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Revolver Front Sight Color


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I am planning on buying a new front sight for my S&W 625. Currently I have a black partridge sight on the gun, but I would like something that stands out better. I have browsed through the forums already trying to find a recommendation for this but to date I haven't had any luck finding information.

I am planning on a SDM front sight and a millet rear sight (if I can find a black target sight). My question is what color would you get for the front sight?

Green Fiber Optic

Red Fiber Optic

Gold Beat

Thanks for your recommendations.


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deadeye204- I have the SDM green FO on my 625,

with a Millett black target rear blade. I have found

the green works better for me that the red ones.

I use green in both the 625 and my limited guns.

Someone at the range must have one for you to

try! :rolleyes:

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I am planning on buying a new front sight for my S&W 625. Currently I have a black partridge sight on the gun, but I would like something that stands out better. I have browsed through the forums already trying to find a recommendation for this but to date I haven't had any luck finding information.

I am planning on a SDM front sight and a millet rear sight (if I can find a black target sight). My question is what color would you get for the front sight?

Green Fiber Optic

Red Fiber Optic

Gold Beat

Thanks for your recommendations.


Is your front sight the standard "OEM" pinned blade (for lack of better terminology)?

If so, where did you get it, and can I get the one you have if you replace it? :devil: I have the 629 with the ramp front sight and plastic insert. I want a just plain black sight.



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As you age your eyes can pick up green better than red. I am not sure where I read that but it was some type of medical thing and I did put it to the test and it seems that I can see green better than red. I wish EoTech and some of the smaller(JP, Doctor, Burris FastFire) would make some dot scopes in green.

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An optometrist told me that our eyes are naturally attenuated to the green spectrum of lightwaves, so we see green

the best. Also, in the fiber optics, green is much brighter than red. I have orange that is also brighter than red. If you

hold them up side by side, the red is a distant 3rd place in brightness compared to the other two. The gold bead

sometimes has a glare or starburst effect that makes it hard to tell where the center is. Also, the fiber optics can

clearly be seen outdoors until there is almost no light left, long after the guys with black sights have to give up.

I have shot matches in dark, rainy weather where people were straining to see their black sights and mine were

clearly visible ( I have fiber optic front and rear ). A lot of people get along just fine with black sights most of the

time. I can see them OK under ideal conditions, but anything less is a problem. Ideal conditions don't occur on a

regular schedule. I use orange front and green rear. Sights are definitely in the personal preference category.

I make regular width .125 black and fiber optic and narrow width .100 black and fiber optic, pin on and classic.

The pin on ones come in .200, .250, and .300 height. The classic or clip on come in .250 and .300 height. The .200

tall ones are primarily for .22 such as model 17 or 617. Anyone with questions is welcome to call or email and I will

help any way that I can.

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I'm 62 and have been shooting USPSA for 30 years and IDPA since the beginning, almost. As I got older I added FOFS to 2 of my semis and plan to add one to my SSR if I can find someone to do it (non-pinned). I prefer the green because it remains a sharp dot whereas the red/orange fuzzes out.



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Our club uses orange plastic fencing for soft cover. I lost my red fiber optic front sight in it the first time I tried it and swithched to green. No problems since. My opinions are worth exactly what you pay for them though. :unsure:

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+1 On Green. I used red for about 4 yrs. Switched to green about 2 yrs ago and have never looked back (no pun intended). A lot of my friends are making the switch as well. I have SDM sights w/ green on my Revos and SDM green fiber in my 1911's. His fiber optic material is the brightest I've seen.


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I put a new green Protical Design .100 FO on my 625 to replace a .125 EDM red. Once it quits snowing I plan to check the zero for a match this weekend. I know don't change stuff just before a match but the snow beats the 30 MPH winds of last week.

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I have a red FO on my 4" 625, which I really liked. Then I had a green FO put on my 5" 625 with a Millett .360 black rear. Although I can still use the one with the red, I definitely prefer the green. YMMV. My advice is to try and find someone with each color, and see which you like better.

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I have been using a red SDM FO sight on my S&W revo for 9 years, but I am planning to switch to green some time soon. One thing that improves the S&W rear sight for less money than the Millet or LPA replacements is to simply replace the rear blade with a Weigand rear blade. It is a big improvement over the oem blade, for only about $30. The only trick is that you have to replace the barrel screw (windage adjustment) as well. I just sent my rear sight off to Weigand, and they sent it back in a week or so with the new blade installed.

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There's a reason so many fire trucks and ambulances are chartreuse.

I don't think I have ever seen a green fire truck in real life.

Chartreuse, not green. It is the most visible color to the human eye.

edit: I went to find the HTML code for chartreuse, and discovered that usage apparently changed in the early 1990s. I finished grad school in the late 80s, so the terminology is a little confusing. That said, this snippet from Wikipedia should clear things up:

Since about 1973, a sort of fluorescent chartreuse (traditional) (chartreuse yellow) color has been adopted as the color of fire engines in parts of the United States and elsewhere. The reason behind this is that chartreuse fire engines are more visible on the streets than the traditional red fire engines, especially at night (the reason for this is the Purkinje Effect, i.e., the cones do not function as efficiently in dim light, so red objects appear to be black). In Australia and New Zealand this form of chartreuse yellow is also known as "ACT Yellow" as this is the color of the fire engines in the Australian Capital Territory.

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I still like BLACK for my front sight Fiber optic !!! :cheers:


+1 I find the FO on the SDM sights are too big. That makes it hard for me to see the top or the sight and I try to aim with the dot instead of the top of the sight.

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I am planning on buying a new front sight for my S&W 625. Currently I have a black partridge sight on the gun, but I would like something that stands out better. I have browsed through the forums already trying to find a recommendation for this but to date I haven't had any luck finding information.

I am planning on a SDM front sight and a millet rear sight (if I can find a black target sight). My question is what color would you get for the front sight?

Green Fiber Optic

Red Fiber Optic

Gold Beat

Thanks for your recommendations.


Go to the paint department in Lowe's, Home Depot, whatever, and walk by the paint color selection section. Pick whatever color catches your eye. Take the paper sample, do a quick shave and glue it to your partridge sight. That's what I did for years with my M-19 before I migrated to my 25-2.............

Cheapskate Charlie

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I still have the old "Bullshooters?" sight insert stuff we used for colored sight inserts before FO. Went thru every color I could blend/mix. Yellow/green (chartreuse?) was best then and I use green FO now. Workks best for me with both younger and older eyes.

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