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What gun


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Which gun should I get?

It really does have a lot of variables, sort of like asking what kind of car should I buy? Depends what you want to do with it.

I'd recommend a Glock in 9mm for beginning shooting in USPSA matches. 9mm is the cheapest ammo out there and it will be the cheapest for practice. if you want to use the same pistol for self-defense you can buy some great defensive ammo for it. Shoot in production class and 9mm is no handicap.

I shoot a Glock 34 but a 17 is a bit cheaper.

Glocks also have a large selection of after market accessories and parts for them.

The Smith and Wesson M&P or Springfield Xd are also great pistols. try to get to a range and shoot each (and others) to see which you like and shoot the best.




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Come on guys, here's here because he doesn't know, we all started somewhere. I would go with either a glock or a M&P. Feel free to message me if you have any questions.

Yes, and I put a smiley face and a link to a thread where I spent a lot of time (as did others) explaining how to narrow down the choices and how to approach the sport....if they take a few minutes and read that they'll get a far better answer than a one liner here suggesting brand x, y or z. Blindly asking what gun someone should buy is like asking "who should I marry". You wouldn't go to a car forum and ask what car to buy...anybody knows that. R,

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Welcome to the forum!

Which gun should I get?

Believe it or not this question is the very least of your concerns at this point. As long as what you get goes bang when you pull the trigger there are tons of other things to work on.

Searching and reading here will save you more money and time than you could imagine.


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I have a Glock 34 that I loan new shooters when they come to their first match and don't have a gun. Why? Because it goes Bang every time you pull the trigger. After you have been shooting a while, you will start seeing guns that others shoot and have an opportunity to shoot them, ( most shooters will load you a magazine full of bullets and after you are done ask you if you want more :cheers: )

Don't rush into the purchase of a "race" gun. As 3quartertime said, you will have loads of stuff to learn.

Good luck, Welcome to the Forums.


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I'd have to say a Desert Eagle in .50AE is the way to go....really, it's a manly gun, the magazine well is huge so it's hard to miss during reloads and it's got a nice set of sights on it.

Okay I purchased the Desert Eagle in .50AE today. Do I need to do anything special to it? This is a good gun because it will knock down the steel very easily, correct?

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I'd have to say a Desert Eagle in .50AE is the way to go....really, it's a manly gun, the magazine well is huge so it's hard to miss during reloads and it's got a nice set of sights on it.


Or just read here:


That is so wrong!!! :roflol:

Really, though, it is akin to asking the "who should I marry" question. It does depend on a lot of things - what do you want to do? If you are just starting to shooting in general and your goal is to get out and plink, or are you looking to get into serious competition? Obviously, BE has a LOT of very serious shooters out there in competition; however, there are lots of us who just enjoy shooting in just about any capacity. The Glock in 9mm, such as the G34 is great as you could start competing right out of the box. If you are new to shooting, it will be a while before you can outshoot the gun. I looked at this as I did when I started to learn to play the guitar - I can play a good basic (not necessarily the cheapest) guitar as badly as a very expensive one!!! :surprise:

And yes, the DE 50 AE will certainly shoot steel - once. Either they will run you off for putting those nice little dents in their plates or you will go broke pushing ammo through that beast :roflol:

As you do some research and reading here, you will certainly come up with lots of questions. There is a wealth of information here with all of the top-notch competitors here (I am not one of them!). They are happy to help!

My .02, which when adjusted for today's economic situation is really and truly worthless! :devil:

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I'd have to say a Desert Eagle in .50AE is the way to go....really, it's a manly gun, the magazine well is huge so it's hard to miss during reloads and it's got a nice set of sights on it.

Okay I purchased the Desert Eagle in .50AE today. Do I need to do anything special to it? This is a good gun because it will knock down the steel very easily, correct?

That .50AE will probably send the steel cartwheeling. :roflol: The RO will probably make you set your own steel. Great to see you have a sense of humor. Forgive Bart as he is one of the forum members who easily shares almost any and almost all information he has. Notice I said almost. Follow the link at the bottom of his reply and start your journey into the world of IPSC/USPSA shooting. You have some research to do before you arrive at a conclusion as to which gun to buy. Take a good look at the rules of the game (www.uspsa.com) to see what division(s) you might be interested in shooting. Find a club in your area and attend a match. Introduce yourself to some of the shooters and ask your questions. You will get answers there also.

Feel free to PM me and we can exchange info.



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I'd have to say a Desert Eagle in .50AE is the way to go....really, it's a manly gun, the magazine well is huge so it's hard to miss during reloads and it's got a nice set of sights on it.

Okay I purchased the Desert Eagle in .50AE today. Do I need to do anything special to it? This is a good gun because it will knock down the steel very easily, correct?

LOL....whew, glad you have a sense of humor :P

If you're going to shoot USPSA/IDPA matches there's no doubt that getting with your local club will be the best start. Pretty much anybody will let you try their guns out and you'll find out what really works and what doesn't. You'll have to decide what division you want to shoot and that'll be a combination of what's popular where you are, what your budget is and what simply appeals to you the most. All of them are fun, all are competitive and you simply do not have to spend a ton of money to get started (unlike what most folks think).

I'm not sure what Pat was talking about....I'll share all of the little bit of knowledge I have....well, except with Pat since he's so mean and stuff :lol:

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I'd have to say a Desert Eagle in .50AE is the way to go....really, it's a manly gun, the magazine well is huge so it's hard to miss during reloads and it's got a nice set of sights on it.

Okay I purchased the Desert Eagle in .50AE today. Do I need to do anything special to it? This is a good gun because it will knock down the steel very easily, correct?


Smartass, huh?

You'll fit in nicely!

Where are you located? We maybe can hook you up with some folks that have a variety on hand for you to try.

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I'd have to say a Desert Eagle in .50AE is the way to go....really, it's a manly gun, the magazine well is huge so it's hard to miss during reloads and it's got a nice set of sights on it.

Okay I purchased the Desert Eagle in .50AE today. Do I need to do anything special to it? This is a good gun because it will knock down the steel very easily, correct?

The RO will probably make you buy your own steel.

Fixed that comment, I think this is what you meant to say...

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