had to pull guns on people all the time. I left.

"Glock: Perfection"

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It's completely true. Haven't you heard of all the fatalities that happen when people accidentally smash their thumbs with a hammer? The shock wave blows their heads clean off.

Let's not even think about what happens when someone steps on your foot....

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I had to buy some factory ammo for a match. My loads were already moved south, so I just figured I would shoot a fun match with hot loads. Went to the local store, found some that looked like they may work. Asked the knowing salesman "what velocity are these". "Oh, not too fast, not too slow, you'll like them." An idiot for sure , but I would have respected him a little more if he just said "I don't know". Turns out they were about a 177 pf. Fun match.

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my buddy bought a 700 in 308 from Dicks last week(the ADL package with decent little 3x9), and had them bore sight it. Well when we pull the caps off the turrets, the top is all jacked up and wont turn. So we decided to take the whole rig back, as it wasn't bore sight either. We get there and the manager comes up to talk to us. My buddy says he just wants the scope replaced. To which the manager responds that they cant exchange part of a firearm. I asked what he meant and he said that the scope was part of the firearm and because of form 4473 they can not exchange the scope. At that point I tried to explain that the scope has nothing to due with form 4473 or they would have to do one on every scope. He didnt get it. He also quoted what I can only believe as Dick's policy as federal law more than once.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Terry...there was internet stuff going around a while back about how if the bad guy had his head against the hostage and you shot the bad guy it would kill the hostage due to the "shock wave".

Funny what people will believe without question because they read it on the internet.

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Self proclaimed gun expert, a buddy of mine who is in the guards and shoots alot of 50, told me that if a 50 bmg comes within 24 inches of your face it rips all of the skin off of it.

I asked him if that was like when that mack truck went past you at 60 in your accord it rips all the sheet metal off?

He insisted it was true...

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It’s been long enough now I can tell this little gem.


We've got all our goodies out to look at and play with in our booth

I've tuned a Glock 34 trigger to 21 oz with all safeties intact (just because you can does not mean you should)

It’s a hit, gets the point of our products across and is fun to play with.

A firearms expert walks up and declares that there has never been a decent Glock trigger ever made.

We hand him the 34,

the expert does the correct checks and points it in a safe direction and tries the trigger,

he looks very surprised and declares in a very loud voice that “somebody just put a finger in my ass”

he racks and resets the trigger and pulls the trigger once more and again in a voice only loud enough to be heard 4-5 booths away cries out “Yep there’s a finger in my ass!!!”

I gently reached for my gun back and the guys in our booth were looking horrified, our gunsmith quickly handed him a catalog and other stuff to keep his hands full and from grabbing any more guns off the counter.

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At a sporting goods chain:

Customer: What's that big shiny one?

Hunting Manager: That's a Desert Eagle in .44 Mag.

Customer: Why is it so big?

Hunting Manager: (after handing a polymer baby eagle over the counter) Do you know what this is? This is a baby eagle. The Israeli military issue this to its foorsoldiers because they have to walk around all day. The desert eagle is what they issue to officers because they just sit around.

Customer: Why is it so shiny?

Hunting Manager: So it can be drawn out of the holster faster.

It was amazing how serious he was. I could tell he believed it.


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At a sporting goods chain:

Customer: What's that big shiny one?

Hunting Manager: That's a Desert Eagle in .44 Mag.

Customer: Why is it so big?

Hunting Manager: (after handing a polymer baby eagle over the counter) Do you know what this is? This is a baby eagle. The Israeli military issue this to its foorsoldiers because they have to walk around all day. The desert eagle is what they issue to officers because they just sit around.

Customer: Why is it so shiny?

Hunting Manager: So it can be drawn out of the holster faster.

It was amazing how serious he was. I could tell he believed it.


Mitch, thanks for this post, I spent the whole day polishing my revolver. Time well spent. :D

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Mitch, thanks for this post, I spent the whole day polishing my revolver. Time well spent. :D

I am such an idiot, I just beadblasted mine thinking it would hide dirt easier; I had no idea it would slow me down so much. Lol. I am tempted to go in and ask him of he has any advice for the competitive shooter.


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I was at Academy Sports last night and I actually felt bad for the dudes behind the counter. They were slammed with newbies, who were all standing there saying "I've never even held a gun before". You had Dad trying to be cool, Mom all nervous and jittery and asking over and over "Why do we need a gun tonight?", and the kids running around air shooting at each other. Must've been a post-election rush. The guy behind the counter keeps pulling out pink Sig Mosquitos and the like and of course they all have trigger lock on them so these poor bastards didn't have a chance. Then the clerk goes off on a tangent about how the S&W Sigma is the most underrated pistol ever and that it is a way better firearm than the Glock. Priceless...

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Three today, all caliber related:

Number 1

Customer: I need some ammo for an Italian Carcano.

Clerk: What you need is that PRVI 7.5x55 Swiss right behind you.

Number 2

Customer: I am looking for a handgun for home defense in case I run into a bear in the yard. What caliber do you recommend?

Clerk: A .357 will put down a bear no matter where you hit it but a .44 will do it with authority.

Customer: How about a .40?

Clerk: Not so much so. Because the bear will get its adrenaline going when you hit it with the .40 you know?

Number 3

Clerk 1: (while holding a uberti single action and reading the stores tag) This doesn't make any sense; how can a gun he chambered in .38 Special and .38 Colt at the same time?

Clerk 2: (while helping a customer right next to clerk 1) This is a Smith 686. It is chambered in .357 and .38 Special and of course you can also shoot .38 Long Colt as well.


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Browning Citori 725 Sporting 12 gauge

I have a Browning Citori 725 Sporting 12 gauge that is right handed. Shortly after I bought it I was told that I should be shooting left handed. So, with less than

1,000 rounds shot, I am needing to sell it and purchase a left handed gun.


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Apparently Moore-n-Moore Sporting clays believes any shotgun with a barrel under 26" has no sporting purpose and is purely "for killing people".

We were turned away from their range because my Salient 22" inch Benelli wasn't a sportsman's gun..

Oh yeah and they said the folks from raahauges shooting enterprices were all drunken cowboys with beers on their holsters..

Gave the clerk a thumbs up, as I walked out before he could finish talking..

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Gmancdp...Parris Island 1978...in second phase (Rifle range) PMI looks at the assembled recruits and asks in a loud voice: "How many of you are left handed?"

A bunch of recruits raise their hands .

THe PMI makes the sign of the cross in the air and says: "You are all now right handed!"

True life no sh***er.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Older gentleman called in this morning and ask for "what's that stuff you use for the Chinese things?" One staff member trying to be helpful is drowned out by the boss saying. "Any good soft point cartridge will do Sir, as long as you have sighted in and don't let them get moving too fast!".

Not the wrong answer as such, but a little unhelpful, the older Gentleman, understood the mirth and said "thanks for the advise, I did plenty of that some years back, but I think you know what I mean!"

Eventually after some stupidity he got some 7.62x39 and a coffee.

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My father, may he rest in peace, was lead bombadier in a squad of B29's that few over Japan. He came home with a DFC, and spent his post war career working for the CIA.

He was a Chinese AMERICAN, born and raised in the Bronx, NYC. His mother was born in California. His son, a Chinese AMERICAN born in Washington DC, went to college on a CIA scholarship. His daughter in law, born in China, is a naturalized AMERICAN citizen, who, like her husband's forebears, came to this country with her family for the opportunities that the US offered to anyone with the heart and determination to make good for themselves. His grandson, now about to graduate from college, is a fifth generation AMERICAN.

Some of my wife's family is in NZ and Australia, much for the same reasons.

Not all Chinese are communists, Not all Chinese are enemies of the USA or its allies or its way of life. Some are proud to be AMERICANs (or Kiwis, or Aussies).

So, I'm not smiling...

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My father, may he rest in peace, was lead bombadier in a squad of B29's that few over Japan. He came home with a DFC, and spent his post war career working for the CIA.

He was a Chinese AMERICAN, born and raised in the Bronx, NYC. His mother was born in California. His son, a Chinese AMERICAN born in Washington DC, went to college on a CIA scholarship. His daughter in law, born in China, is a naturalized AMERICAN citizen, who, like her husband's forebears, came to this country with her family for the opportunities that the US offered to anyone with the heart and determination to make good for themselves. His grandson, now about to graduate from college, is a fifth generation AMERICAN.

Some of my wife's family is in NZ and Australia, much for the same reasons.

Not all Chinese are communists, Not all Chinese are enemies of the USA or its allies or its way of life. Some are proud to be AMERICANs (or Kiwis, or Aussies).

So, I'm not smiling...

Dude, google John Wayne and hyphenated American and watch or read it and relax. I should be pissed at all Americans for taking the land from my people but I do not use my heritage to foment hate. I am an American.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back to regular programing.

A few days ago at a local range teaching a friend how to shoot. target at 5yds. Tacticool ninja overhears me talking about front sight focus. He loudly says at 5 yds you don't need sights. Moves his target closer and proceeds to fire 8 shots from his Kimber as quickly as he can. 2a's and the rest might have well been buckshot.

I borrow my 1911 back from my friend say something about paying close attention to the rhythm of the gun and rip of 8 shots with .23 splits all azone hits. I mention to tacticool I had my shot timer running and if he would like a breakdown of his split times. He shot another mag and left.

Buddy says "he can sure pull the trigger fast. Must be expensive being that bad"

I almost fell over laughing.

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