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SV or STI mags?


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OK I need to pick up a few .40 mags and can get the STI mags used from a few fellow shooters. What are these worth used? I see they are $60 new and in stock on a few websites. What are the main differences between the STI and SV mags? How can I tell them apart? I have an SV in .40 with two mags that I picked up used but but I'm told the two mags I have are STI. Are the SV mags really worth the extra $40-60.

I apologize if this is in the wrong area.



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In 40 either will work just fine.

SVI have ribs down each side of the magazine.

Think you have that backwards. STI mags are the ones with the ribs.The Sv mags just have flatter sides, with about a 32nd of a inch recess on each side. They look alot like a SPS mag. Of course there are alot of basepad options that change the look of both. I started with sti mags, but now shoot mostly sv. I like how much smoother the sv mags are for reloading, and generally speaking they will have higher capacity with aftermarket components. Actually, if you can get them, the new SV mags, directly from SV with their pad, offers 21 rnds stock. I just got one, and they are really nice.

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Personally I wouldnt waste money on complete mags unless they already had the pads and guts I wanted. A $60 STI mag will arrive and have the base pad and follower and most likely the spring replaced, Seams to me new tubes are $48

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