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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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May 3rd, setup at 8am, New shooters check at 9:30, go hot at 10:30.

5 pistol stages and 1 rifle side match

We run the pistol stages twice in 2 different divisions. The rifle stage will be ran with the 1st run of pistol.

The round count for pistol is 90 rounds.

Classifier is: CM 06-04 Fluffy's revenge 1

Rifle is the long gun this month with a 32 round stage.

Chamber flags are going to be required next month and available to you for 1$ this month if you don't have one. You have a holster for your pistol that marks it as safe we think a 1$ safety flag isn't to much to ask. PLease have them flagged before you bring them to the range if you have flags. If you don't please get a flag and flag them when putting them on the rack and when you get done shooting thanks.

Corey Estill

Edited by steel1212
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I hate to do it but do to the monsoon that will be here at about noon, I've decided its best to cancel instead of try to man up and fight through it.

Nancyboy! :roflol:

Actually, I just unloaded the truck.

Good call.


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I hate to do it but do to the monsoon that will be here at about noon, I've decided its best to cancel instead of try to man up and fight through it.

Nancyboy! :roflol:

Actually, I just unloaded the truck.

Good call.


Oh I'm waiting for those "Nancy" emails from those that would have shown up at 10:30 shot one run of nothing but pistol then left lol.

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Country and state maybe nearest town, county, landmark and what the abbreviations stand for are also good to have in a match announcement. People that allready know this info probably already know about the match.

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Country and state maybe nearest town, county, landmark and what the abbreviations stand for are also good to have in a match announcement. People that allready know this info probably already know about the match.

There are directions on the web site www.bgslinc.com.

Stay Safe,


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